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The published works of Ferdinand J. H. Mueller ¶ Dedicated to the memory of Doris Sinkora (1927-2017) ¶ Dedication ¶ This list is a ‘third edition’ of Churchill, Muir and Sinkora (1978) and their 1984.... R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed January 22, 2025

The published works of Ferdinand J. H. Mueller
Dedicated to the memory of Doris Sinkora (1927-2017)
Last updated 15 December 2024.
This list is a ‘third edition’ of Churchill, Muir and Sinkora (1978) and their 1984 supplement. The ‘second edition’, prepared under Doris Sinkora’s supervision, is ‘Appendix B: Mueller bibliography’ in Home, Lucas, Maroske, Sinkora and Voigt (2006), pp. 566-685.
Doris Sinkora began work on assembling the list in the early 1970s at the National Herbarium of Victoria. She and Bruce Muir collected and edited the material, but it is due to Doris that the list extended beyond the explicitly taxonomic publications (Maroske (2018)). That inclusion of his wider publications shed much light on the extent of Mueller’s involvement in other activities.
Doris continued to supervise the enlargement of the list beyond 1984, curating items as they were reported by others especially, from 1987, the editors and paid and volunteer research assistants of the von Mueller Correspondence Project. The additions to 1998 are included in the second edition.
When Doris was unable to continue curating the list Sara Maroske assumed that role, later passing it to Arthur Lucas. We have had the advantage of internet search facilities, but the hard hours manually searching libraries, catalogues and indexes produced an excellent foundation: Doris even obtained a ‘stack pass’ for the State Library of Victoria so that she could trawl for unindexed 19th century material.
All known publications of which Mueller is acknowledged as, or has been shown to be, author or translator are included. Contemporary re-publications in whole or in substantial part are included, but not paraphrases. Letters to the Editor and letters to third parties that were published over Mueller’s name are also included. Some published extracts of letters to third parties have been listed. Even if the proportion of the item comprising the Mueller quotation is small, it has been included in this bibliography if it demonstrates Mueller’s advice or concerns. The agricultural press often quoted from editions of Mueller’s Select extra tropical plants…, but only substantial extracts that quote most of a long entry are included. Modern print on demand or twentieth century microfiche or print editions are excluded. The first of the three twentieth century publications is a delayed printing of an item received in London in 1894.
See Francis Petrie to M, 8 April 1894, in the Correspondence as 94-04-08a.
The others are Portuguese editions of Select extra-tropical plants; Mueller had been seeking a translator since 1881, but a translation was not completed before he died in 1896.
Ellwood Cooper, of the Santa Barbara College, California, republished
Because of potential ambiguity, unless in a quotation reprint is used to mean instances where the original publisher has either included the item in a later edition or has issued the item as a stand-alone piece using the same type, perhaps repaginated. When an item is issued by another publisher republished or republication is used.
several of Mueller’s works in 1876. These republications are bibliographically difficult. Two volumes with identical title pages were produced, one with 237 pages and the other with 621 pages; some of Mueller’s items were included in each and some included in the first were omitted from the second. The shorter version includes an essay by Cooper and an extract from a Sydney nurseryman’s catalogue; the longer contains data on temperature and rainfall at Melbourne, as well as the republications of Mueller’s articles. The shorter version was published by July 1876, when it was reviewed in Daily Alta California (San Francisco), 24 July 1876, p. 2. In this listing the shorter version is referred to as edition 1 and the longer as edition 2.
Some items were summarised, often in translation, in other journals or bibliographies. Where these summaries are extensive, or include lists of new taxa, details are noted under the relevant entry. No exhaustive search has been made for such summaries, but they have been noted when found.
Mueller is the author of plant names in publications by many other authors, for example, in a series of papers on Papuan Orchids (Kränzlin (1894), Kränzlin (1895)) and algae in Harvey (1858–1863). These items are not included as publications by Mueller. Australian vascular plants that Mueller authored in his own or others publications are easily found using the author search facilities in AP NI , Australian Plant Name Index, or to include plants named by Mueller from extra-Australian localities, IPNI , the International Plant Names Index. For non-vascular plants, see the relevant specialist data bases, such as Guiry & Guiry, AlgaeBase .
Some nineteenth-century bibliographies include Educational collections of Australian plants, Parts I–III, 1873, 1875, 1876. These are exsiccatae, and although important and reviewed in several places, are not considered publications in this bibliography; nor are the sets of Mueller’s Australian collections offered for sale in the early 1850s in an editorial footnote to a paper in Linnaea; see also Lucas et al. (2006, pp. 34–36) and Maroske (2007).
The bibliography in Knapp (1877) has proved useful in identifying some translated extracts of publications, which are entered in the publication list, and extended summaries, details of which are added as a note to the relevant entry. Knapp also includes references to reviews of Mueller’s works; these are not listed here.
Some of Knapps citations are tentative. Where these can be reconciled with an item in the bibliography this is done silently. Some, however, are spurious. These are included, with comment, in the list of spurious attributions provided below.
The volumes of Repertorium annuum Literaturae Botanicae periodicae have also been examined, and the entries treated in the same way as those in Knapps bibliography.
Structure and arrangement of entries
The bibliography entries are arranged in chronological order by month of publication, e.g. 85.10.04 = year of publication (1885) + month of publication (October) + number of this reference in the bibliography (fourth for October 1885). The last two digits have no chronological significance, merely showing the sequence in which items were added to the bibliography. The exceptions to this format relate to early twentieth century publications, items where the month of publication is not known, and items that are jointly authored, thus in 05.13.01, 05 = 1905 not 1805, and 13 = the month of publication is not known; in 88.14.01, 14 = a jointly authored publication regardless of the order of the authors names. For jointly authored items the month of publication, if known, is given in the notes to the entry.
An entry comprises the bibliography number, and details of the publication.
It may also include up to three note fields, each enclosed in square brackets. The leading optional field describes the nature of the item, if not a standard article or volume; immediately following the bibliographical details there may be an annotation drawing attention to features of the item, which may be followed by a field with internal cross-references. For example,
58.08.03 [Letter] In Aufforderung zum Eintausch von Australischen Sämereien. Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung, 14, 383. [in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 58.13.05] [See also 58.08.01]
has all three optional elements. This example is one that has been re-dated. The former reference number is noted. That earlier number is also listed in the sequence and cross-referred to the new date:
58.13.05 [see 58.08.03]
Some items in the previous edition have been deleted and a short explanation of the reason for deletion provided:
61.13.08 [Deleted; entry was Mueller’s brief note on his editorial interventions when he transcribed the field books kept by William Wills during the exploration journey from Coopers Creek to the Gulf of Carpentaria and return, and recovered at Coopers Creek after Wills death.]
Reasons for redating are given in the notes, except when it is an item from the following sources. For Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, the list showing dates of publication of parts of the proceedings for each year in the Index to Volumes I-L published by the Society in 1929 has been used without comment; for Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, the tabulation in TL2, publication number 3013, has been followed; for Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt, the dating is based on the notice at the end of each issue stating when it was closed. Botanisches Centralblatt, a weekly journal, does not give the actual day of publication before 1889 but an issue number for the year is given; articles from it have been dated to month on the assumption that they were published mid-week as they were when the issues began to be dated. Hamburger Garten– und Blumenzeitung is dated on the assumption that the 12 issues for each volume were issued monthly.
Many newspapers, especially those whose editions consisted only of four pages, did not number their pages, but the actual page in the issue is given without comment.
The style used here follows that used in the previous editions, with three exceptions. Firstly, citations to newspapers and similar are given as date and page number, rather than volume and part, as this is the form most easily found using digital newspaper files online. Secondly, the titles of journals are given in full, rather than abbreviated, as this also facilitates searching for them online. Thirdly, cross-references to republications or extracts are given in full only once, with other entries pointing to the item under which the full list is given; for example, [see also 72.07.01 &c.] leads to Mueller’s article Select plants (exclusive of timber trees) readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses, where the entry numbers of all of the more than 65 known republications or substantial extracts are listed.
The author of the entries is to be read as F. [von] Mueller; in jointly authored publications he is represented by ___, e.g. ___ & O. W. Sonder = F. Mueller & O. W. Sonder.
Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae* **was printed and issued in parts. Each issue is listed as a separate entry according to its date of publication, and the number of the bound volume in which they were also issued is given. The month of issue of the final parts of each of the volumes of Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae *is not printed on their final page; nor were they given a fascicle number. The final parts always contained an index, and usually additional material. Indexes are not dated and almost certainly were printed later than the rest of the volume but, except for 75.13.01, the indexes have been retained in the same entry as the corresponding additional material, consistent with George (2005). Comments are provided when there is evidence of a substantial delay in printing the index. The titles of the sections in the final fascicles are indicated in these entries, for example
59.13.04 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 1 (Additamenta ad volumen primum; Explicatio partis analyticae illustrationum; index), 241-252. [ included in bound volume 60.02.04]
Other titles issued in parts also give the number of the bound volume as issued, for example
71.05.02 Succinct observations on a new genus of fossil Coniferae. In Reports of the Mining Surveyors and Registrars. Quarter ending 31st March 1871. Appendix B, 48–49, plan, section & plate 1. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1871, 2 (No. 26). (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 18 May] [see also 72.01.11, 74.13.11; reissued as part of 74.13.07]
The entries for the consolidate volumes list the numbers of the parts it contains, for example
77.13.14 Descriptive notes on Papuan plants. vol. 1. 1875 (Government Printer: Melbourne) [bound volume; contains 75.11.01, 76.04.01, 76.06.01, 76.12.03, 77.02.01, 77.13.02. The date of issue of the bound volume has not been determined. Presentation copies inscribed by Mueller to Arthur King (Library, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria) and Dr W. P. Gibbons (Library, University of California, Berkley) are undated; Kings College London, in its Foreign and Commonwealth Office Historical Collection, has a bound copy, stamped Received C.O. 20 Sep 1878. The University of Chicago has a copy of the complete work, stamped on the title page Received April 25 1877 Department of Agriculture, but this has been locally bound with the dedication page at the end of the volume and the final part may have been received later than the date shown.]
Before*** ****Parliamentary Papers*** were published, they were ordered to be printed after tabling in the relevant House. Papers usually carry a date when they were tabled and ordered to be printed, or that date can be found from Votes and proceedings of the relevant legislature. Papers rarely have any more precise date of issue than the year, sometimes clarified by reference to a specific session of Parliament. Notices, occasionally republication, in newspapers often show when a paper was issued, usually very close to the date they were ordered to be printed. Where there is evidence of an apparent substantial delay before the paper was issued this is indicated in a note.
Extra-prints that filled the role of 20th century page-proofs, preprints and reprints were often distributed by Mueller.
Discussed in Lucas (2023).
Cases where extra-prints were not followed by the intended publication, or are known to have significantly preceded publication in the journal, have been noted, for example
91.08.03 Brief remarks on some rare Tasmanian plants. [Almost certainly a proof of 92.06.02; it must have been sent, at least to German journals, soon after the paper was read on 17 August 1891 to have appeared in the 7 October 1891 issue of Botanisches Centralblatt, 91.10.02; in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 92.13.05] [see also 92.06.02 &c.]
Effective publication under the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants (Turland et al. 2018) is not established by inclusion in Mueller’s publication list below.
In some cases, the date on the title page of a publication differs from the date of issue. Where known, the latter date has been used in the bibliography number of the item.
Letters cited in the notes are included under the given date in the Correspondence. Where there is more than one letter of the relevant date the citation is extended to give the precise file number of the letter:
60.01.05 Address of the President, Ferdinand Mueller, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.G. & L.S., &c., &c. (Mason & Firth: Melbourne). [A preliminary version was distributed by 25 January 1860, see letter F. McCoy to Mueller, 26 January 1860; proofs were returned 26 January 1860, see letter Mueller to J. Macadam 26 January 1860, in the Correspondence as* 60-01-26a. In Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. *(1998) as 60.13.10] [see also 60.06.02].
Except for a very small number of cases, items with a bibliography number have been seen by an editor, either in the original hard-copy form, as photocopies, scans or in web-based facsimiles. The exceptions have notes explaining their inclusion. Unseen items cited elsewhere which have not been shown to be spurious are listed below in the section Cited works not seen.
Where available, links to URLs of sites providing access to page images are given. Links are accessed via the item number. Neither the von Mueller Correspondence Project nor the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria has any responsibility for the stability of these links. Where possible, precise links to the beginning of the item have been given. For newspapers, especially, the link is often to a section of a page, not always to the beginning of the article itself. In some cases, the links are to a whole volume, when the site search facility can usually be used to find the article. For works issued in decades, for example, Eucalyptographia,* the grouped entries used in the previous editions are preserved, with the link from the item number leading to the first of the decades included in the entry; links to the other decades in the entry may be given in the notes. Where the issue of the journal in which the item appeared is not available online, a link, if available, is given to a version held in a library as a proof or extra-print. Images of these sheets should not be relied upon for critical work as it is known that in some cases Mueller corrected the text before the definitive version appeared. Some links are behind a pay-wall and require a subscription, but wherever possible such sites are known to be licenced by many institutions, for example ProQuest* and* JSTOR*.
It is probable that more items will be found, especially in newspapers. The value of this bibliography will be greatly enhanced by anyone able to supply additional material or references. Please send details, including a URL if available, to or Mueller Correspondence Project, National Herbarium of Victoria, Private Bag 2000, Birdwood Avenue, South Yarra, Victoria, Australia, 3141.
Spurious attributions of authorship
Citations to supposed works by Mueller that have been shown to be spurious are listed here. Some of the spurious titles contain errors in the spelling of plant names: attention is drawn to these cases in the notes to the citation.
n.d. Botanical Report on the North Australian Expedition. Transactions of the Philosophical Society of New South Wales.
Item 141 in Knapp (1877), in the section Nur dem Titel nach bekannte Arbeiten Mueller’s [Mueller’s works only known by title]. No paper by Mueller has been found in Transactions of the Philosophical Society of New South Wales. It is possible that Mueller presented a version of his paper that became 58.05.01 to a meeting of the Society while he was living in Sydney in early1857, working up the botanical results of The North Australian Exploring Expedition. The completed report was sent to Augustus Gregory on 20 May 1857, see covering letter in the Correspondence as 57-05-20a. However, no report of such a presentation has been found in the Sydney press, nor was it published in The Sydney Magazine of Science and Art, which printed papers presented to the Society in 1857 and 1858.
n.d. Remarks on the vegetation of South Australia.
Item 145 in Knapp (1877) in the section Nur dem Titel nach bekannte Arbeiten Mueller’s; this may be a misunderstanding of 68.03.02 which Knapp did not list; no other similar title by Mueller has been found.
n.d. Lecture on rust in wheat.
Item 152 in Knapp (1877) in the section Nur dem Titel nach bekannte Arbeiten Mueller’s. This is probably 65.04.05.
1860 Das grosse illustrirte Kräuter-Buch: eine ausführliche Beschreibung aller Pflanzen, mit genauer Augabe ihres Gebrauchs, Nutzens und ihrer Wirkung in der Arzneikunde. J. Ebner: Ulm. [ As Dr. Ferdinand Müller.]
There were at least 8 editions, up to 1892. This title is widely attributed to Mueller; the 1871 edition and later do not include von, which after 1869 became part of his legal German surname and which he routinely used. It is not listed in the bibliography prepared by Knapp (1877) and Mueller himself does not mention it when claiming in a letter to Rudolf von Fischer-Benzon 16 December 1887 that he was the first Australian who had one of his works published in the German language, that is, a translation by Edmund Goeze of the New South Wales edition of von Mueller’s Select extra-tropical plants … that was published as 83.13.06.
1861 Notice of donation of Conchylien und Fossilreste des Thier und Planzen reiches aus der Gegend der Ballaarat. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 12, 80.
Although listed under publications by Mueller in Etheridge & Jack (1881, p. 120), as 1860, the publication date is 1861. The item is a paragraph in the report by the director, W. Haidinger, Bericht vom 31. Juli 1861 [Report of 31 July 1861], recording the receipt in Vienna of a crate sent by Mueller containing shells and fossil remains of animals and plants from the Ballarat area.
1861 Australian exploration, an introductory chapter in a volume announced as The journals of the expeditions into Central Australia, conducted by Messrs Herschell Babbage, MDouall Stuart and Alex Tolmer… .by Daniel David Herrgott. Melbourne.
The volume apparently never appeared despite being advertised as in the press from late December 1860 up to mid-January 1861 (see, for example, Age (Melbourne), 14 January 1861, p. 3). It is likely that the chapter would have been a republication or a reworking of Mueller’s earlier essay in Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, i.e., 58.05.03.
1863–78 Flora Australiensis. 7 volumes, Reeve: London.
Flora Australiensis (Bentham 1863-1878) is described on the title pages as by George Bentham, assisted by [Baron] Ferdinand [von] Mueller, but is frequently cited as a joint work, see for example, Burkhardt et al. (2018), 662. Bentham was quite explicit that the work was his alone:
the Flora Australiensis is sometimes quoted as the joint work of Bentham and Mueller, when it is entirely and exclusively mine, with the assistance indeed, but not the cooperation, of Baron v. Mueller, this assistance being of precisely the same description as that which I derived from the herbarium and detailed MS. descriptions of Robert Brown, from the herbarium and notes of A. Cunningham, from the rich herbaria of Kew, from the Flora Tasmanica and other published works of the Hookers, as well as from the numerous instructive notes of the Hookers, of Planchon, and others who had worked in the herbarium. In the case of Baron v. Mueller, however, the extreme liberality with which he gave up in my favour his own projects for a general Flora of Australia, and the great value for my purposes of the very numerous specimens of each species which he had collected into the Melbourne herbarium, the whole of which he unreservedly lent to me, seemed to me to demand a special recognition in the titlepage of the Flora, which has thus been misconstrued into an indication of cooperation. A joint work was impossible where consultation was prevented by the great distance which separated us; to procure an answer to the simplest question required four or five months. The descriptions in the Flora are drawn up from the actual examination of specimens, generally checked by a comparison with the MS. notes and printed works above referred to, amongst which Baron v. Mueller’s Fragmenta, regularly transmitted to me as printed, bear a prominent part (Bentham 1884, 304–305).
1866 Translations of The last letters written by Leichardt (sic), South Australian Register, 15 January 1866, p. 3; 23 January 1866, p. 2; 6 February 1866.
