Document information

Physical location:

GRG 19/391, State Records of South Australia, Adelaide. 89.03.24a

Plant names

Preferred Citation:

Ferdinand von Mueller to Maurice Holtze, 1889-03-24 [89.03.24a]. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed October 18, 2024

Zu meiner grossen Freude, geehrter Herr Holtze, kam heute Ihr Schreiben vom 9 März u Ihr Päckchen Pflanzen an. In den nächsten Tagen werde ich die beiden Arten 860 & 861 mit denen von Queensland u anderen Ländern vergleichen, auch die 862
Könnten Sie von der kleinen Schlingpflanze 791 wohl Frucht senden, einfach in einem Couvert. Ohne solche lässt sich das Genus nicht bestimmen, denn es sind bereits 7000 Arten aus der Familie der beschrieben. Sie können also denken, wie schwierig es ist, sich unter soviel Pflanzen dieser Ordnung zurecht zu finden, zumal da manche tropische Formen sich über die westl. sowohl als die östl.
M omitted a word here, probably 'Halbkugel'.
Die Centennial Ausstellung ist nun vorüber; so werde ich wohl etwas mehr Ruhe bekommen zum Beschreiben von Pflanzen in 1889. Ich habe manche Ihrer Sendungen zur Ausstellung bewundert.
Hoffentlich haben Sie die 7te Ausgabe der "Select plants" erhalten durch die Public Library von Melbourne.
Ihrem Wunsche gemäss sende ich wieder Wurzelausläufer von .
Sie ehrend und Ihnen alles Gute wünschend
Ferd. von Mueller
24 March 1889.
To my great joy, dear Mr Holtze, your letter of 9 March
Letter not found.
and your small packet of plants arrived today. In the next few days I shall compare both the species No. 860 and 861
The result of the comparison is in M to M. Holtze, 7 April 1889.
with those from Queensland and other countries, also the No. 862.
In M to M. Holtze, 20 October 1888, M requested further details of 'the slender orchid', which was apparently mislaid when he went to work on it (see M to M. Holtze, 26 January 1889 (in this edition as 89-01-26a)). M to M. Holtze, 12 June 1889, contains M's identification.
Would it be possible to send fruit of the little climbing plant No. 791,
See M to M. Holtze, 1889.
just in an envelope. Without them it is not possible to determine the genus, as already 7000 species have been described in the family . So you can imagine how difficult it is to find one's way around so many plants of this order, especially as many tropical forms extend across the western as well as the eastern [...].
M omitted a word here in his text, probably intending 'hemisphere'.
The Centennial Exhibition is now over, so I may get a little more peace in 1889 to describe plants. I have admired many of your entries to the Exhibition.
Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne (1888), pp. 99-101. In the Northern Territory of South Australia section, Holtze had six exhibits: No 7, Babool tree; no 17, jute, flax, cotton, hemp &c; no 20, arrowroot tapioca, mandioca, sweet potato, and yam starch; no 22, nutritious and condiment tubers; no 24, sugar cane; no. 70 agricultural soil.
I hope you have received the 7th edition of the Select plants
through the Public Library of Melbourne.
The Public Library distributed all Victorian Government Printing Office publications at this period.
According to your wish I am sending you once more rooted runners of .
See M to M. Holtze, 4 May 1888 (in this edition as 88-05-04b).
Sending you my respects and wishing you all the best
Ferd. von Mueller.