Although the translation of the three letters was not attributed to Mueller in the newspaper, subsequently they have often been stated to have been made by him. Darragh (2018) demonstrates that the attributions are false and lists other newspapers in which these translations appeared.
1866 Specimen of Wood indigenous to the Southern District of Australia (Sydney).
Item 82 in Knapp (1877), described as 8º, but not marked as seen by him. It is almost certainly spurious, referring to the wood books prepared by Mueller as a method of displaying the structure of woods in transverse and various longitudinal sections. See Mueller to William Hooker, 29 January 1862, in the Correspondence as 62-01-29a.
1869 Report upon Mikania Guaco.
In a report of the meeting of the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria held on 2 March 1868, the Ballarat Star, 4 March 1869, p. 3, reported Dr F. Von Mueller read his report upon the “Mikania Guaco,” a plant indigenous to South America, and supposed to be very useful in cases of snake-poison. The Age (Melbourne), 3 March 1869, p. 3, and its sister weekly the Leader (Melbourne), 6 March 1869, p. 11, carried the same report, but misspelled the name of the plant as Mikania Guaw. Neither a manuscript nor a likely alternative report published by Mueller has been found.
1870 Contribution to the Flora of Tasmania.
Item 99 in Knapp (1877), said to be from Tasmania, Proc. Roy. Soc, but not marked as seen by Knapp. Probably 69.13.03.
1872 The Victorian Exhibition opened 6 November 1872. Official Catalogue of Exhibits (Melbourne).
Item 106 in Knapp (1877), but not marked as seen. The Catalogue includes a list of exhibits from the Director of the Botanical Gardens, Melbourne, pp. 47–50, but there is no text attributed to Mueller.
1873 Boronia megastigma, Curtiss Botanical Magazine 99, tab. 6046.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 3, 148 (1877). The item is an illustration of B. megastigma, with accompanying text signed J.D.H. [Joseph Dalton Hooker]. The plant was introduced into Kew by seed originally received from Baron von Mueller. There is a short summary, also cited in the Repertorium entry, in Journal de la Société centrale dhorticulture de France second series, 8, 122.
1874 New plants at the Antipodes. The Garden 6, 99.
Item 119 in Knapp (1877), but not marked as seen; also cited in Repertorium annuum 3, 181 (1877). The item, published 1 August, is a republication of an anonymous news report in the Sydney Morning Herald, 8 May 1874, p. 6, of a collecting trip Mueller undertook in January 1874. Mueller referred to this journey in 74.09.01, pp. 7–8, and described it in his letter to George Bentham of 27 January 1874.
1874 Correa Laurenceana. Belgique horticole 24, 134.
Item 120 in Knapp (1877), but not marked as seen; also cited in Repertorium annuum 3, 145 (1877). The item is a short note apparently extracted from New Plants at the antipodes, above.
1874 Caulinia spinulosa. Journal of Botany 12, 339.
Item 122 in Knapp (1877); also cited in Repertorium annuum 3, 110 (1877). The item is an editors note drawing attention to 74.08.01, p. 219.
1874 Babingtonia. Journal of Botany 12, 371.
Item 123 in Knapp (1877). The item is a short note, apparently by the editor, reporting that Mueller had erected a new genus after the former genus Babingtonia was synonymised with Baeckea. Mueller changed his mind and no formal publication appeared; see Mueller to George Bentham, 14 July 1874 (in the Correspondence as 74-07-14a) and George Bentham to Mueller, 18 October 1874 (in the Correspondence as 74-10-18c).
1874 Appendix to new vegetable fossils of Victoria.
Cited as title only in Repertorium annuum 4, 193 (1878). The citation is to Nature 11, 220 (14 January 1875), where it is included in a list of Books and pamphlets received. The reference is most likely to be a slightly erroneous citation of 74.12.01, which was printed as an appendix, as were others in the series, to Reports of the Mining Surveyors and Registrars.
1874 Report of the progress and condition of botany in Victoria, Australia.
Repertorium annuum 4, 219 (1878) lists this title when citing what is a review of 74.09.01 from Nature 12, 33-34 (13 May 1875); the title is from the first sentence of the review. On the same page of Repertorium, a reference to the same report omits Botanist from the otherwise correct title of 74.09.01.
1875 Note sur le voyage de M. E. Giles dans lintérieur de lAustralie. Belgique Horticole 25, 241–243.
Item 163 in Knapp (1877), wrongly said to be a translation of 75.01.09; it is a translation of an item Giles neueste Reise im Innern Australiens, signed E.R. [Eduard Regel] in Gartenflora 23, 382 (1874), reporting that Mueller had received information on Giles exploration and giving some details. While this may have been based on material sent to Regel by Mueller, only one small section quotes directly a letter from Mueller.
1875 The sundews. Gardeners Chronicle 20 February 1875, p. 249.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 4, 184 (1878). The item republishes most of a news report in the Sydney Mail and NSW Advertiser, 7 November 1874, p. 583, discussing, but not quoting, Mueller’s views of the toxic properties of Drosera peltata.
1875 Three new genera of fossil fruits from the upper tertiary auriferous drifts of New South Wales. Report of the Geological Survey of Victoria, No. 2, 1875.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 5, 221 (1879). The cited source does not contain the formal taxonomic descriptions, which were first published in 76.12.01 and 76.13.10. The title given in the Repertorium appears to have been taken from a brief mention of 76.12.01 in Journal of botany, British and foreign 14, 384 (1876), which is listed by Repertorium as having commented on the item. It also lists American Journal of Arts and Sciences 11, 232–233 (1876), but that deals with 74.13.07, a consolidation of earlier reports on plant fossils, but which does not include the new genera described in 76.12.01 and listed in the Repertorium.
1875 [Extract] in Nouvelles et faits Divers, Journal de lInstruction Publique (Quebec) 19, 110–111.
The text includes what purports to be a quotation from Mueller, but is actually a republication of the report of a summary by Duchartre of Mueller’s discussion of the height of Eucalyptus species (in 67.13.02), presented orally by Ducharte to the meeting of the Société Impériale et Centrale dHorticulture de France held on 9 January 1868 (Journal de la Société Impériale et Centrale dHorticulture de France series 2, 2, 29 (1868)). The Quebec republication is extracted from an intermediate source, Planchon (1875a, p. 166), which also misapplies quotation marks thus appearing to be quoting Mueller directly.
1876 Sur la priorité de la dénomination du genre Waldheimia. Bulletin de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou 51, Séances, 41-42.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 6, 191 (1881). The item is a brief report of a communication by Mueller to a meeting of the Society, see Mueller to the Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, September 1876, in the Correspondence as 76-09-00c.
1876 Botany of Victoria. Year-book of facts in science and the arts for 1875. London. pp. 203–204.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 4, 184 (1878). The item is a discussion of some aspects of 74.09.01.
1876 Victorian School Flora (?).
William Woolls anonymously published in the Sydney Morning Herald, 15 September 1876, p. 5, a pre-publication review of the work now being printed. This work was however aborted by the Victorian Government after parts had been printed off. Sheets were being sent to at least Joseph Hooker in Kew, and to Woolls in Sydney. See Lucas et al. (2006), pp. 37–39 for a discussion of the circumstances of its approval, then stopping, by the Government. The text was used as the basis for 79.06.04.
1877 Hydrocharis morsus-ranae is indigenous to some countries in the southern hemisphere. Gardeners Chronicle, 9 June 1877, p. 726.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 6, 624 (1881). The item is a discussion of the distribution of the species, including reference to 76.12.03, p. 72.
1877 Davidsonia pruriens. Gardeners Chronicle 30 June 1877, p. 820.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 6, 216 (1881). The item is a comment on the identity of a plant offered by a nurseryman and the plant described by Mueller in 67.07.05, p. 4.
1877 Scientific History and uses of the Eucalyptus Tree and Allied plants.
Given as the title of the work from which extracts are taken in California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, 22 November 1877 and following issues (see 77.11.04 &c). The text of the extracts is however taken from 77.08.01, Introduction to Botanic Teachings at the schools of Victoria, through references to leading native plants.
1878 Wild rice in Queensland. Gardeners Chronicle 25 May 1878, p. 668.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 7, 195 (1883). The item reports that Mueller informed Gardeners Chronicle that common rice grows wild in Queensland. The remainder of the article quotes extensively without citation from an article by A late resident, Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton) 8 January 1878, p. 2.
1878 Cordyceps menesteridis. Gardeners Chronicle 21 December 1878, p. 791.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 7, 50 (1883). The item is an illustrated note by MJB [Miles Joseph Berkeley] containing a description of the species, the authorship of which is attributed to M. and B.
1879 Oberonia palmicola. Gardeners Monthly, [June], p. 189.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 8, 292 (1886). The item is a republication of a paragraph from Scientific American, The smallest orchid known, 15 March 1879, p. 168, which summarises and silently quotes from 78.12.03. The title comes from a passing reference to the species.
1879 Ptychosperma Normanbyana, Gardeners Chronicle 15 March 1879, p. 344.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 8, 298 (1886) using the spelling given in the Gardeners Chronicle text for P. normanbyi. Incorrect title for 79.03.01.
1879 Livistona Marlae. Gardeners Chronicle 21 June 1879, p. 790.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 8, 298 (1886). The item is an editors article, appearing under the name Livistona mariae, commenting upon 79.13.01, and mis-citing the number of the Fragmenta in which an analysis appeared.
1879 A Eucalyptus forest (E. corynocalyx). Gardeners Chronicle 8 November 1879, p. 592.
Cited in Repertorium annuum 8, 334 (1886). The item is a report of a sketch by [J.E.] Brown of a stand of Eucalyptus corynyocalyx, reproduced on p. 593, that was sent to the Gardeners Chronicle by Mueller.
1881 Catalog zu einem australischen Herbarium, geordnet durch den berühmten Botaniker Baron Ferd. Müller in Melbourne: Eigenthum der Ostschweizerischen Geographischen Gesellschaft St. Gallen.
The item is a lithographed catalogue of specimens, attributed to Mueller as author in the Catalogues of the Utrecht University Library, Oxford University Library and in the State Library of New South Wales (where it has been listed as a manuscript). The arrangement is in alphabetical order of the genera, and not a systematic arrangement as would be expected if done by Mueller. The specimens may have been a gift from Mueller when he was made an honorary member of the East Swiss Society for Economic Geography in 1880; or the membership may have been in return for the gift. No correspondence relating to his membership has been found other than his membership certificate, now in MEL, and transcribed in the Correspondence as 80-12-02.
c.1897 [Seleccionar plantas extratropicales: fácilmente elegibles para la cultura industrial, translated. F. Kurtz]
Reber (1897), in his entry for Mueller, when discussing translations of Select extra-tropical plants… states that Herr Prof. Dr. Kurtz eben eine spanische Uebertragung für Argentinien lieferte (pp. 154-5). The edition was evidently never published. It is not included in the list of publications accompanying Harms (1920), the obituary of Fritz (Frederico) Kurtz (1854-1920). It is not listed in the catalogues of the National Library of Argentina, or the combined catalogue of the libraries of the University of Cordoba (Argentina).
Cited works not found
Some cited works have been neither found nor identified as spurious. These include publications in Australian newspapers, of which copies no longer exist in Australian libraries and have not been found elsewhere. These references are listed below. They were obtained from various published and unpublished sources, and their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Where an item listed as a work not found in Home et al.(1998) has since been identified, it has been silently omitted from this section, although reference is made in the notes to the new entry in the publication list.
1847–54 Observations on the use of native plants. South Australian (Adelaide).
The source of the article Beobachtungen über die Anwendung der einheimischen Pflanzen, Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung 10, 529-532, (54.12.03) is given as Uebersetzt aus der South Australian Ztg (translated from the South Australian newspaper/journal). Issues of the South Australian after August 1851 have not been found. There were other newspapers with the phrase South Australian in their titles, but a relevant article by Mueller has not been found in any of these, nor in any other accessible surviving issue of an Australian newspaper or periodical between Mueller’s arrival in 1847 and the year of the published translation.
1850 Der Murray-Scrub, botanisch skizziert. Südaustralische Zeitung (Adelaide), 6 June 1850.
The source of 52.02.03
1850–1 [Sketch of the vegetation of the Onkaparinga Valley].
See the Correspondence, letter Mueller to R. Tate, 4 November 1882, where the newspaper is described as the German Newspaper of Adelaide. There were two German language newspapers in the early 1850s: Adelaide deutsche Zeitung and Südaustralische Zeitung, but the item was not found in the few issues that survive in Australian libraries. The item is reported to have found its way into several home journals then. No copy in a German or British newspaper has been found.
1851 [Proposal re a search for Leichhardt] Deutsche Zeitung, 23 July.
Given as the source of 51.08.01. Copies held in Australian Libraries do not include this date.
1851 [Description of Erianthus mitchellii F.Muell]. South Australian (Adelaide), No. 1271.
Date after 19 August 1851 which is issue 1268; see letter Mueller to Thomas Mitchell, November 1851. This may be the essay mentioned in Mueller to Friedrich Krichauff, September 1851. [In Churchill et al. (1978) under 1849.]
1864 A record of N. W. Australian plants.
Item 67 in Knapp (1877); also listed as given to the Library of the Royal Geographical Society by Roderick Murchison, Accessions to the Library, from 1st June 1864 to 1st May 1865, Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 35, lxxxiv (1865); it could not be found at the RGS library. This may be a reprint version of 63.04.03 issued with an added title page.
1873 [Letter concerning plants of the Riverina] Riverine Herald.
Cited as the source of the republication by the Pastoral Times (73.07.10) and Sydney Mail (73.07.05), but an examination of the issues of Riverine Herald online has not found the article in June or July 1873.
1875 [Valuable botanical researches, and reports of the Australian region]. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, 8 April;15 April
Extracts of 74.09.01. These two issues containing portions of Mueller’s Report being serialised in California Farmer could not be found; to preserve the sequence, blind entries have been made in the publication list as 75.04.03 and 75.04.04.
1875 [Address]. Second annual report of the Victorian Chemists Assistants Association.
Given as the source of 75.13.13.
1876 [Botanical Information. Select textile plants (?).] California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, October(?).
Issue 21 is missing from the file; it contained extract number nine being republished from 76.06.02; to preserve the sequence, a blind entry has been made in the publication list as 76.10.04.
1876 [Native grass (?)], North Eastern ensign (Benalla, Vic).
The source of 76.08.04.
1886 Lord Howes Island and Captain Armstrong. [Letter?] Cumberland Times, Cumberland* *(NSW), 7 August 1886.
1888 [Letter, dated 14 May 1888, on cultivation of grasses] Pastoral News [19 May 1888].
No newspaper of that name has been found, but it is probably an erroneous citation of 88.05.04, from Pastoral Times of that date.]
1890 [Letter to Nansen concerning polar exploration], Dagbladet (Oslo).
The item is referred to in Verkusten (San Franciso), 5 September 1890, p 2; it is probably a version of the letter Mueller to Fridjof Nansen, 17 June 1890, transcribed in the Correspondence as 90-06-17a.
Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) included the following entry
1887 [by F. Mueller?] Exploration in New Guinea. The Record, South Melbourne [1 January 1887] [see photocopy of Extra-Print without author, annotated in an unknown hand Baron Ferdinand von Müller.]
The photocopy could not be found in January 2020, and the State Library of Victoria records the 1 January issue of The Record as missing. The issue of 5 January, p. 2, carries an item, without a heading or attribution of authorship, that reports on the progress of exploration in New Guinea. The proprietor, William Potter, was a close associate of Mueller and would almost certainly provide copies of such reports to him whether or not he had provided the information or was an author of the piece. The Record often republished articles that had previously appeared. For example, as reported in entry 86.09.07, one of Mueller’s letters was printed twice more within three days. It is thus possible, although not certain, that the article reported to be from 1 January might be the same as the one from 5 January.
Published works
43.04.01 [Poem, first line] O, leite mich mit deinen Führerwinken. (C. H. Anderson: Tönning). [28 April. It is not known how many copies were printed]
48.09.01 [Advertisement] South Australian Register (Adelaide), 20 September, p. 2. [see also 48.09.02, 48.09.03]
48.09.02 [Advertisement] South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (Adelaide), 16 September, p. 2. [see also 48.09.01 &c.]
48.09.03 [Advertisement] South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (Adelaide), 23 September, p.1. [see also 48.09.01 &c.]
50.02.01 [Letter] Notes on South Australian botany. South Australian Register (Adelaide), 19 February, p. 3.
50.11.01 Der Murrayscrub, botanisch skizzirt. Das Ausland, 18 November, pp. 1101–1102. [For translation see Darragh, (2016) Supplementary Material: Historical Records of Australian Science, 27, 41–46] [see also 52.02.03]
51.08.01 Remarks about Leichhardts expedition, and the search after him. South Australian, 5 August, p. 4. [listed as an unverified item by Churchill et al. (1978) under 1849, and Home et al. (1998) under 1851] [see also 51.09.01, 51.10.01]
51.09.01 Remarks about Leichhardts expedition, and the search after him. Geelong Advertiser, 4 September, p. 2 S. [see also 51.08.01 &c.]
51.10.01 Remarks about Leichhardts expedition, and the search after him. Inquirer (Perth, WA), 22 October, p. 4 [see also 51.08.01 &c.]
51.12.01 Nothwendigkeit neuer Forschungen im Norden Neuhollands. Adelaider Deutsche Zeitung, Adelaide, 24 December, p. 1. [in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as an unverified item from 1851] [see also 52.01.01, 52.02.01, 52.02.02]
52.01.01 The North Coast of New South Wales. Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer, 17 January, p. 2. [see also 51.12.01 &c.]
52.02.01 The North Coast of New South Wales. Empire, (Sydney), 27 January, pp. 2–3. [see also 51.12.01 &c.]
52.02.02 The North Coast of New South Wales. Moreton Bay Courier, 21 February, p. 3. [see also 51.12.01 &c.]
52.02.03 Der Murrayscrub, botanisch skizzirt. Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung, 8,** **81–83. [in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 52.13.01] [see also 50.11.01]
52.13.01 [see 52.02.03]
53.01.01 Notes on the indigenous plants of Victoria. Argus, (Melbourne), 1 January, p. 5.
53.03.01 Flora of South Australia, displayed in its fundamental features, and comparatively. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 5, 65–72. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 53.13.01]
53.04.01 Diagnoses et descriptiones plantarum novarum, quas in Nova Hollandia australi praecipue in regionibus interioribus detexit et investigavit. Linnaea, 25, 367–445.
53.04.02 The vegetation of the districts surrounding Lake Torrens. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 5, 105–109. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 53.13.02] [see also 53.08.03]
53.06.01 Südaustraliens Flora, in ihren Grundzügen und vergleichend dargestellt. Hamburger Garten– und Blumenzeitung, 9,** **267–273. [in in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 53.13.03] [see also 53.03.01]
53.08.01 Breviarum plantarum Ducatus Slesvicensis austro-occidentalis. Flora, 36, 473–480.
53.08.02 Breviarum plantarum Ducatus Slesvicensis austro-occidentalis. Flora, 36, 489–503.
53.08.03 Die Vegetation der Gegenden um den Torrens-See. Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung, 9,** **340–343. [in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 53.13.04] [see also 53.04.02]
53.1 0.01 First general report of the government botanist on the vegetation of the Colony. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council 1853 1 (A. No. 26a & b), 1–22. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 20 October. Contains: Report, pp. 3–7, Systematic index of the plants of Victoria, which were collected and examined between September 1852, and August 1853, pp. 9–22.] [see also 53.11.01, 53.12.01, 54.04.01, 54.05.02, 54.10.03, 54.12.01, 54.12.02, 54.13.05, 55.05.01, 55.06.01, 55.09.01, 55.12.01, 56.13.08, 73.13.05]
53.11.01 Report of the Government Botanist. Banner (Melbourne), 4 November, p. 5. [see also 53.10.01 &c.]
53.12.01 Report of the Government Botanist, Empire (Sydney), 17 December, p. 3143. [see also 53.10.01 &c.]
53.13.01 [see 53.03.01]
53.13.02 [see 53.04.02]
53.13.03 [see 53.06.01]
53.13.04 [see 53.08.03]
53.14.01 ___ & O. W. Sonder. Polypodiaceae. In Plantae Muellerianae. Beitrag zur Flora Südaustraliens, aus den Sammlungen des Dr. Ferd. Müller. Linnaea, 25, 716–721. [December]
53.14.02 [Deleted; item is by O. Sonder, but includes some species authored jointly by Mueller and Sonder]
54.04.01 First general report of the Government Botanist, Dr. F. Mueller, on the vegetation of the Colony of Victoria, in Australia; communicated by His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Chief Secretary for the Colonies. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 6, 123–126. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 54.13.02] [see also 53.10.01 &c.]
54.05.01 The medicinal plants of Australia. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions, series 1, 13, 616–618. [abstracted from 53.10.01 by P. L. Simmonds]
54.05.02 First general report of the Government Botanist, Dr. F. Mueller, on the vegetation of the Colony of Victoria, in Australia; communicated by His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Chief Secretary for the Colonies. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 6, 151–156. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 54.13.02] [see also 53.10.01 &c.]
54.05.03 Botany of Victoria Colony. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 6, 156–158. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 54.13.03]
54.10. 01 Second general report of the government botanist on the vegetation of the Colony. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council 1854–5 1 (A. No. 18), 1–20. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 24 October; Contains: Report pp. 3–7, Second systematic index of the plants of Victoria, comprising those which were examined between September, 1853, and October, 1854, pp. 9–20.] [see also 54.10.02, 54.11.01, 55.10.01]
54.10.02 Council Papers, Report of the Government Botanist. Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer, 31 October, p. 7. [First part of 54.10.01; continued in 54.11.01]
54.10.03 The Flora of Victoria. In Rural Calendar. Statistical Register of Victoria, 39–43. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [Was advertised as published this day, Age (Melbourne), 19 October 1854, p. 2; in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 54.13.01] [see also 53.10.01 &c.]
54.11.01 Council Papers, Report of the Government Botanist. Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer, 1 November, p. 5. [Second part of 54.10.01, continued from 54.10.02]
54.12.01 First general report of the Government Botanist on the vegetation of the Colony, dated September 1853. Enclosure 1 in Dispatch No. 5. In Further papers relative to the discovery of gold in Australia. (In continuation of papers presented February 14, 1854.) Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, December 1854 95–98. (G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode: London). [tabled 22 December; a facsimile was published in 1969 in the Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Correspondence and papers relating to constitutions, the discovery of gold, and other affairs in Australia, 1854–55. Colonies. Australia. 20. (Irish University Press: Shannon, Ireland).] [see also 53.10.01 &c.]
54.12.02 Systematic index of the plants of Victoria, which were collected and examined between September 1852 and August 1853. Appendix No. 6 in Dispatch No. 5. In Further papers relating to the discovery of gold in Australia. (In continuation of papers presented February 14, 1854.) Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, December 1854 186–198. (G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode: London). [tabled 22 December; a facsimile was published in 1969 in the Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers: Correspondence and papers relating to constitutions, the discovery of gold, and other affairs in Australia, 1854–55. Colonies. Australia. 20. (Irish University Press: Shannon, Ireland).] [see also 53.10.01 &c.]
54.12.03 Beobachtungen über die Anwendung der einheimischen Pflanzen. Hamburger Garten– und Blumenzeitung, 10, 529–532. [in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 54.13.04. The original source from which this was republished in translation has not been found; see list of cited works not found, under 1847–54.]
54.13.01 [see 54.10.03]
54.13.02 [see 54.04.01]
54.13.03 [see 54.05.03]
54.13.04 [see 54.12.03]
54.13.05 First General Report of the Government Botanist on the Vegetation of the Colony of Victoria, dated September, 1853, and Printed by order of the Council. The Phytologist, a popular botanical miscellany, 5, 165–172. [see also 53.10.01 &c.]
54.13.06 Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants chiefly collected within the boundaries of the Colony of Victoria. Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria, 1, 5–24. [was published between 18 September & 22 November 1854, see Aston (1984). In Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 55.13.03. Reported, with list of species, Botanische Zeitung, 13, 683–685. (1855) and also with list of species in Flora, 38,** **623–624 (1855)] [see also 55.09.02, 55.11.03, 55.13.12]
55.0 1.01 Government Botanist. Report of his journey to Omeo. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council 1854–5, 2 (A. No. 45), 1–2. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 30 January] [see also 55.02.01, 55.06.02, 56.13.09]
55.02.01 Government Botanists report of his journey to Omeo. Argus, (Melbourne). 3 February, p. 6 [see also 55.01.01 &c.]
55.04.01 Andeutungen zur Förderung und Vervollständigung der beschreibenden Botanik. Flora, 38, 254–256.
55.05.01 [Extract] In Gossip about Australia. Sydney Morning Herald, 25 May, p. 3 [see also 55.01.01 &c.]
55.06.01 [Extract] In Review. Sydney Morning Herald, 25 June, p. 3. [see also 53.10.01 &c.]
55.06.02 The Government Botanists report of his journey from Melbourne to Omeo in the Australian Alps, dated Omeo, 16th December, 1854. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 7, 179–181. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 55.13.08] [see also 55.01.01 &c.]
55.08.01 Botany of Victoria (Southern Australia). Extracts of letters from Dr. Mueller, Colonial Botanist, Victoria. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 7, 233–242. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 55.13.09] [see also 55.13.12 &c.]
55.09.01 Australian medicinal plants. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. series 1, 15, 114–116. [see also 53.10.01]
55.09.02 Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants chiefly collected within the boundaries of the Colony of Victoria. Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria, 1, 34–50. [was published between 6 September & 13 September 1855, see Aston (1984); in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 55.13.03] [see also 55.13.12]
55.09.03 Descriptive characters of new alpine plants from Continental Australia. Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria, 1, 96–111. [was published between 6 September & 13 September 1855, see Aston (1984); in Churchill et al. (1978) as 55.13.04] [see also 55.12.02]
55.10.01 Second general report of the Government Botanist of Victoria, on the vegetation of the Colony. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 7, 306–314. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 55.13.10] [see also 54.10.01 &c.]
55.1 1.01 Annual Report from the Government Botanist for the year 1854. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council 1855–6 1 (A. No. 10), 1–12. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 28 November. Contains: Report, pp. 3–6; Third systematic index of the plants of Victoria, comprising those collected and examined between November, 1854, and June, 1855, pp. 7–12.] [see also 55.12.04, 56.08.01]
55.12.01 Pflanzenreich. In A. Petermann, Zur physikalischen Geographie der australischen Provinz Victoria. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt, 1855, 353–357, 358–359. [see also 53.10.01 &c.]
55.12.02 On two new Umbelliferous plants from the Alps of South-eastern Australia. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 7, 378–380, plates 11–12. [extract from 55.09.03; in Churchill et al. (1978) as 55.13.11]
55.12.03 Botany of Victoria (Southern Australia). Extracts of letters from Dr. Mueller, Colonial Botanist, Victoria. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 7, 357–362. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 55.13.09]
55.12.04 Government Botanist. Age (Melbourne), 10 December, p. 7. [see also 55.11.01 &c.]
55.12.05 Victoria: Second general report of the government botanist on the vegetation of the Colony. In Literatur. Botanische Zeitung, 13, 863–4 continued in Beilage zur botanischen Zeitung, 865–869. [Translated; omits some short passages and Systematic index of plants] [see also 54.10.01 &c.]
55.13.01 Observations on the physical character of the Province of Victoria. In Andrew Murray, Victoria Nautical and Commercial Almanac for 1855, 49–54. (James J. Blundell & Co.: Melbourne). [Extracts from 53.10.01, 54.10.01] [see also 60.05.02]
55.13.02 Exploration of Australia. In Andrew Murray, Victoria Nautical and Commercial Almanac for 1855, 217–218. (James J. Blundell & Co.: Melbourne).
55.13.03 [see 54.13.06]
55.13.04 [see 55.09.03]
55.13.05 Descriptions of fifty new Australian plants, chiefly from the Colony of Victoria. Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science,1854–1855, 28–48. [was published between 7 June & 14 September 1855, see Aston (1984)] [see also 55.13.12]
55.13.06 Account of the Gunyang: a new indigenous fruit of Victoria. Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science,1854–1855, 67–70 [was published between 7 June & 14 September 1855, see Aston (1984)] [see also 55.13.12 (in part), 56.11.02]
55.13.07 Description of new Australian plants chiefly from the Colony of Victoria. Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science, 1854–1855, 114–135. [was published between 7 June & 14 September 1855, see Aston (1984)] [see also 55.13.12]
55.13.08 [see 55.06.02]
55.13.09 [see 55.08.01 & 55.12.03]
55.13.10 [see 55.10.01]
55.13.11 [see 55.12.02]
55.13.12 Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants. (Goodhugh & Trembath: Melbourne). [For the complex relationship of multiple publication of species in this pamphlet and the cross-referenced items see Seberg (1986).] [see also 54.13.06, 55.09.02, 55.13.06, 55.08.01, 55.13.05, 55.13.06, 55.13.07]
55.14.01 ___ S. Iffla, R. B. Smyth & S. Wekey. [Report on the organization of exploring expeditions] Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria, 1, iii–iv. [was published between 6 September & 13 September 1855, see Aston (1984)]
56.01.01 [Letters] In Dr. Ferdinand Mueller and the North Australian Exploring Expedition. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8, 11–16. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 56.13.02]
56.01.02 Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants, chiefly collected within the boundaries of the Colony of Victoria. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8,** **1–11. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 56.13.01] [see also 54.13.06 in part]
56.02.01 Note on the voyage of the North Australian Exploring Expedition from Sydney to the mouth of the Victoria River; extracted from a letter of Dr. Mueller (botanist to the expedition), dated On board the Monarch, Sept. 3, 1855. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8, 46–52. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 56.13.03]
56.02.02 Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants, chiefly collected within the boundaries of the Colony of Victoria. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8,** **33–46. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 56.13.01] [see also 54.13.05 in part]
56.03.01 On Duttonia, a new genus of Myoporineae from South Australia. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8,** **73, plate 1. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 56.13.04]
56.03.02 Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants, chiefly collected within the boundaries of the Colony of Victoria. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8,** **65–72. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 56.13.01] [see also 54.13.05 in part]
56.03.03 [Letter] In The Australian Expedition. Herald (Melbourne), 20 March, p. 4. [see also 56.03.04, 56.03.05, 56.03.06, 56.03.07, 56.03.08, 56.03.09, 56.03.10, 56.03.11]
56.03.04 [Letter] In The North Australian Expedition. Courier (Hobart), 24 March, p. 2. [see also 56.03.03 &c.]
56.03.05 [Letter] In The Northern Expedition. Sydney Morning Herald, 26 March, p. 4. [see also 56.03.03, &c.]
56.03.06 [Letter] In The Australian exploring expedition. Launceston Examiner, 27 March, p. 3. [see also 56.03.03 &c.]
56.03.07 [Letter] In Northern expedition, Tasmanian Daily News (Hobart) 26 March, pp. 2–3. [see also 56.03.03, &c.]
56.03.08 [Letter] In North Australia Expedition, Empire (Sydney), 26 March, p. 3. [see also 56.03.03 &c.]
56.03.09 [Letter] In Local Intelligence. Northern expedition. Age (Melbourne), 22 March, p. 2. [see also 56.03.03 &c.]
56.03.10 [Letter] In The Australian Expedition. Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer, 24 March, p. 4 [see also 56.03.03 &c.]
56.03.11 [Letter] In The Australian Expedition. Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser, 26 March, p. 3. [see also 56.03.03 &c.]
56.05.01 Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants, chiefly collected within the boundaries of the Colony of Victoria. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8,** **144–150. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 56.13.01] [see also 54.05.03 in part]
56.06.01 Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants, chiefly collected within the boundaries of the Colony of Victoria. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8,** **161–169. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 56.13.01]
56.07.01 Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants, chiefly collected within the boundaries of the Colony of Victoria. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8,** **201–210. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 56.13.01] [see also 54.13.06 in part]
56.08.01 Extract from the report of Dr. Ferdinand Mueller, the Government Botanist of Victoria. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8,** **243–247. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 56.13.05] [see also 55.11.01 &c.]
56.11.01 North Australian Botany, observations on, by Dr. Frederick Mueller, botanist to the N.W. Australian Government Expedition, under the command of Mr. Surveyor Gregory: in a letter to Sir W. J. Hooker. (Published with the sanction of the Colonial Office.) Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8,** **321–331. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 56.13.06]
56.11.02 Account of the Gunyang: a new indigenous fruit of Victoria. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8,** 336–338. [Churchill et al. (1978) as 56.13.07; summary in Bulletin de la Société botanique de France , 3** (1856), 732.
56.11.03 Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants, chiefly collected within the boundaries of the Colony of Victoria. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 8, 332–336. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 56.13.01] [see also 54.13.06]
56.13.01 [see 56.01.02, 56.02.02, 56.03.02, 56.05.01, 56.06.01, 56.07.01, 56.11.03]
56.13.02 [see 56.01.01]
56.13.03 [see 56.02.01]
56.13.04 [see 56.03.01]
56.13.05 [see 56.08.01]
56.13.06 [see 56.11.01]
56.13.07 [see 56.11.02]
56.13.08 Die Flora der australischen Provinz Victoria und ihre Anwendung in der Medicin. Archiv der Pharmacie. Eine Zeitschrift des allgemeinen deutschen Apotheker-Vereins. Abtheilung Norddeutschland, series 2, 86, 98–102. [German translation by Helfft of the major part of 53.10.01]
56.1 3.09 On the Australian Alps. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, 1: 3–4. [Read at meeting of 12 November 1855, ‘communicated by the Colonial Office’. The date of issue of the parts of this volume could not be determined by Librarians at the Royal Geographical Society, June 2023. The number of parts per volume varied, and cannot be used to establish a publication pattern. Vol. 1, part I includes reports of meetings held from 12 November 1855 until 14 January 1856, and although the most likely date of issue is February 1856, it is indeterminate. In Churchill et al. (1978) as] [see also 55.01.01 &c.]
57.01.01 Nova Genera et species aliquot rariores in Plagis Australiae Intratropicis nuperrime detecta. (Continuation of Notes on North Australian Botany). Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 9,** **14–24. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 57.13.01]
57.01.02 [Briefing note] In Parliamentary intelligence. Transportation. Argus (Melbourne), 24 January, p. 5. [see also 57.01.03]
57.01.03 [Briefing note] In Proceedings in Parliament. Star (Ballarat), 26 January, p. 2. [see also 57.01.02]
57.06.01 [Speech] In Deutscher Verein. Der Kosmopolit (Melbourne),16 June, p. 235.
57.06.02 Notes made during the recent expedition across the northern portion of Australia, under the command of Mr. Surveyor Gregory. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 9,** **165–173. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 57.13.02] [see also 58.05.01, 59.04.03]
57.07.01 Notes made during the recent expedition across the northern portion of Australia, under the command of Mr. Surveyor Gregory. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 9,** **193–199. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 57.13.02] [see also 58.05.01, 59.04.03]
57.07.02 Dr. Müllers botanische Beobactungen In A. C. Gregorys Expedition in Nord-Australien. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt, 3, 200–203 [in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 57.13.08] [see also 57.06.02 &c.]
57.08.01 Notes made during the recent expedition across the northern portion of Australia, under the command of Mr. Surveyor Gregory. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 9,** **225–230. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as (part of) 57.13.02] [see also 58.05.01]
57.09 .01 Report on the Botanic Garden, Melbourne. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1856–7, 4,(No. 81a), 1–8. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 17 September, summarised in Botan. Gärten, Botanische Zeitung, 16 (1858), 296] [see also 57.09.02]
57.09.02 The Botanic Garden. Argus (Melbourne), 19 September, p. 5. [see also 57.09.01]
57.09.03 On the Octoclinis macleayana — a new Australian pine. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 2,** **20–22, 1 plate. [was published between 23 September & 30 September 1857, see Aston (1984); in Churchill et al. (1978) as 58.13.01]
57.09.04 Account of some new Australian plants. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 2,** **62–77, 2 plates. [was published between 23 September & 30 September 1857, see Aston (1984); in Churchill et al. (1978) as 58.13.02] [see also 63.06.01]
57.10.01 Descriptions of four new Tasmanian plants. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 9,** **300–302. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 57.13.03]
57.10.02 On some new genera of Australian plants, discovered during the progress of the North Australian exploring expedition. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 9,** **302–310. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 57.13.04]
57.10.03 [Letter] Melbourne Botanic Garden. Argus (Melbourne), 28 October, p. 5.
57.11.01 [Letter] Melbourne Botanical Gardens. Argus (Melbourne), 28 November, p. 5.
57.11.02 [Deleted; species previously published in 56.01.01, 56.07.01, 56.11.01 and 57.01.01 quoted by C. Meisner, Proteaceae In A. P. de Candolle, Addenda et Corrigenda. Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, 14, 698–699].
57.11.03 [Letter] Melbourne Botanical Garden. Argus (Melbourne), 4 November, p. 6.
57.12.01 Description of a new species of Josephinia, from Victoria River N. W. Australia. Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 9, 370–371, plate 11. [in Churchill et al. (1978) as 57.13.05]
57.13.01 [see 57.01.01]
57.13.02 [see 57.06.02, 57.07.01, 57.08.01]
57.13.03 [see 57.10.01]
57.13.04 [see 57.10.02]
57.13.05 [see 57.12.01]
57.13.06 [See 56.13.09]
57.13.07 Catalogue of plants under cultivation in the Melbourne Botanic Garden. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [was published by 18 June, see letter D. Moore to W. Haines, 18 June 1857]
57.13.08 [see 57.07.02]
58.01.01 [Letter] Destruction of the tame animals in the Botanical Gardens. Argus (Melbourne), 2 January, p. 4.
58.03.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 1 (1), 1–24. [This privately printed part was reset and republished by the Government Printer in June and issued with 58.06.01: see Darragh and Lucas, (2015). It was noticed, together with 58.06.01, with a list of species mentioned, in Botanische Zeitung, 17 (1859), pp. 334–335; included in bound volume 60.02.04]
58.04.01 Notes on an Australian species of Sumach. Quarterly Journal and Transactions of the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria, 1, 42–43, 1 plate. [Summary, with the description, in Bulletin de la Société botanique de France, 6, 375–376 (1859); and in Botanische Zeitung, 17, 64 (1859)]
58.04.02 [Letter] In Der botanische Garten zu Melbourne. Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung,14, 168–170. [in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 58.13.06]
58.05.01 Botanical report on the North-Australian expedition under the command of A. C. Gregory, Esq. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Botany, 2, 137–163. [The paper was split mid-sentence across two parts of the journal, pp. 137-144, issued 20 May 1858, and pp. 145-163, issued 20 May 1858, (Gage & Stern (1988), p. 216)] [see also 57.06.02 in part, 57.07.01 in part, 57.08.01 in part.]
58.05.02 On a general introduction of useful plants into Victoria. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 2,** **93–109. [was published between 5 May & 26 May 1858, see Aston (1984); in Churchill et al. (1978) as 58.13.03] [see also 63.08.01]
58.05.03 An historical review of the explorations of Australia. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 2,** **148–168, 2 maps. [Was published between 5 May & 26 May 1858, see Aston (1984); in Churchill et al. (1978) as 58.13.04]
58.06.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 1 (2), 25–44. [see note to 58.03.01; included in bound volume 60.02.04]
58.07.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 1 (3), 45–64. [ included in bound volume 60.02.04]
58.07.02 Notice. Argus (Melbourne), 27 July, p. 7. [see also 58.07.03]
58.07.03 Notice. Age (Melbourne), 30 July, p. 1. [see also 58.07.02]
58.08.01 [letter] In Aufforderung zum Eintausch von Australischen Sämereien. Botanische Zeitung, 16, 256. [see also 58.08.03]
58.08.02 [Letter extract] In W. W. [William Woolls] Ferns and clubmosses. Sydney Morning Herald, 13 August, p. 3.
58.08.03 [Letter] In Aufforderung zum Eintausch von Australischen Sämereien. Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung, 14, 383. [in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 58.13.05] [see also 58.08.01]
58.10.01 [Letter] Melbourne Botanical and Zoological Garden. Argus (Melbourne), 13 October, p. S 1.
58.10.02 Indigenous plants of interest to the pharmaceutical profession. Quarterly Journal and Transactions of the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria, 1, 143–145.
58.11.01 Monograph of the Eucalypti of tropical Australia, with an arrangement for the use of colonists according to the structure of the bark. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Botany, 3, 81–101. [The section Conspectus Eucalyptorum Australiae intertropicae et subtropicae was republished with a brief comment in Bulletin de la Société botanique de France, 6, 243–245 (1859)].
58.1 1.02 Annual Report of the Government Botanist and Director of the Botanic Garden. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1858–9, 2 (No. 17), 1–27. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 3 November. Contains: Report, pp. 3–9; Fourth systematic index of the plants of Victoria, comprising those collected and examined in 1857 and 1858, pp. 11–13; Catalogue of plants under cultivation in the Melbourne Botanic Garden, pp. 15–27.] [see also 58.11.03, 58.11.04.]
58.11.03 Annual Report of the Government Botanist and Director of the Botanic Garden. Courier (Hobart), 19 November, p. 3. [continued in 58.11.04] [see also 58.11.02 &c.]
58.11.04 Annual Report of the Government Botanist and Director of the Botanic Garden. Courier (Hobart), 20 November, p. 3. [concluded from 58.11.03] [see also 58.11.02 &c.]
58.13.01 [see 57.09.03]
58.13.02 [see 57.09.04]
58.13.03 [see 58.05.02]
58.13.04 [see 58.05.03]
58.13.05 [see 58.08.03]
58.13.06 [see 58.04.02]
58.14.01 D. E. Wilkie, ___, & J. Macadam. Report of the Exploration Committee of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 2,** **xiv–xxiii. [was published between 5 May & 26 May 1858, see Aston (1984)]
59.0 1.01 Animals from South Africa. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1858–9, 1 (A. No. 22), 1. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [ordered to be printed 26 January] [see also 59.02.04]
59.01.02 [Letter] In Zoological Garden. Argus (Melbourne), 29 January p. 5.
59.02.01 Contributiones ad Acaciarum Australiae Cognitionem. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Botany, 3, 114–148. [An extensive summary table showing the classification used and the species listed was printed in Bulletin de la Société botanique de France, 6, 313–315 (1859).]
59.02.02 Dennisonia, Barklya, et Laboucheria; genera florae Australiae nondum cognita. Descripsit. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Botany, 3, 157–159.
59.02.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 1 (4), 65–96. [ included in bound volume 60.02.04]
59.02.04 [Letter] In Animals from South Africa. Age (Melbourne) 21 February, p. 6 [signed Fred. Mueller] [see also 59.01.01]
59.03.01 Report on the plants collected during Mr. Babbages expedition into the north-western interior of South Australia in 1858. (Government Printer: Melbourne) [The publication was sent to printer in February 1859 and distributed in March 1859, see Mueller’s monthly report for February, in the Correspondence as 59-03-00, and John Moore to Mueller, 29 March 1859. There is an extensive summary in Botanische Zeitung, 24 February 1860, pp. 74–76.] [see also 59.04.05, 59.06.03, 59.10.02, 59.11.02, 59.11.03, 59.11.04, 60.01.04]
59.04.01 Notes on some rare and medicinal plants of Australia. Quarterly Journal and Transactions of the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria, 2, 43–44. [see also 59.08.01]
59.04.02 Report on the plants collected during Mr. Babbages expedition into the north-western interior of South Australia in 1858. Quarterly Journal and Transactions of the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria, 2, 44–46. [Extract of 59.03.01]
59.04.03 Enumeration of plants collected by A. C. Gregory, Esq., along and near Coopers River and its tributaries, in sub-central Australia. In New South Wales — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1858–9 2 (159–A), 4–10. (Government Printer: Sydney). [tabled and ordered to be printed 7 April]
59.04.04 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 1 (5), 97–140. [ included in bound volume 60.02.04]
59.04.05 Australian botany. Argus (Melbourne), 16 April, p. 6. [The item is the first part of 59.03.01] [see also 59.03.01 &c.]
59.05.01 [Deleted; the item is an article by H. G. Schott, containing descriptions of species collected by Mueller and based upon his manuscript descriptions. See Muir and Sinkora, (1976)]
59.06.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 1 (6), 141–160. [ included in bound volume 60.02.04]
59.06.02 Australische Entdeckungsreisen. Deutsche Monatschrift für Australien (Melbourne & Sydney), June, pp. 53–69. [Mueller states that the article is based on 58.05.03 and Gregory (1857). K. Müller, Australische Entdeckungsreisen a seven part article in Die Nature (Halle), volume 9, 1860, beginning at pp. 27–30 draws heavily upon this item.]
59.06.03 Australian botany. Morning Chronicle (London), 21 June, p. 3. [The item is the first part of 59.03.01, republished from 59.04.05] [see also 59.03.01 &c.]
59.07.01 Remarks on Australian Cycadeae. Quarterly Journal and Transactions of the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria, 2 , 90–91. [see also 59.12.03]
59.07.02 [Letter] In Exploration of the interior. Geelong Advertiser, 21 July, p. 2 [see also 59.07.04, 59.08.02]
59.07.03 [Notice] Useful and rare animals. Victoria — Government Gazette, No. 117, 26 July, p. 1553. [The notice was reinserted in the issues of 2 August, p. 1613, and 26 August, p. 1816; see also 59.13.09]
59.07.04 [Letter] In Exploration of the interior. Herald (Melbourne), 22 July, p. 5. [see also 59.07.02 &c.]
59.07.05 [Letter] In Pasture grasses and the Farmers Club.* Adelaide Observer*, 23 July, p. S 2. [see also 59.07.06]
59.07.06 [Letter] South Australian Register (Adelaide), 22 July, p. 3 [see also 59.07.05]
59.08.01 Notes on some rare medicinal plants of Australia. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 27 August, pp. 709–710. [Abridged from 59.04.01]
59.08.02 [Letter extract] In Exploration des Innern.* Deutsche Monatschrift für Australien* (Melbourne & Sydney), August, p. 184. [see also 59.07.02 &c.]
59.08.03 Notice Victoria — Government Gazette, No. 121, 2 August, p. 1613. [reinserted 26 August, p. 1814]
59.08.04 [Letter] In The philosophical institute. Argus (Melbourne), 6 August, p. 5.
59.09.01 Dr. F. Mueller’s Pflanzenkunde von Nordaustralien. Melbourner Deutsche Zeitung, 9 September, p. 2.
59.09.02 Zur Humboldt-Feier in Melbourne. II. Rede von Herrn Dr. Ferd. Mueller. Melbourner Deutsche Zeitung, 30 September, pp. 20–21. [continued in 59.10.01]
59.09.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 1 (7), 161–180. [ included in bound volume 60.02.04]
59.09.04 Water-cress seeds for distribution. Victoria — Government Gazette, No. 149, 2 August, p. 1974.
59.10.01 Zur Humboldt-Feier in Melbourne. II. Rede von Herrn Dr. Ferd. Mueller. Melbourner Deutsche Zeitung, 7 October, pp. 26–27. [continued from 59.09.02; continued in 59.10.03]
59. 10.02 Report on the plants collected during Mr. Babbages expedition into the north-western interior of South Australia in 1858. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1859–60, 3 (No. 1), 1–21. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 18 October; contains: Report, pp. 3–4; Description of the localities from which specimens of plants were obtained during the South Australian northern expedition, pp. 5–6; Enumeration of the plants collected, pp. 7–21. The item is a reissue as a parliamentary paper of 59.03.01; summarised in Botanische Zeitung, 18 (1860), 74–76] [see also 59.03.01 &c.]
59.10.03 Zur Humboldt-Feier in Melbourne. II. Rede von Herrn Dr. Ferd. Mueller. Melbourner Deutsche Zeitung, 21 October, pp. 42–43. [concluded from 59.10.01]
59.11.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 1 (8), 181–200. [ included in bound volume 60.02.04]
59.11.02 South Australian botany. Adelaide Observer, 5 November, p. 6. [The item is the first part of 59.03.01] [see also 59.03.01 &c.]
59.11.03 South Australian botany.* South Australian Register *(Adelaide), 2 November, p. 2. [The item is the first part of 59.03.01] [see also 59.03.01 &c.]
59.11.04 In Agriculture and horticulture. South Australian Register (Adelaide), 19 November, p. 4. [The item is the first part of 59.03.01] [see also 59.03.01 &c.]
59.12.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 1 (9), 201–216. [ included in bound volume 60.02.04]
59.12.02 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 1 (10), 217–240. [ included in bound volume 60.02.04]
59.12.03 Australian Cycadeae. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 10 December, pp. 992–993. [see also 59.07.01]
59.12.04 Inaugural address, in Philosophical Institute of Victoria. Age (Melbourne), 22 December, p. 5. [see also 60.01.05 &c]
59.12.05 Inaugural address, in Philosophical Institute. Argus (Melbourne), 22 December, p. 5. [see also 60.01.05 &c]
59.13.01 Diagnostic notes on new or imperfectly known Australian plants. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 3, 22–31. [was published between 23 June & 13 July 1859, see Aston (1984)]
59.13.02 Some hitherto unknown Australian plants.* Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria*, 3, 40–63. [was published between 23 June & 13 July 1859, see Aston (1984)]
59.13.03 Index of the plants described in the Transactions of the Victorian Institute, of the Philosophical Society, and the Philosophical Institute of Victoria. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 3, 114–120. [was published between 23 June & 13 July 1859, see Aston (1984)]
59.13.04 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 1 (Additamenta ad volumen primum; Explicatio partis analyticae illustrationum; index), 241–252. [ included in bound volume 60.02.04]
59.13.05 [Deleted; no explicit evidence has been found that proofs or extra-prints were distributed significantly before 59.13.01 was published]
59.13.06 [Deleted; no explicit evidence has been found that proofs or extra-prints were distributed significantly before 59.13.02 was published]
59.13.07 [Deleted; no explicit evidence has been found that proofs or extra-prints were distributed significantly before 59.13.02 was published]
59.13.08 Anniversary Address of the President, Ferdinand Mueller, Esq. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 4, 1–8. [was published between 30 November & 21 December 1859, see Aston (1984); in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 60.13.04]
59.13.09 [Circular to ship captains calling for donations of useful and rare animals for the Melbourne Zoological Garden.] [The untitled circular was based on 59.07.03 and was printed between 6 September & 1 December 1859, see minute book of the Committee of management of the Melbourne Zoological Garden]
59.14.01 D. Wilkie, ___, & J. Macadam. Second report of the Exploration Committee of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 3, xxxv–xxxix. [was published between 23 June & 13 July 1859, see Aston (1984)]
59.14.02 [Circular] W. Stawell, J. Hodgson, F. McCoy, ___, J. Smith, D. Wilkie & J. Macadam.Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 3, xl–xli. [was published between 23 June & 13 July 1859, see Aston (1984)]
59.14.03 D. Wilkie, ___, & J. Macadam. Third report of the Exploration Committee of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 3, xxxix–xl. [was published between 23 June & 13 July 1859, see Aston (1984)]
60. 01.01 Annual Report of the Government Botanist and Director of the Botanical and Zoological Garden. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1859–60, 4 (No. 37), 1–16. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 31 January. Contains: Report, pp. 3–10; Fifth systematic index of the plants of Victoria, comprising those collected in 1859, p. 11; Catalogue of the plants added during 1859 to those under cultivation in the Melbourne Botanic Garden, pp. 12–16.] [see also 60.02.01, 60.02.03, 60.06.06]
60.01.02 [Letter] In Distribution of animals. Argus (Melbourne),16 January, p. 5.
60.01.03 [Advertisement] Introduction of Australian birds into Britain. Argus (Melbourne), 16 January, p. 8. [The same advertisement was published in almost every issue until March 1861. These repeat insertions are not listed here.]
60.01.04 [Extract without species list] In South Australia.* Australian and New Zealand Gazette*, (London), 28 January, p. 73 [see also 59.03.01 &c.]
60.01.05 Address of the President, Ferdinand Mueller, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.G. & L.S., &c., &c. (Mason & Firth: Melbourne). [A preliminary version was distributed by 25 January 1860, see letter F. McCoy to Mueller, 26 January 1860; proofs were returned 26 January 1860, see letter Mueller to J. Macadam 26 January 1860, in the Correspondence as 60-01-26a. In Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 60.13.10] [see also 59.12.04, 59.12.05, 60.06.02]
60.02.01 Menagerie im botanischen Garten. Melbourner Deutsche Zeitung (Melbourne), 17 February, p. 144 [translated extract from 60.01.01]
60.0 2.02 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 2 (11), 1–24. [ included in bound volume 62.02.03]
60.02.03 [Extracts] Annual report of the Government Botanist and Director of the Botanical and Zoological Garden. Argus (Melbourne), 10 February, p. 7. [see also 60.01.01 &c.]
60.02.04 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, vol. 1. 1858–1859. (Government Printer: Melbourne) [bound volume, contains 58.03.01, 58.06.01, 58.07.01, 59.02.03, 59.04.04, 59.02.03, 59.04.04, 59.06.01, 59.09.03, 59.11.01, 59.12.01, 59.13.04, plus index. The index was being printed in January 1860, see Mueller to William Nicholson, 5 January 1860; a complete copy was sent to the Public Library in mid February, see Augustus Tulk to Mueller, 18 February 1860. It was reviewed in Sydney Morning Herald, 6 April, 1860, p. 8.]
60.04.01 Notice. Victoria — Government Gazette, No. 50, 20 April, p. 745.
60.05.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 2 (12), 25–72. [ included in bound volume 62.02.03]
60.05.02 [Extract] In Victoria — her future, and her neighbours. Argus (Melbourne), 4 May, p. 1 S. [see also 55.13.01]
60.05.03 [Letter. Appendix to Eugene Rimmel, On the art of perfumery …] Journal of the Society of Arts, 8, 525–6.
60.05.04 [Letter] In Introduction of salmon into Tasmania. Launceston Examiner, 31 May, p. 2. [see also 60.05.05]
60.05.05 [Letter] In Introduction of salmon into Tasmania.* Hobart Town Daily Mercury*, 29 May, p. 2. [see also 60.05.04]
60.06.01 Notes on the plants collected during Mr. John Macdouall Stuarts recent expedition into the north-west interior of South Australia. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 4, 183–188. [was published between 4 June & 25 June 1860, see Aston (1984); in Churchill et al. (1978) as 60.13.05] [see also 60.13.13, 63.05.01, 64.13.05, 64.13.09]
60.06.02 Address of the President, Ferdinand Mueller, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.G. & L.S., &c., &c. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 4, 204–210. [was published between 4 June & 25 June 1860, see Aston (1984); in Churchill et al. (1978) as 60.13.06] [see also 60.01.05]
60.06.03 [Letter] Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 4, xx. [was published between 4 June & 25 June 1860, see Aston (1984); in Churchill et al. (1978) as 60.13.07]
60.06.04 Annual Report for 1859. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 4, lix–lxi. [was published between 4 June & 25 June 1860, see Aston (1984); in Churchill et al. (1978) as 60.13.08]
60.06.05 Copy of letter from Dr. Mueller to His Excellency Sir H. Barkly, K.C.B., &c., &c. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 4, lvi. [was published between 4 June & 25 June 1860, see Aston (1984); in Churchill et al. (1978) as 60.13.09]
60.06.06 [Extract] in European animals in Australia. Glasgow Herald, 1 June, p. 6. [see also 60.01.01]
60.08.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 2 (13), 73–96. [included in bound volume 62.02.03]
60.10.01 Description of the Australian Kauri Pine. Quarterly Journal and Transactions of the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria, 2, 173–175.
60.10.02 [Letter] Herald (Melbourne), 20 October, p. 5 [see also 60.10.03]
60.10.03 [Letter] South Australian Register (Adelaide), 25 October, p. 3. [see also 60.10.02]
60.11.01 [Letter] In Our Llamas. Argus (Melbourne), 3 November, p. 5.
60.11.02 Angora goats. Victoria — Government Gazette (No. 142), 9 November, p. 2138. [see also 60.11.06, 60.11.07]
60.11.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 2 (14), 97–112. [included in bound volume 62.02.03]
60.11.04 [see 60.11.01]
60.11.05 [Letter] In The band in the Botanical Gardens. Argus (Melbourne), 28 November, p. 5.
60.11.06 Angora Goats, In The Gazette. Argus (Melbourne), 14 November, p. 5. [see also 60.11.02 &c.]
60.11.07 In News of the day. Age (Melbourne), 14 November, p. 5. [see also 60.11.02 &c.]
60.12.01 [Letter] In The poisonous herb. Adelaide Observer, 15 December p. 5. [see also 60.12.02]
60.12.02 [Letter] in The poisonous herb, South Australian Register (Adelaide), 26 December, p. 3. [see also 60.12.01]
60.13.01 On two Alpine Eurybiae of the Australian continent. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemens Land 3, 227–230. [Evidently distributed as a preprint before formal publication; see Botanische Zeitung, 17 : 56, (11 February 1859).
60.13.02 On Australian and Tasmanian umbelliferous plants. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemens Land 3, 231–238. [Evidently distributed as a preprint before formal publication; see Botanische Zeitung , 17: 56, (11 February 1859).
60.1 3.03 On the genus Eremophila. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemens Land, 3, 291–297.
60.13.04 [see 59.13.08]
60.13.05 [see 60.06.01]
60.13.06 [see 60.06.02]
60.13.07 [see 60.06.03]
60.13.08 [see 60.06.04]
60.13.09 [see 60.06.05]
60.13.10 [see 60.01.05]
60.13.11 [Deleted; see 60.01.05—almost certainly page proofs for which no explicit evidence of early distribution has been found]
60.13.12 Essay on the plants collected by Mr. Eugene Fitzalan, during Lieut. Smiths expedition to the estuary of the Burdekin. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [was published between 7 November and 10 December 1860 see letter, Mueller to W. Nicholson, 7 November 1860, Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria, 5, xxiii] [see also 60.13.14, 61.09.01]
60.13.13 Notes on South Australian plants. (Mason & Firth: Melbourne) [cover title of repaginated reprint of 60.06.01] [see also 60.06.01 &c.]
60.1 3.14 List of specimens collected by Mr. Fitzalan during the expedition to the North-Eastern coasts of Queensland. In Report of the proceedings of the Queensland Government schooner Spitfire in search of the mouth of the River Burdekin, on the north-eastern coast of Australia : and of the exploration of a portion of that coast extending from Gloucester Island to Halifax Bay.(Published by Authority, T. P. Pugh: Brisbane), Appendix B, pp. 39–42. [This list gives the family of each of 130 specimens, which are elaborated in 60.13.12, pp. 5–19] [see also 60.13.12]
60.14.01 ___, T. Skilling, W. E. Bryson, E. Jones & F. A. Corbett. Agricultural and horticultural resources. In Report on the resources of the Colony of Victoria. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 4, Appendix I, 31–62. [Presented at a meeting of the Royal Society of Victoria held on 23 April 1860, and ordered to be inserted in the Appendix to Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria for 1859 [see also 60.14.07]
60.14.02 ___ & M. H. Irving. To the Council of the Royal Society of Victoria. In Report on the resources of the Colony of Victoria. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 4, Appendix I, iii–iv. [see note to 60.14.01.] [see also 60.14.07]
60.14.03 ___, J. Macadam & L. Becker. Indigenous vegetable productions. In Report on the resources of the Colony of Victoria. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 4, Appendix I, 21–30. [see note to 60.14.01] [see also 60.14.07, 62.13.01]
60.14.04 ___, D. E. Wilkie & J. Macadam. Fourth Report of the Exploration Committee of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 4, lxiv–lxx. [was published between 4 June & 25 June 1860, see Aston (1984)] [see also 60.14.05, 60.14.06]
60.14.05 W. F. Stawell, J. Hodgson, ___, J. Macadam & D. E. Wilkie. Philosophical Institute of Victoria. Argus (Melbourne), 10 January, p. 5. [see also 60.14.04 &c.]
60.14.06 [Letter] J. Hodgson, ___, J. Macadam, & D. E. Wikie, in Australian exploration. South Australian Advertiser, 16 January, p. 2. [Extract from 60.14.04 &c.]
60.14.07 ___, J. Macadam, & L. Becker. Report on the resources of the Colony of Victoria (Government Printer: Melbourne) [Offprint includes the preface by Mueller and Irving, (see 60.14.02) and was briefly reviewed in the Age (Melbourne), 25 April 1860, p. 4, possibly from the sight of the report at the meeting of 23 April (see note to 61.14.01). It was more widely reviewed commencing in the first week of May, often with extensive quotation. Includes 60.14.01, 60.14.02, 60.14.03]
60.14.08 ___ & M. H. Irving, Progress report of the committee of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, appointed to consider and report on the Resources of the Colony of Victoria. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 4, lxiii–lxiv. [Presented to the meeting of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria held on 17 November 1859.]
61.01.01 Seeds of the Chinese tea-plant for distribution. Victoria — Government Gazette (No. 8), 18 January, p. 103.
61.02.01 Annual report of the Government Botanist and Director of the Botanic and Zoologic Garden. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1860–1 3 (No. 19), 1–18. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [Tabled 6 February. Contains: Report, pp. 3–15; Sixth systematic index of the plants indigenous to the Colony of Victoria, comprising those phaenogamous species collected during the year 1860, and a list of fungi examined by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, FRS, pp. 17–18.] [see also 61.02.03, 61.02.05, 61.12.01, 61.13.01]
61.02.02 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 2 (15), 113–140. [included in bound volume 62.02.03]
61 .0 2.03 [Extracts] Dr Mueller’s Report. Argus (Melbourne), 11 February, p. 6. [see also 61.02.01 &c.]
61.02.04 [Letter] In News and notes. Star (Ballarat), 28 February, p. 2. [see also 61.06.02, 61.07.03]
61.02.05 [Extracts] In Victoria. Sydney Morning Herald, 15 February, p. 2. [see also 61.02.01 &c.]
61.02.06 Annual report of the Government Botanist and Director of the Botanic and Zoologic Garden. Geelong Advertiser, 15 February, p. 3 [First ten pages of 61.02.01; marked To be continued but no other parts have been found] [see also 61.02.01 &c.]
61.03.01 Notes on the cultivation of the tea-plant. Argus (Melbourne), 18 March, p. 6. [see also 61.04.07, 61.05.05]
61.03.02 [see 61.04.14.]
61.04.01 [Letter] Lerp. Inglewood Advertiser, 2 April, p. 3.
61.04.02 [Letter extract] Argus (Melbourne), 9 April, p. 4 [see also 61.04.06, &c.]
61.04.03 [Letter] New kind of food. In Foreign correspondence. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 29 April, p. 387.
61.04.04 [Letter] The growth of cotton. Argus (Melbourne), 19 April, p. 5. [see also 61.04.09, 61.04.11, 61.04.15, 61.04.16, 61.04.19, 61.04.2061.05.06, 61.05.07, 61.06.03, 61.12.03]
61.04.05 [Letter] Silkworms. Argus (Melbourne), 26 April, p. 5. [see also 61.04.10]
61.04.06 [Letter] In The Poisonous Plant. South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide), 4 April, p. 2. [see also 61.04.02, 61.04.08, 61.04.12, 61.04.13, 61.04.17, 61.04.18]
61.04.07 Notes on the Cultivation of the Tea-Plant. Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane), 4 April, p. 3. [see also 61.03.01&c.]
61.04.08 [Letter extract] In South Australia. Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane), 25 April, p. 4. [see also 61.04.06 &c.]
61.04.09 [Letter] In The growth of cotton.* Star* (Ballarat), 20 April, p. S 1 [see also 61.04.04 &c.].
61.04.10 [Letter] In News and notes. Star (Ballarat), 27 April, p. 2 [see also 61.04.05]
61.0 4.11 [Letter] Cotton in Australia. Leader (Melbourne), 20 April, p. 7. [see also 61.04.04 &c.]
61.04.12 [Letter extract] In News and notes* Star* (Ballarat), 10 April, p. 2. [see also 61.04.06 &c.]
61.04.13 [Letter extract] In South Australia. Empire (Sydney), 15 April, p. 5 [see also 61.04.06 &c.]
61.04.14 Plants, &c. for distribution. Victoria — Government Gazette. (No. 52), 3 April, p. 682. [In Home et al. (1998) as 61.03.02]
61.04.15 [Letter] Culture of cotton in Australia. Geelong Advertiser, 22 April, p. 3. [see also 61.04.04 &c.]
61.04.16 [Letter] Cotton in Australia. Victorian Farmers Journal and Gardeners Chronicle (Melbourne), 27 April, p. 499–500. [see also 61.04.04 &c.]
61.04.17 [Letter] in The poison plant. Adelaide Observer, 6 April, p. 6. [see also 61.04.06 &c.]
61.04.18 [Letter] In The poisonous plant. South Australian Weekly Chronicle (Adelaide), 6 April, p. 3 [see also 61.04.06 &c.]
61.04.19 [Letter] In Culture of cotton in Australia. Herald (Melbourne), 19 April, p. 5. [see also 61.04.04 &c.]
61.04.20 [Letter] Cotton in Australia. Age (Melbourne), 19 April, p. 5. [see also 61.04.04 &c.]
61.05.01 [Letter] Notizen über australische Pflanzen. In Correspondenz. Bonplandia. Zeitschrift für die gesammte Botanik, 9, 105.
61.05.02 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 2 (16), 141–168. [included in bound volume 62.02.03]
61.05.03 [Letter] Trees for street planting. Victorian Horticultural & Agricultural Gazette, (Geelong), 28 May, pp. 65–66. [see also 61.05.04, 61.06.04, 61.06.05]
61.05.04 [Letter] Planting street avenues. Geelong Advertiser, 24 May 1861, p. 3. [see also 61.05.03 &c.]
61.05.05 Notes on the cultivation of the tea-plant.* Inquirer and Commercial News* (Perth, WA), 8 May, p. 3. [see also 61.03.01 &c.]
61.05.06 [Letter] The growth of cotton. Launceston Examiner (Launceston, Tas), 7 May, p. 4. [see also 61.04.04, &c.]
61.05.07 [Letter] The growth of cotton. Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas), 1 May, p. 2 [see also 61.04.04 &c.]
61.05.08 [Letter] In Dons danimaux vivants de lAustralie et du Soudan.* Bulletin de la Société impériale Zoologique dacclimatation*, 8, 236.
61.06.01 [Letter] Deutsche Zeitung (Melbourne), 21 June, p. 31.
61.06.02 [Letter] Remarkable new Australian tree. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 22 June, p. 580 [see also 61.02.04 &c.]
61.06.03 [Letter] In Victoria. Australian and New Zealand Gazette, (London), 29 June, pp. 427–428. [see also 61.04.04 &c.]
61.06.04 [Letter] Planting street avenues. Victorian Farmers Journal and Gardeners Chronicle, (Melbourne), 1 June, pp. 660–661. [see also 61.05.03 &c.]
61.06.05 [Letter] Planting street avenues. Age (Melbourne), 4 June, p. 7. [see also 61.05.03 &c.]
61.07.01 Sea Island cotton seeds for distribution. Victoria — Government Gazette (No. 110), 19 July, p. 1371.
61.07.02 [Letter] In Dr. Mueller and the Exploration Committee. Argus (Melbourne), 18 July, p. 5.
61.07.03 [Letter] In Remarkable new Australian Tree. Lancaster Gazette and General Advertiser, (Lancaster, England), 13 July, p. 3. [see also 61.02.04 &c.]
61.0 7.04 Observations on some hitherto undescribed plants from New Zealand. The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, new series, 14,** **157–158. [The signature mark on p. 153 of journal for the gathering in which these pages are printed indicating April is clearly erroneous, as items read to societies in May are included; the previous and following signatures have July, and this month is used here.] [see also 63.13.02]
61.09.01 [Notes, extract] In Araucaria rulei. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 28 September, p. 868. [see also 60.13.12]
61.10.01 Die Vegetation in Victoria. Deutsche Zeitung (Melbourne), 25 October, pp. 101–102. [see 61.10.02 &c.]
61.10.02 The vegetation of Victoria. Argus (Melbourne), 19 October. p. 7. [see also 61.10.01, 61.11.01, 61.13.06, 61.13.09, 61.13.10, 62.01.01, 62.10.04, 66.09.01]
61.10.03 [Circular] Vegetable raw materials and manufactured articles. Mount Alexander Mail, 30 October, p. 3. [all or part of the contents without the covering letter were quoted or paraphrased in other newspapers, including Age (Melbourne), 18 October, p. 6; Herald (Melbourne) 18 October, p. 5; Bendigo Advertiser, 29 October, p. 3; Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth), 2 November, p. 2; and without attributing the list to Mueller: Argus (Melbourne), 18 October, p. 5; Star (Ballarat), 19 October, p. 2;* Gippsland Guardian, 1 November, p. 2; Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser*, 15 November, p. 4.] [see also 61.10.04]
61.10.04 [Circular] In Vegetable products for the London Exhibition. Geelong Advertiser, 28 October, p. 3 [see also 61.10.03]
61.11.01 Die Vegetation in Victoria. Deutsche Zeitung (Melbourne), 1 November, p. 106. [see also 61.10.02 &c.]
61.11.02 Notizen über australische Pflanzen. Bonplandia. Zeitschrift für die gesammte Botanik, 9, 329.
61.11.03 [Letter] Seeds in the desert. Argus (Melbourne), 16 November, p. 7.
61.11.04 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 2 (Additamenta ad volumen secundum; Additamenta ad volume primum; Index generum et specierum in volumine secondo descriptorum, nec non ordinum ibidem adnotatorum; Index generum et specierum, quae in volumine primo secundove fragmentorum adnota sunt; Index synonymorum), 169–199. [The index had been prepared by 24 October, see letter to W. Hooker 24 October 1861, and is included in the same gathering as Additamenta ad volume primum, thus highly probable to have been included in the closing fascicle distributed by 26 November, see letter Mueller to W. Hooker, 26 November 1861; in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 61.13.07] [included in bound volume 62.02.03]
61.12.01 Melbourne Botanic and Zoological Garden (Extracts from the report of the Director). Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, December 28, p. 1135. [see also 61.02.01 &c.]
61.12.02 [Extract] In Ramel, P. Eucalyptus globulus de Tasmanie, Revue Maritime et Coloniale, 3, 519–520. [French translation from 60.05.01, pp. 68–70] [see also 62.09.02, 62.13.02, 70.13.04, 73.13.07]
61.12.03 [Letter]* In* William Story, Essay upon the agriculture of Victoria. In Victorian Government Prize Essays, 1860, 138–140. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [Issued in December, see Age (Melbourne), 18 December 1861, p. 5; In Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 61.13.05] [see also 61.04.04 &c.]
61.13.01 [Extracts] In Ndn [C. Naudin?], Une Excursion Botanique à la Nouvelle Hollande. Flore des Serres et des Jardins de lEurope 14 155–160. [see also 61.02.01 &c.]
61.13.02 [Letter] In Frederick McCoy, A commentary on A communication made by the Rev. W. B. Clarke to His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B., &c., &c., President of the Royal Society of Victoria, on Professor McCoys new Taeniopteris, &c., &c. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria, 5, 97.
61.13.03 List of plants collected by Lockhart Morton, Esq., between the Rivers Darling and Lachlan. In W. Lockhart Morton, Remarks on the physical geography, climate, &c., of the regions lying between the Rivers Lachlan and Darling. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria, 5, 138–139.
61.13.04 [see 61.14.03]
61.13.05 [see 61.12.03]
61.13. 06 The vegetation of the Colony, especially in reference to its resources. In Catalogue of the Victorian Exhibition, 1861, 91–97. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [see also 61.10.02 &c.]
61.13.07 [see 61.11.04]
61.13.08 [Deleted; entry was Mueller’s brief note on his editorial interventions when he transcribed the field books kept by William Wills during the exploration journey from Coopers Creek to the Gulf of Carpentaria and return, and recovered at Coopers Creek after his death.]
61.13.09 Die Vegetation von Victoria, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Hilfsquellen der Colonie. In Die Colonie Victoria in Australien; ihr Fortschritt, ihre Hilfsquellen und ihr physikalischer Charakter, 87–94. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [translated by Benjamin Loewy] [see also 61.10.02 &c.]
61.13.10 De la végétation de la Colonie de Victoria, particulièrement en ce qui rapport à ses ressources. In Essais divers, servant dintroduction au catalogue de lexposition des produits de la Colonie de Victoria: mettant en relief les progrès, ressources et caractère physique de la Colonie, 77–83. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [translated by George Hennelle] [see also 61.10.02 &c.]
61.13.11 [Deleted; entry was for descriptions by D. N. F. Dietrich of two species collected by Mueller using Mueller’s names on specimens in Sonders herbarium.]
61.14.01 ___, D. E. Wilkie & J. Macadam. Progress report of exploration committee. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria, 5, xxxiii–xxxv
61.14.02 ___, F. McCoy, G. Neumayer & A. Selwyn. Instructions furnished to scientific observers attached to the Victorian Exploring Expedition – Surveyor, Astonomer, Meteorologist, Geologist, Mineralogist, Zoologist, and Botanist. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria, 5, lxviii–lxxiv [the authors were elected to a sub-committee to write the report although their names did not appear on the printed version, see minutes of the Royal Society of Victoria, Victorian Exploration Committee.]
61.14.03 ____ T. Ralph, W. L. Morton, and J. Bleasdale. Report of the committee on the indigenous fibrous plants of the Colony suitable for paper-making. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria, 5, xlii–xliv. [The Report consists of the text of a letter from Mueller to Octavius Timins, 22 October 1860 and a supplementary text on grasses by the committee of which Mueller was a member] [see also 63.04.04, 66.04.10, 66.05.08]
62.01.01 [Illustrated extract] In The Australian alps. Illustrated Australian Mail (Melbourne), 18 January, p. 37. [see also 61.10.02 &c.]
62.02.01 [see 62.03.03]
62.02.02 [Letter] Protection to the small birds. Argus (Melbourne), 7 February p. 5.
62.02.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, vol. 2. 1860–1861. (Government Printer: Melbourne) [bound volume, contains 60.02.02, 60.05.01, 60.08.01, 60.11.03, 61.02.02, 61.05.02, 61.11.04. The volume was at the binders at the end of January, see* *Mueller to G. Bentham, 24 January, 1862, and is reported in Mueller to J. OShannassy, 10 March 1862 as published during the year.]
62.0 3.01 Annual report of the Government Botanist and Director of the Botanic Garden. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1861–2 3 (No. 105), 1–11. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [Tabled 25 March. Contains: Report, pp. 3–9; List of contributors of plants and seeds during the year 1861, pp. 10–11.] [see also 62.05.02]
62.03.02 Plants and seeds for distribution. Victoria — Government Gazette (No. 38), 28 March, p. 548.
62.03.03 The plants indigenous to the Colony of Victoria. I Thalamiflorae. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [was published between 3 March & 7 March 1862, see Mueller to Haast, 3 March 1862; Botany (Sydney Morning Herald, 7 March 1862, p. 5; in Churchill et al. (1978) as 62.02.01]
62.04.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 3 (17), 1–24. [included in bound volume 63.04.06]
62.04.02 [Letter] Bulletin de la Société Impériale Zoologique dAcclimatation 9, 349–350.
62.05.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 3 (18), 25–40. [included in bound volume 63.04.06]
62.05.02 Zierden Melbournes. 2. Der botanische Garten. Australische Monatzeitung (Melbourne), 20 May, pp. 39–40. [Translated extracts] [see also 62.03.01]
62.06.01 [Letter] In Dr Mueller and the distribution of plants. Star (Ballarat), 5 June, p. S 1.
62.07.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 3 (19), 41–60. [included in bound volume 63.04.06]
62.07.02 [Letter] Economist (Melbourne), 18 July, pp. 3–4. [see also 62.07.03]
62.07.03 [Letter] In Singular Mortality among sheep. Sydney Morning Herald, 30 July, p. 5. [see also 62.07.02]
62.09 .01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 3 (20), 61–92. [included in bound volume 63.04.06]
62.09.02 Description de lEucalyptus globulus. In P. Ramel, LEucalyptus globulus (Tasmanian blue Gum-tree), gommier blue de la Tasmanie. Bulletin de la Société Impériale Zoologique dAcclimatation 9,** **791–793. [French translation by M. Newmann of 60.05.01, pp. 68–70] [see also 61.12.02 &c.]
62.10.01 [Letter] Examiner and Melbourne Weekly News, 11 October, p. 1. [see also 62.10.05 &c.]
62.10.02 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 3 (21), 93–126. [included in bound volume 63.04.06]
62.10.03 [Letter] Bulletin de la Société Impériale Zoologique dAcclimatation, 9, 918.
62.10.04 [Extract on Australian Alps] Caledonian Mercury (Edinburgh), 6 October, p. 2. [see 61.10.02 &c.]
62.10.05 [Letter] Talbot Leader, 7 October p. 2. [see also 62.10.01, 62.10.06, 62.10.07]
62.10.06 [Letter] In Current topics. Geelong Advertiser, 9 October, p. 2. [see also 62.10.05 &c.]
62.10.07 [Letter] In Town Talk. Herald (Melbourne), 10 October. p. 5. [see also 62.10.05 &c.]
62.1 1.01 A systematic arrangement of the plants noticed around the Gulf of Carpentaria, from the Roper to the Gilbert River, including those collected during Mr. Landsboroughs Expedition, separately paginated appendix, in Journal of Landsboroughs expedition from Carpentaria, in search of Burke & Wills,Melbourne. [Was advertised for sale Argus (Melbourne) 14 November 1862, p. 2] [See also 63.13.05, 66.08.21]
62.1 3.01 [Extract] Indigenous vegetable productions of the Colony of Victoria. Technologist (London), 2,** **120–123. [Author given as Fredk. Mueller] [see also 60.14.03]
62.13.02 Description de lEucalyptus globulus. In P. Ramel, LEucalyptus globulus (Tasmanian blue Gum-tree), gommier bleu de la Tasmanie. Extrait du Bulletin de la Société Impériale dAcclimatation. (Numéro de septembre 1862). (L. Martinet: Paris), 6–8. [French translation by M. Newmann of 60.05.01, pp. 68–70] [see also 61.12.02 &c.]
62.14.01 F. Robertson, ___, & J. Macadam. Board of Agriculture. Thistles. Argus (Melbourne), 24 September, p. 7. [see also 62.14.04, 62.14.05, 62.14.06, 62.14.07]
62.14.02 [see 62.14.03]
62.14.03 R. Eades & ___. Materia medica and botany. In The Melbourne University calendar for the academic year 1862–3. Appendix. Examination papers 1861—1862, pp. clxxxiiiclxxxiv. (Mason & Firth: Melbourne).
62.14.04 F. Robertson, ___, & J. Macadam. Board of Agriculture. Thistles. Age (Melbourne), 24 September, p. 7. [see also 62.14.01 &c.]
62.14.05 F. Robertson, ___, & J. Macadam. Board of Agriculture. Thistles. Farmers Journal and Gardeners Chronicle (Melbourne), 27 September, p. 537. [see also 62.14.01 &c.]
62.14.06 F. Robertson, ___, & J. Macadam. Thistles. Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser, 30 September, p. [3]. [see also 62.14.01 &c.]
62.14.07 F. Robertson, ___, & J. Macadam. Board of Agriculture. Thistles. Herald (Melbourne), 24 September, p. 7. [see also 62.14.01 &c.]
63.01.01 Plants, cuttings, and seeds for distribution. Victoria — Government Gazette, (No. 12), 30 January, p. 256.
63 .0 1 .02 [Letter] pp. 358-359 In W. J. Wills [Edited by W. Wills] A successful exploration through the interior of Australia, London. [The volume was announced as immediately available in advertisements, for example, Morning Herald (London), 22 January 1863, p. 1]
63 .0 1.03 Letter] pp. 361-362 In W. J. Wills [Edited by W. Wills] A successful exploration through the interior of Australia, London.
63. 0 1.04 [Letter] pp. 362-363 In W. J. Wills [Edited by W. Wills] A successful exploration through the interior of Australia, London.
63.01.0 5 [Letter] p. 363 In W. J. Wills [Edited by W. Wills] A successful exploration through the interior of Australia, London.
63.03.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 3 (22), 127–148. [included in bound volume 63.04.06]
63.04.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 3 (23), 149–162. [included in bound volume 63.04.06]
63.04.02 [Extract of speech] Abschiedsmahl zu Ehren des Herrn Prof. Damm. Germania (Melbourne), 16 April, p. 509.
63.04.03 A record of the plants collected by Mr. Pemberton Walcott and Mr. Maitland Brown in the year 1861, during Mr. F. Gregorys exploring expedition into North-west Australia. The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, n.s. 17, 214–235. [see also 63.13.03]
63.04.04 [Extracts] Indigenous Fibres in Australia fitted for Manufactures. The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, n.s. 17, 156–157. [see also 61.14.03 &c.]
63.04.05 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 3 (Additamenta ad volumen primum, Additamenta ad volumen secundum; Additamenta ad volumen tertium; Index generum et specierum; Index synonymorum et specierum), 163–177. [this item must have followed 63.04.01and the complete volume was issued by April 1863, see note to 63.04.06; in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 63.13.04; included in bound volume 63.04.06]
63.04.06 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, vol. 3. 1862–1863. (Government Printer: Melbourne) [bound volume, contains 62.04.01, 62.05.01, 62.07.01, 62.09.01, 62.10.02, 62.03.01, 63.04.01, 63.04.05. The last portion went to press in the last week of March, see Mueller to E. Henderson, 29 February 1883, and the volume was recently issued in mid April, see Mueller to J. OShanassy, 15 April 1863]
63.05.01 Annual Report of the Government Botanist and Director of the Botanic Garden.** In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1862–3, 4** (No.61), 1–18. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 21 May; contains: Report, pp. 3–9; Enumeration of the plants collected during Mr. J. MacD. Stuarts expeditions across the Australian continent in 1860, 1861 and 1862, pp. 11–15; Enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. J. Murray during Mr. A. Howitts expedition into central Australia in the year 1862, pp. 16–18.] [see also 60.06.01, 63.05.02, 63.05.03]
63.05.02 The Botanical Garden. Examiner (Melbourne), 30 May, pp. 18–19. [see also 63.05.01]
63.05.03 The Botanical Garden. Argus (Melbourne), 26 May, p. 7 [see also 63.05.01]
63.05.04 [Letter] Bulletin de la Société Impériale Zoologique dAcclimatation, 10, 314 [in Home et al. (1998) as 63.13.07]
63.06.01 [Note on Coccoloba platycada] Curtiss Botanical Magazine, series 3, 19,** **sub plate 5382.
63.08.01 Argus (Melbourne), 5 August, pp. 4–5. [extracts from 58.05.02]
63.09.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 4 (24), 1–26. [included in bound volume 65.02.09]
63.10.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 4 (25), 27–50. [included in bound volume 65.02.09]
63.10.02 [Letter] In Tobacco Culture. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1863, 6–7. [Complete volume issued 1864; item was in Monthly notices for October 1863]
63.10.03 [Letter] The Cape Weed. Argus (Melbourne), 23 October, p. 6.
63.10.04 [Letter] In The imperial sugar beet. Farmers Journal and Gardeners Chronicle, (Melbourne), 17 October, p. 664.
63.10.05 [Translation by F. Mueller] The sugar beet Farmers Journal and Gardeners Chronicle, (Melbourne), 17 October, p. 664. [translated extracts from F. Knauer (1861)]
63.13.01 [Letter] Lettre de M. le D. F. Mueller, Directeur du jardin d acclimatation de Melbourne, Délégué de notre Société en Australie, à M. le Dr. Berg, Secrétaire général. Bulletin de la Société dAcclimatation et dHistoire Naturelle de lIle de la Réunion, 1, 141–142.
63.13.02 Observations on some hitherto undescribed plants from New Zealand. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, 7, 153–155. [see also 61.07.04]
63.13.03 A record of the plants collected by Mr. Pemberton Walcott and Mr. Maitland Brown in the year 1861, during Mr. F. Gregorys exploring expedition into North-west Australia. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, 7, 479–500. [see also 63.04.03]
63.13.04 [see 63.04.05]
63.13.05 A systematic arrangement of the plants noticed around the Gulf of Carpentaria, from the Roper to the Gilbert River, including those collected during Mr. Landsboroughs Expedition. (Fergusson and Moore: Melbourne). [The British Library copy is date-stamped 6 AU 63, so it must have been published no later than May or very early June 1863] [see also 62.11.01 &c]
63.13.06 The plants indigenous to the Colony of Victoria vol 2 . Calyciflorae. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [Distributed selectively as sheets were printed off, but never completed beyond sheet 5, pp. 33–40, which was sent to Bentham in July 1863 (see Mueller to Bentham, 23 July 1863). There is a bound copy of the five sheets at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. It was cited by Bentham (1863–78) vol. 2, e.g., p. 396, and by Mueller in his Systematic census (e.g., Acacia trineura, 89.12.03, p. 78; sheets were sent to Sonder, (O. W. Sonder to Carl von Martius, 6 June 1866 (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Martiusiana II, A.2, Sonder, W), probably for distribution, see for example, Mueller to Carl von Martius, 12 August 1863. See also Court, Cowan & Maslin (1994) who argue that this work was not effectively published; the case is discussed in Lucas (2023), pp. 40-41)]
63.13.07 [see 63.05.04].
63.14.01 R. Eades & ___. Medical botany, materia medica, therapeutics, and writing prescriptions without abbreviations. In The Melbourne University calendar for the academic year 1863–4. Appendix, Examination papers 1862–1863, pp. ccv–ccvi. (Government Printer: Melbourne).
63.14.02 ___ & other Members of the Royal Society of Victoria. [Address to Governor] In The Royal Society. Argus (Melbourne), 1 September, p. 6. [Although the published Address is unsigned, Mueller, as Secretary to the Royal Society, would have undoubtedly approved it, and it was he who formally presented it to Sir Henry Barkly.] [see also 63.14.04, 63.14.05, 63.14.06, 63.14.07]
63.14.03 [Letter]___ & 12 others. The Royal Society. Argus (Melbourne), 4 November, p. 5. [see also 63.14.08]
63.14.04 ___ & other Members of the Royal Society of Victoria. [Address to Governor] In The Royal Society. Age (Melbourne), 1 September, p. 6. [see notes on 63.14.02]
63.14.05 ___ & other Members of the Royal Society of Victoria. [Address to Governor] In The Royal Society of Victoria. Geelong Advertiser, 2 September, p. 3. [see notes on 63.14.02]
63.14.06 ___ & other Members of the Royal Society of Victoria. [Address to Governor] In The Royal Society of Victoria. Farmers Journal and Gardeners Chronicle (Melbourne), 5 September, p 572. [see notes on 63.14.02]
63.14.07 ___ & other Members of the Royal Society of Victoria. [Address to Governor] In The Royal Society of Victoria. Herald (Melbourne), 1 September, p. 3. [see notes on 63.14.02]
63.14.08 ___ & 12 others.[Letter] The Royal Society. Herald (Melbourne), 5 November, p. 4. [see also 63.14.03]
64.0 2.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 4 (26), 51–90. [included in bound volume 65.02.09]
64.02.02 [Letter] Germania (Melbourne), 4 February, p. 685.
64.03.01 Plants, cuttings, and seeds for distribution. Victoria — Government Gazette, (No. 29), 22 March, p. 703.
64.05.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 4 (27), 91–114. [included in bound volume 65.02.09]
64.06.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 4 (28), 115–134. [included in bound volume 65.02.09]
64.07.01 [Letter] In Bulletin Société imperial zoologique dacclimatation: Series 2, 1, 442.
64.10.01 [Letter] Poisonous gastrolobes. In Foreign correspondence. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 22 October, p. 1013.
64.10.02 Vegetation of the Chatham-Islands. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [was published in October, see letter, Mueller to J. McCulloch, 10 October 1864; in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 64.13.02]
64.10.03 Analytical drawings of Australian mosses. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [editor; was to be issued within a few days, see Mueller to J. McCulloch 10 October 1864. A copy was presented to the Royal Society of Victoria on 10 October, see Argus (Melbourne) 11 October 1864, p. 6. It was reviewed in Sydney Morning Herald, 21 November 1864, p. 3. In Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 64.13.04]
64.11.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 4 (29), 135–150. [included in bound volume 65.02.09]
64.11.02 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 4 (30), 151–166. [included in bound volume 65.02.09]
64.11.03 [Letter] In Notes and queries. Australasian (Melbourne), 12 November 1864, p. 9.
64.12.01 [Letter] In A voice from the Interior. Argus (Melbourne), 16 December, p. 5. [see also 64.12.02, 64.12.09, 64.12.10, 64.12.11, 64.12.12, 64.12.13, 65.01.03]
64.12.02 [Letter] In Discovery of remains supposed to belong to an exploration party. Sydney Morning Herald, 22 December, p. 5. [see also 64.12.01 &c.]
64.12.03 [Letter] In The supply of resin and turpentine to Great Britain. Argus (Melbourne), 28 December, p. 7. [see also 64.12.04, 64.12.08, 64.12.14, 65.01.01]
64.12.04 [Letter] In Imports of resin and turpentine into the United Kingdom. Geelong Advertiser, 19 December, p. 2. [see also 64.12.03 &c.]
64.12.05 [Letter] In Current topics. Geelong Advertiser, 28 December, p. 2. [see also 64.12.07.]
64.12.06 [Letter] In Notes and Queries. Australasian (Melbourne), 10 December, p. 9.
64.12.07 [Letter] In Leichhardts fate. Herald (Melbourne), 27 December p. 3. [see also 64.12.05]
64.12.08 [Letter] In The supply of resin and turpentine to Great Britain. Age (Melbourne), 14 December, p. 5. [see also 64.12.03 &c.]
64.12.09 [Letter] In A voice from the interior. Kapunda Herald and Northern Intelligencer, 31 December, p. 3. [see also 64.12.01 &c.]
64.12.10 [Letter] In Discovery of remains supposed to belong to an exploration party.* Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser,* 24 December, p. 2. [see also 64.12.01 &c.]
64.12.11 [Letter] In A voice from the interior. Mount Alexander Mail, 17 December, p. 3. [see also 64.12.01 &c.]
64.12.12 [Letter] In A voice from the interior. Bendigo Advertiser, 17 December, p. 3. [see also 64.12.01 &c.]
64.12.13 [Letter] In Current Topics. Geelong Advertiser, 17 December, p. 2 [see also 64.12.01 &c.]
64.12.14 [Letter] In The supply of resin and turpentine to Great Britain. Herald (Melbourne), 14 December, p. 3. [see also 64.12.03 &c.]
64.13.01 Lettre de M. Mueller à M. Berg. Bulletin de la Société dAcclimatation et dHistoire Naturelle de lIle de la Réunion, 2, 106–107.
64.13.02 [see 64.10.02]
64.13.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 4 (Explanatio tabularum; Additamenta ad volumen primum, Additamenta ad volumen secundum, Additamenta ad volumen tertium, Additamenta ad volumen quartum, Index), 167–195. [must have been available by late 1864, see notes to 65.02.09, in which this item is included.] [included in bound volume 65.02.09]
64.13.04 [see 64.10.03]
64.13.05 Enumeration of the plants collected during Mr. J. McDouall Stuarts expeditions across the Australian continent in 1860, 1861 and 1862. Appendix. In W. Hardman (Editor), Explorations in Australia. The journals of John McDouall Stuart during the years 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, & 1862, when he fixed the centre of the continent and successfully crossed it from sea to sea, 493–507. (Saunders, Otley & Co.: London). [also published in F. Mueller’s Annual Report, see 63.05.01] [see also 60.06.01 &c.]
64.14.01 ___ et al. Answers to the foregoing enquiries. In Answers furnished by the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria to the enquiries addressed to it by His Excellency the Governor of Victoria, at the instance of the Right Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 7–20. (Wilson & Mackinnon Melbourne). [The copy in the State Library of Victoria is inscribed Presented by the Society 4 May 1864.]
64.14.02 R. Eades &. ___ Materia medica, therapeutics, and medical botany. In The Melbourne University calendar for the academic year 1864–65, Appendix, Examination papers 1863–1864, pp. ccxxxvii–ccxxxviii. (Government Printer: Melbourne).
64.14.03 [Letter] Die Auffindung neuer Spuren der Leichhardtschen Expedition. Germania (Melbourne), 29 December, p. 874. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
64.14.04 D. Wilkie & ___. Further Traces of Dr. Leichhardts Party. Age (Melbourne), 23 December, p. 5. [see also 64.14.03, 64.14.05, 65.14.06, 64.14.07, 64.14.08, 64.14.09, 64.14.10, 64.14.11, 65.14.03, 65.14.04, 65.14.06, 65.14.07, 65.14.08, 65.14.09, 65.14.10, 65.14.16, 65.14.17]
64.14.05 D. Wilkie & ___. Further traces of Dr. Leichhardts party. Sydney Morning Herald, 29 December, p. 2. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
64.14.06 D. Wilkie & ___. Further traces of Dr. Leichhardts party. Australasian (Melbourne), 31 December, p. 13. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
64.14.07 D Wilkie & ___. [Extract]. Geelong Advertiser, 24 December, p. 2. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
64.14.08 D. Wilkie & ___. Further traces of Dr. Leichhardts party. Bendigo Advertiser, 27 December, p. 3. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
64.14.09 D. Wilkie & ___. Further traces of Dr. Leichhardts party. Empire (Sydney), 29 December, p. 5. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
64.14.10 D. Wilkie & ___. Further traces of Dr. Leichhardts party. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 31 December, p. 10. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
64.14.11 D. Wilkie & ___. Further traces of Dr. Leichhardts party. Leader (Melbourne), 31 December, p, 5. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
65.01.01 [Letter] Brisbane Courier, 14 January, p. 4 [see also 64.12.03 &c.]
65.01.02 [Letter] In Dr. Mueller.* Cornwall Chronicle* (Launceston, Tas), 28 January, p. 4. [see also 65.01.04]
65.01.03 [Letter] In Correspondence relative to the discovery of remains supposed to be Leichhardts. Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser, 7 January, p. 3 [see also 64.12.01 &c.]
65.01.04 [Letter] In Launceston Gardeners and Amateurs Horticultural Society. Launceston Examiner (Tas), 26 January, p. 5. [see also 65.01.02]
65.02.01 [Lecture] The fate of Leichhardt. Age (Melbourne), 10 February, p. 7. [The lecture was summarised in many other newspapers, for example, extensively with quoted extracts in Freemans Journal (Sydney), 4 March 1865, p. 140, and in brief in Tumut and Adelong Times (NSW), 23 February, 1865, p. 3] [see also 65.02.03, 65.02.04, 65.02.07, 65.02.08, 65.03.04, 65.03.08, 65.03.09, 65.03.10, 65.06.04, 65.06.24, 65.13.05, 65.13.06, 65.13.07]
65.02.02 [Deleted; item is a very short and edited quotation from 58.05.02, p. 98]
65.02.03 The fate of Leichhardt. Australasian (Melbourne), 18 February, p. 13. [see also 65.02.01&c.]
65.02.04 Dr Ludwig Leichhardt und die Nachforschung über sein Schicksal. Germania (Melbourne), 23 February, pp. 908–909. [see also 65.02.01, &c.]
65.02.05 [Letter] In Foreign correspondence, Gastrolobium grandiflorum. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 25 February, p. 174. [signed F. M.]
65.02.06 The plants indigenous to the Colony of Victoria. Lithograms. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [was published in February, see letter, Mueller to R. Gunn, 6 January 1865, letter, Mueller to G. Bentham, 24 February 1865; in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 65.13.04]
65.02.07 The fate of Leichhardt. Sydney Morning Herald, 22 February, p. 2. [see also 65.02.01 &c.]
65.02.08 The fate of Leichhardt. Leader (Melbourne), 11 February, p. 4. [see also 65.02.01 &c.]
65.02.09 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, vol. 4. 1863–1864. (Government Printer: Melbourne) [bound volume, contains 63.09.01, 63.10.01, 64.02.01, 64.05.01, 64.06.01,64.11.01, 64.11.02, 64.13.03. The volume was in the binders hands in January 1865, see Mueller to R. Gunn, 6 January 1865, and it was reviewed in the Sydney Morning Herald, 16 February 1865, p. 3.]
65.03.01 [Letter] In Foreign correspondence, Epipogium gmelini. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 11 March, p. 222.
65.03.02 Plants, cuttings, and seeds for distribution. Victoria — Government Gazette (No. 28), 14 March, p. 626.
65.03.03 [Letter extract] In Can rust in grain be prevented? Sydney Morning Herald, 30 March, p. 10.
65.03.04 The fate of Leichhardt. Brisbane Courier, 4 March, p. 6. [see also 65.02.01, &c.]
65.03.05 [Letter] The cultivation of tea. Australasian (Melbourne), 18 March, p. 8. [see also 65.03.06, 65.04.04]
65.03.06 [Letter] The cultivation of tea. Geelong Advertiser, 21 March, p. 3. [see also 65.03.05 &c.]
65.03.07 [Speech] In Flower show. Geelong Advertiser, 31 March, pp. 2–3.
65.03.08 The fate of Leichhardt. Brisbane Courier, 17 March, p. 5. [see also 65.02.01 &c.]
65.03.09 The fate of Dr. Leichhardt. Press (Canterbury, N. Z.), 18 March, p. 5. [see also 65.02.01 &c.]
65.03.10 The fate of Leichhardt. Empire (Sydney), 2 March 1865, pp. 23. [see also 65.02.01 &c.]
65.04.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 5 (31), 1–26. [included in bound volume 67.02.07]
65.04.02 [Letter] In The search for Dr. Leichhardt. Brisbane Courier, 10 April, p. 2. [see also 65.04.03]
65.04.03 [Letter] In The search for Dr. Leichhardt. Brisbane Courier, 17 April, p. 4. [a reinsertion of the same letter published a week earlier] [see also 65.04.02]
65.04.04 [Letter] The cultivation of tea. Goulburn Herald and Chronicle, 1 April, p. 4. [see also 65.03.05 &c.]
65.04.05 Lecture on Rust in cereals. Delivered in the Town Hall, Sandhurst, 22nd March 1865, under the auspices of the Bendigo Agricultural and Horticultural Society. (J. M. Harcourt: Sandhurst). [Was published in April: Herald (Melbourne), 19 April, p. 2 announced that it had received a copy; in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 65.13.02]
65.05.01 On the systematic position of the Nardoo plant, and the physiological characteristics of its fruit. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 6, 137–147.
65.05.02 Notes on Gastrolobium grandiflorum. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 6, 147–148. [see also 65.08.17, 65.10.03]
65.05.03 The search for Leichhardt. Economist (Melbourne), 5 May, p. 3. [see also 65.05.15]
65.05.04 [Letter]. Perth Gazette and West Australian Times, 19 May, p. 2.
65.05.05 The search for Leichhardt and his party. Riverine Herald (Echuca, Vic), 13 May, p. 2. [see also 65.05.06, 65.06.21]
65.05.06 The search for Leichhardt. Australasian (Melbourne), 27 May, p. 9. [see also 65.05.05 &c.]
65.05.07 [Letter] In Town Talk. Gippsland Times, 3 May, p. 2.
65.05.08 [Memorandum] Herald (Melbourne), 12 May, p. 2. [see also 65.05.09, 65.05.10, 65.05.11, 65.05.12, 65.05.13, 65.05.14]
65.05.09 [Extract] Mercury (Hobart), 24 May, p. 3. [see also 65.05.08 &c.]
65.05.10 [Memorandum] In News and notes. Ballarat Star, 13 May, p. 2. [see also 65.05.08 &c.]
65.05.11 [Memorandum] In The northern settlements. The discovery amongst the Aboriginals. Bendigo Advertiser, 13 May, p. 1. [see also 65.05.08 &c.]
65.05.12 [Extract] Argus (Melbourne), 17 May, p. 5. [see also 65.05.08 &c.]
65.05.13 [Extract] In Town news. Australasian (Melbourne), 20 May, p. 6. [see also 65.05.08 &c.]
65.05.14 [Extract] In Table Talk. Relics of white men. Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser, 22 May, p. 2. [see also 65.05.08 &c.]
65.05.15 [Letter] In the search for Leichhardt, Brisbane Courier, 29 May, p. 2. [see also 65.05.03]
65.06.01 [Letter] Discovery of Cyathea medullaris and Aspidium hispidum in Australia. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 3, 193.
65.06.02 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 5 (32), 27–42. [included in bound volume 67.02.07]
65.06.03 [Letter] In The Leichhardt fund. Brisbane Courier, 3 June, p. 6. [see also 65.06, 12, 65.09.06]
65.06.04 The fate of Dr. Leichhardt. Sydney Morning Herald, 23 June, pp. 2–3.[see also 65.02.01 &c.]
65.06.05 [Letter] In The Leichhardt Expedition. Brisbane Courier, 26 June, p. S 1.
65.06.06 [Letter] In The search for Leichhardt. Empire (Sydney), 13 June, p. 5. [see also 65.05.03]
65.06.07 [Letter] The search for Leichhardt. Empire (Sydney), 20 June, p. 5.
65.06.08 [Letter] Argus (Melbourne), 21 June, p. 5. [see also 65.06.09, 65.06.10, 65.06.11, 65.06.13, 65.06.17, 65.06.18, 65.06.19, 65.06.20, 65.06.21, 65.07.22, 65.07.23]
65.06.09 [Letter] In Victoria. Empire (Sydney), 28 June, p. 5. [see also 65.06.08, &c.]
65.06.10 [Letter] In News of the day. Age (Melbourne), 21 June, p. 5. [see also 65.06.08 &c.]
65.06.11 [Letter] In Melbourne news. Bendigo Advertiser, 22 June, p. 2. [see also 65.06.08 &c.]
65.06.12 [Letter] In Exploration. The Leichhardt fund (from the Brisbane Courier). Australasian (Melbourne), 24 June, p. 3. [see also 65.06.03 &c.]
65.06.13 [Letter] In Town news. Australasian (Melbourne), 24 June, p. 6. [see also 65.06.08 &c.]
65.06.14 [Memorandum] Age (Melbourne), 26 June, p. 5 [see also 65.06.15, 65.07.15]
65.06.15 [Memorandum] South Bourke Standard, 30 June, p. 2. [see also 65.06.14 &c.]
65.06.16 [Letter] Leader (Melbourne), 24 June, p. 2. [see also 65.06.08 &c.]
65.06.17 [Letter] In Intercolonial news. South Australian Register (Adelaide), 26 June, p. 3. [see also 65.06.08 &c.]
65.06.18 [Letter] In Current topics. Geelong Advertiser, 22 June, p. 2. [see also 65.06.08 &c.]
65.06.19 [Letter] In Victoria. Mercury (Hobart), 30 June, p. 3 [see also 65.06.08 &c.]
65.06.20 [Letter] In Items of news. Mount Alexander Mail, 22 June, p. 2. [see also 65.06.08 &c.]
65.06.21 [Letter] In The Leichhardt expedition. New Zealander (Auckland), 10 June, p. 3. [see 65.05.05 &c.]
65.06.22 [Letter extracts] In Ein Damen-Comité zur Aufsuchung Leichhardts. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt, 11, 239.
65.06.23 [Letter] In Dr. Leichhardt., Schedule no. 1, p. 2. Journal of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, Session 1865, vol. XII. [as Fred. Mueller]
65.06.24 The fate of Dr. Leichhardt, in President of Ladies Committee to Colonial Secretary, 8 March 1865, In Dr. Leichhardt., Schedule no. 1, pp. 3-8, Journal of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, Session 1865, vol. XII.[See also 65.02.01 &c]
65.07 .01 Appendix A. In Second Progress Report from the Select-Committee upon the National Defences, Appendices, p. i. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1864–5, 2 (D. — No. 33). (Government Printer: Melbourne). [Ordered to be printed, 18 July. The minute of Mueller’s oral evidence to the committee is at pp. 14–15]
65.07.02 [Entry deleted; item is very short quotations from 65.02.01 embedded in a long article.]
65.07.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 5 (33), 43–54. [included in bound volume 67.02.07]
65.07.04 [Letter] In Leichhardt. Queensland Daily Guardian, 17 July, p. 5. [see also 65.07.27, 65.07.28]
65.07.05 [Letter] In Leichhardt. Queensland Daily Guardian, 18 July, p. 2.
65.07.06 [Letter] The search for Leichhardt. Sydney Morning Herald, 11 July, p. 5.
65.07.07 [Letter] The Ladies Leichardts (sic) Search Expedition. Argus (Melbourne), 31 July, p. 6. [i.e., Leichhardts] [see also 65.08.05]
65.07.08 [Letter] Argus (Melbourne), 25 July, p. 5. [see also 65.07.12, 65.07.13, 65.07.16, 65.07.25, 65.08.09, 65.08.10, 65.08.18, 65.08.19, 65.08.22]
65.07.09 [Memorandum] The largest kind of tree of Australia. Australasian (Melbourne), 22 July, p. 9. [see also 65.07.10, 65.07.17, 65.07.18, 65.07.19, 65.07.29, 65.08.11, 65.08.12, 65.08.13, 65.08.14, 65.08.15, 65.08.16, 65.08.20, 65.11.08, 66.01.02, 66.02.05, 66.05.09, 66.05.10]
65.07.10 [Memorandum] The largest kind of tree of Australia. Sydney Morning Herald, 28 July, p. 4. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65.07.11 [Letter] In Notes and queries, The Karaka. Australasian (Melbourne), 1July, p. 9. [see also 65.07.26]
65.07.12 [Letter] In News of the day, Age (Melbourne), 25 July, p. 4. [see also 65.07.08 &c.]
65.07.13 [Letter] In News and Notes. Ballarat Star, 26 July, p. 2. [see also 65.07.08 &c.]
65.07.14 [Letter] In The Leichhardt Search Party, Mount Alexander Mail, 12 July, p. 3. [see 65.07.24]
65.07.15 [Memorandum] Leader (Melbourne), 1 July, p. 2. [see also 65.06.14 &c.]
65.07.16 [Letter] Leader (Melbourne), 29 July, p. 2. [see 65.07.08, &c.]
65.07.17 [Memorandum] Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 29 July, p. 4.[see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65.07.18 [Memorandum] The largest kind of tree of Australia. Goulburn Herald and Chronicle, 29 July, p. 3. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65.07.19 [Memorandum]The largest kind of tree of Australia. Empire (Sydney), 28 July, p. 5. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65.07.20 [Letter] Specimens for Professor Owen. Australasian (Melbourne), 29 July, p. 9.
65.07.21 [Letter]* In* Victoria. The search for Leichhardt. Adelaide Observer, 1 July, p. 5. [see also 65.06.08 &c.]
65.07.22 [Letter] In Victoria. Launceston Examiner, 4 July, p. 2. [see also 65.06.08 &c.]
65.07.23 [Letter] In General news. Border Watch (Mount Gambier), 8 July, p. 3. [see also 65.06.08 &c.]
65.07.24 [Letter] In The Ladies Expedition for Leichhardts Search. Herald (Melbourne), 11 July 1865, p. 2. [see 65.07.14]
65.07.25 [Letter] In The Leichhardt exploration expedition. Bendigo Advertiser, 27 July, p. 3 [see also 65.07.08 &c.]
65.07.26 [Letter] In The Karaka. Taranaki Herald (NZ), 29 July, p. 3. [see also 65.07.11]
65.07.27 [Letter] In Leichhardt. Brisbane Courier, 17 July. p. 3. [see also 65.07.04 &c.]
65.07.28 [Letter] In Leichhardt. Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser, 25 July, p. 3. [see also 65.07.04 &c.]
65.07.29 [Memorandum] The largest kind of tree of Australia. Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser, 27 July. p. 3. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65.08.01 [Letter]* In* Leichhardt Search Expedition. Queensland Daily Guardian, 5 August, p. 5. [see also 65.08.04]
65.08.02 Lecture by Dr. Mueller. Kilmore Free Press and Counties of Bourke and Dalhousie Advertiser, 17 August, p. 3. [see also 65.08.03, 65.11.12, 66.04.05]
65.08.03 Exploration. Lecture by Dr. Mueller. Australasian (Melbourne), 26 August, p. 15. [see also 65.08.02 &c.]
65.08.04 [Letter] In The Leichhardt expedition. Brisbane Courier, 5 August, p. 5. [see also 65.08.01]
65.08.05 [Letter] In The Ladies Leichardt Search Expedition. Australasian (Melbourne), 5 August, p. 15. [i.e., Leichhardts] [see also 65.07.07]
65.08.06 [Letter] In Town Talk. Gippsland Times, 5 August, p. 3.
65.08.07 In News of the day. Age (Melbourne), 24 August, p. 5. [see also 65.08.08]
65.08.08 In The week. Leader (Melbourne), 26 August, p. 1. [see also 65.08.07]
65.08.09 [Letter] Gippsland Times, 2 August, p. 4. [see also 65.07.08 &c.]
65.08.10 [Letter] In The Leichhardt Search Party.* McIvor Times and Rodney Advertiser*, 4 August, p. 3. [see also 65.07.08 &c.]
65.08.11 [Memorandum]The largest kind of tree of Australia. Bendigo Advertiser, 14 August, p. 3. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65.08.12 [Memorandum] The largest kind of tree of Australia.* Illawarra Mercury*, 1 August, p. 4. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65.08.13 [Memorandum] In Miscellaneous. The largest kind of tree of Australia. Queanbeyan Age and General Advertiser, 3 August, p. 2. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65.08.14 [Letter] The largest kind of tree of Australia.* Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser*, 9 August, p. 4. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65.08.15 [Memorandum] The largest kind of tree of Australia. Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser, 10 August, p 3. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65.08.16 [Memorandum, unattributed] In Epitome of news. The Australasian says. Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser, 12 August, p. S 1. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65.08.17 Gastrolobium grandiflorum. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 12 August, p. 752. [see also 65.05.02 &c.]
65.08.18 [Letter] In The Leichhardt search expedition. Illustrated Sydney News, 16 August, p. 3. [see also 65.07.08 &c.]
65.08.19 [Letter] In The Leichhardt search party. Press (Canterbury, N.Z.), 12 August, p. 3. [see 65.07.08 &c.]
65.08.20 [Memorandum] In Colonial. The largest kind of tree of Australia. Kiama Independent and Shoalhaven Advertiser, 3 August, p. 3. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65 .08.21 . [Letters] In Mr. D. McIntyres Journey across Australia, from Victoria to the Gulf of Carpentaria, and discovery of supposed traces of Leichhardt. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, 9, 304–305. [In Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 65.13.01]
65.08.22 [Letter] Australian News for Home Readers (Melbourne), 25 August, p. 2. [see also 65.07.08 &c.]
65.09 .01 Report upon rust in cereals. In Sixth Annual Report presented by the Council to the Board of Agriculture, 17–22. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1864–5, 4 (No. 76). (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 19 September] [see also 66.02.03, 66.02.06, 66.04.11, 69.03.03]
65.0 9.02 Remarks corresponding to the analyses of soils, the crops of which were more or less affected by rust. In Sixth Annual Report presented by the Council to the Board of Agriculture, 26–28. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1864–5, 4 (No. 76). (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 19 September] [see also 66.02.03]
65.09.03 [Letter] Brisbane Courier, 13 September, p. 3. [see also 65.09.04, 65.10.06]
65.09.04 [Letter] In Melbourne. The Leichhardt search. Empire (Sydney), 8 September, p. 5 [see also 65.09.03 &c.]
65.09.05 The search for Leichhardt. Australian Monthly Magazine, 1 September, pp. 12–17.
65.09.06 [Letter] In Victoria.* Australian and New Zealand Gazette*, (London), 9 September, pp. 175–176. [see also 65.06.03 &c.]
63.0 9.07 Remarks corresponding to the analyses of soils, the crops of which were more or less affected by rust. In Sixth Annual Report presented by the Council to the Board of Agriculture, 26–28. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1864–5, 4 (No. 76). (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 19 September]
65.10 .01 Annual report of the Government Botanist and Director of the Botanic Garden. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1864–5, 4 (No. 72), 1–23, map. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [Tabled 12 October. Contains: Report. pp. 3–13; (lists of contributors of plants and seeds), pp. 15–17; Index of eminently valuable, conspicuous or rare plants specially numbered on the plan, pp. 17–18; Catalogue of the library of the Botanical Department, Melbourne, pp. 18–23; Plan of the Government House Reserve, Botanic Garden and its Domain, indicating the principal plantations (map).] [see also 65.10.09, 65.10.10, 65.11.06]
65.10.02 [Letter] In Foreign correspondence. Australian vegetation. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 28 October, p. 1013.
65.10.03 Notes on Gastrolobium grandiflorum, an Australian poison plant. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign,** 3**, 325. [see also 65.05.02 &c.]
65.10.04 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 5 (34), 55–74. [included in bound volume 67.02.07]
65.10.05 [Letter] In The prevention or mitigation of droughts. Australasian (Melbourne), 28 October, p. 9. [see also 65.11.02, 65.11.03, 65.11.04, 65.11.05, 65.11.09, 65.11.10, 65.11.11, 66.01.01, 66.04.04]
65.10.06 [Letter] Port Denison Times, 11 October, p. 2. [see also 65.09.03 &c.]
65.10.07 [Letter] In Queensland Acclimatisation Society. Brisbane Courier, 17 October, p. 7.
65.10.08 [Memorandum] The Australian spinach. Australasian (Melbourne), 28 October. p. 9. [The information in this item appeared also in Leader (Melbourne), 14 October, 1865, p. 2, and possibly other newspapers, as general news, without Mueller being given as the author.]
65.10.09 [Extract] Annual Report of the Director of the Melbourne Botanic Gardens]. Age (Melbourne), 27 October, p. 5. [see also 65.10.01 &c.]
65.1 0 .10 Plan of the Government House reserve: Botanic Garden and its domain indicating the principal plantations / drawn under direction of Dr. F. Mueller by E. B. Heyne. (Government Printer: Melbourne) [Reprinted with integral index from 65.10.01, dating based on F. Mueller to James McCulloch, 5 October 1865, in the Correspondence as 65-10-05a]
65.11.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 5 (35), 75–106. [included in bound volume 67.02.07]
65.11.02 [Letter] In The prevention or mitigation of droughts. Goulbourn Herald and Chronicle, 4 November, p. 2. [see also 65.10.05 &c.]
65.11.03 The prevention or mitigation of droughts. Sydney Morning Herald, 2 November, p. 3. [see also 65.10.05 &c.]
65.11.04 Drought. Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser, 9 November, p. 4. [see also 65.10.05 &c.]
65.11.05 [Letter] Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser, 16 November, p. 2. [see also 65.10.05 &c.]
65.11.06 [Extracts] Annual Report of the Government Botanist of Victoria for 1864–65. Australasian (Melbourne) 11 November, p. 13. [see 65.10.01]
65.11.07 [Letter] In Die Expedition zur Aufsuchung Leichhardts. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt, 11, 389. [in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 65.13.03]
65.11.08 The largest kind of tree of Australia. The Sportsman (London), 7 November, p. 7. [not attributed to Mueller, but text is clearly his] [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
65.11.09 [Letter] In Prevention of droughts. Brisbane Courier, 6 November, p. 4. [see also 65.10.05 &c.]
65.11.10 [Letter] In Prevention of droughts. Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser, 18 November, p. 4. [see also 65.10.05 &c.]
65.11.11 [Letter] In The prevention or mitigation of droughts. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 4 November, p. 12. [see also 65.10.05 &c.]
65.11.12 [Lecture] In Victoria. Australian and New Zealand Gazette (London), 4 November, pp. 311–312. [see also 65.08.02 &c.]
65.12.01 New Zealand tree-ferns. Victoria — Government Gazette (185), 12 December, p. 2899.
65.12.02 [Letter] In The search for Leichhardt. Sydney Morning Herald, 29 December, p. 4. [see also 65.12.08, 66.01.03, 66.01.04]
65.12.03 [Memorandum] In Edible roots from the Auckland Islands. Australasian (Melbourne), 9 December, p. 9.
65.12.04 [Letter] In Acclimatisation. Australasian (Melbourne), 9 December, p. 14. [see also 65.12.05, 65.12.06, 65.12.07]
65.12.05 [Letter] In The Acclimatisation Society. Argus (Melbourne), 7 December, p. 6. [see also 65.12.04 &c.]
65.12.06 [Letter] In The Acclimatisation Society. Geelong Advertiser, 9 December, p. 3. [see also 65.12.04 &c.]
65.12.07 [Letter] In The Acclimatisation Society. Age (Melbourne), 7 December, p. 6. [see also 65.12.04 &c.]
65.12.08 [Letter] In The search for Leichhardt. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 30 December, p. 4. [see also 65.12.02 &c.]
65.12.09 [Report] In Agriculture in Australia. The Field, the Country Gentlemans Newspaper (London), 9 December, p. 428 [includes almost the complete text of 65.14.01 without acknowledging MacKenzies joint authorship] [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.13.01 [see 65.08.21]
65.13.02 [see 65.04.05]
65.13.03 [see 65.11.07]
65.13.04 [see 65.02.06]
65.13.05 The fate of Dr. Leichhardt, and a proposed new search for his party. (Wilson & Mackinnon: Melbourne). [1865?] [see also 65.02.01 &c.]
65.13.06 The fate of Dr. Leichhardt and a proposed new search for his party. (The Age office: Melbourne). [1865?] [see also 65.02.01 &c.]
65.13.07 Das Schicksal Dr. Ludwig Leichhardts und eine erneute Anregung zur Aufsuchung dieses Forschungreisenden und seiner Gefährten. (J. G. Franke & Co.: Melbourne). [translated by Theodor Müller, 1865?] [see also 65.02.01 &c.]
65.13.08 [Deleted. The copy of this item in the State Library of Victoria is an offprint or proof of 65.05.01. The paper was read at the Royal Society of Victoria on 29 September 1862, but the Society had not been able to publish its Transactions: see Editors Preface to Volume 6. It is therefore improbable that the separate was issued significantly before the volume, on which see also Mueller to George Bentham, 23 October 1862.]
65.13.09 Enumeration of the plants collected during Mr. J. McDouall Stuarts expeditions across the Australian continent in 1860, 1861 and 1862. Appendix. In W Hardman (Editor), Explorations in Australia. The journals of John McDouall Stuart during the years 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, & 1862, when he fixed the centre of the continent and successfully crossed it from sea to sea, 493–507. Second Edition. (Saunders, Otley & Co.: London). [also published in 63.05.01] [see also 60.06.01 &c.]
65.14.01 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] In The Board of Agriculture. Australasian (Melbourne) 18 February, p. 7. [The report was widely reported but not reproduced in many newspapers; reproductions have been found in newspapers cross-referenced here.] [see also 65.12.09, 65.14.02, 65.14.11, 65.14.12, 65.14.13, 65.14.14, 65.14.15, 65.14.18, 65.14.19, 65.14.20, 65.14.21, 65.14.22, 65.14.23, 65.14.24, 65.14.25, 66.02.03, 66.02.06.
65.1 4.02 ___ & A. MacKenzie. Progress report of the committee appointed to inquire into the causes of rust and blight in cereals. In Sixth Annual Report presented by the Council to the Board of Agriculture, 16. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1864–5, 4 (No. 76). (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 19 September.] [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.03 D. Wilkie & ___. [Letter] In Neue Spuren des verschollenen Deutschen Reisenden Ludwig Leichhardt im Inneren von Australien. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt, 11, 135. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
65.14.04 D. Wilkie & ___. [Extracts] In Mr. D. McIntyres Journey across Australia, from Victoria to the Gulf of Carpentaria, and discovery of supposed traces of Leichhardt. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, 9,** **303–304. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
65.14.05 D. Wilkie & ___. Report on white mens graves in the interior. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 6, Appendix, lxi–lxx. [see also 65.14.26]
65.14.06 D. Wilkie & ___. [Letter] In Further traces of Dr. Leichhardts party. Brisbane Courier, 4 January, p. S1. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
65.14.07 D. Wilkie & ___. [Letter] In Correspondence relative to the discovery of remains supposed to be Leichhardts. Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser, 7 January, p. 3. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
65.14.08 D. Wilkie & ___. [Letter] In Further traces of Dr. Leichhards Party. Kapunda Herald and Northern Intelligencer, 13 January, p. 4. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
65.14.09 D. Wilkie & ___. [Letter] In Further traces of Dr. Leichhards Party. Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser, 14 January, p. 4. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
65.14.10 D. Wilkie & ___. [Letter] In Further traces of Dr. Leichhards Party. Goulburn Herald and Chronicle, 21 Jan, p. 2. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
65.14.11 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] In Rust and Blight. Mount Alexander Mail, 18 February, p. 3. [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.12 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide), 27 February, p. 2. [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.13 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] In Board of Agriculture. Argus (Melbourne), 17 February, p. 7. [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.14 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] In Board of Agriculture. Rust and Blight. Age (Melbourne), 16 February, p. 6. [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.15 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Extensive abstract] In Board of Agriculture. Rust and Blight. Geelong Advertiser, 16 February, p. 2. [see also 65.14.01]
65.14.16 D. Wilkie & ___. [Letter] In Traces of Leichhardt, Darling Downs Gazette and General Advertiser (Toowoomba), 11 January. p. 4. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
65.14.17 D. Wilkie & ___. [Letter] In Die Auffindung neuer Spuren der Leichhardtschen Expedition. Süd Australische Zeitung (Tanunda and Adelaide), 13 January, p. 3. [see also 64.14.04 &c.]
65.14.18 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] In Board of Agriculture. Kyneton Observer, 18 February, p. 2 [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.19 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] In Rust and blight. South Australian Register (Adelaide), 7 March, p. 3. [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.20 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] In Rust and blight. Adelaide Observer, 4 March, p. 1. [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.21 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] In Rust und Blight in den Saaten. Süd Australische Zeitung (Tanunda and Adelaide), 10 March, p. 3. [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.22 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] In Rust in wheat. Brisbane Courier, 10 March, p. 3. [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.23 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] In Rust in wheat. Economist (Melbourne), 24 February, p. 5. [The introduction erroneously implies that the report was presented at the meeting of the Council of the Board of Agriculture on 22 February; the Council did not meet on that date, but on 15 February when the report was presented.] [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.24 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] In Rust in wheat. Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser, 2 March, p. 3. [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.25 ___ & A. Mackenzie. [Report] In Rust in wheat. Border Watch (Mount Gambier), 22 April, p. 3 [see also 65.14.01 &c.]
65.14.26 D. Wilkie &___. White men’s graves in the interior, In Dr. Leichhardt., Schedule no. 1, pp. 8-11, Journal of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, Session 1865, vol. XII. [see also 65.14.05]
66.01.01 The prevention or mitigation of droughts in Australia.** Journal of Botany, British and Foreign , 4**, 28–30. [see also 65.10.05 &c.]
66.01.02 [Memorandum] The largest kind of tree of Australia. Adelaide Observer, 13 January, p. 1. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
66.01.03 [Letter] In General news. The search for Leichhardt. Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser, 2 January, p. 3. [see also 65.12.02 &c.]
66.01.04 [Letter] In New South Wales. The search for Leichhardt. Age (Melbourne) 2 January, p. 7. [see also 65.12.02 &c.]
66.02.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 5 (36), 103–142. [included in bound volume 67.02.07]
66.02.02 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 5 (37), 143–154. [included in bound volume 67.02.07]
66.02.03 In Agriculture in Victoria. Sydney Morning Herald, 27 February. p. 2. [Article is republished from 65.12.09; includes almost the complete text of 65.14.01 without acknowledging MacKenzies joint authorship] [see also 65.09.01 &c, 65.14.01 &c.]
66.02.04 [Letter] In Original correspondence. Ovens gems. Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth), 10 February, p. 3.
66.02.05 The largest kind of tree in Australia. Perth Gazette and West Australian Times, 23 February, p. 3. [see also 65.07.09, &c.]
66.02.06 [Report] In Agriculture in Australia. Australasian (Melbourne), 24 February, p. 14. [Article is republished from 65.12.09; includes almost the complete text of 65.14.01 without acknowledging MacKenzies joint authorship] [see also 65.09.01 &c., 65.14.01 &c.]
66.02.07 [Letter extract] Additional notices: Leichhardt search expedition. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, 10, 61. [In Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 66.13.06]
66.03.01 [Memorandum] In Notes and queries. The trees of Australia. Australasian (Melbourne), 3 March, p. 8. [see also 66.03.03, 66.03.04, 66.03.05]
66.03.02 [Memorandum] In Notes and queries. Tracing exploring parties. Australasian (Melbourne), 17 March, p. 9. [see also 66.06.04]
66.03.03 The trees of Australia in Miscellaneous extracts. Tasmanian Morning Herald, 9 March, p. 3. [see also 66.03.01 &c.]
66.03.04 [From the Australasian] Brisbane Courier,12 March, p. 3. [see also 66.03.01, &c.].
66.03.05 [From the Australasian] Queenslander, 17 March, p. 12. [see also 66.03.01 &c.]
66.04.01 Vegetation of the Great Australian Bight. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 4, 120–121.
66.04.02 [Letter] In Correspondence. Fagus forest in New England, Australia. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 4, 123.
66.04.03 [Letter] In Foreign correspondence. Australian Ferns. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 21 April, p. 365.
66.04.04 [Letter] In Foreign correspondence. The prevention or mitigation of droughts in Australia. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 28 April, pp. 389–390. [see also 65.10.05 &c.]
66.04.05 Lecture on Australia. Primitive Methodist Magazine (London), new series, 4, 201–209. [see also 65.08.02 &c.]
66.04.06 The Australian Liquorice Plant. Australasian (Melbourne), 7 April, p. 8. [see also 66.04.07]
66.04.07 The Australian Liquorice plant. Brisbane Courier, 19 April, p. 4. [see also 66.04.06]
66.04.08 [Letter] In Acclimatization Society. Lyttleton Times (NZ), 28 April, p. 2. [see also 66.04.09, 66.05.01, 66.05.07]
66.04.09 [Letter] In Acclimatization Society. Press (Canterbury, NZ), 28 April, p. 2. [see also 66.04.08 &c.]
66.04.10 [Letter] In Remarks on the utilization of the Phormium tenax, by W.T.L. Travers. Lyttleton Times (NZ), 27 April, p. 3. [see also 61.14.03 &c.]
66.04.11 [Extract] in Husbanding resources. Otago Witness, 28 April, p. 4. [see also 65.09.01 &c.]
66.05.01 [Letter] In Acclimatization Society. Lyttleton Times (NZ), 12 May, p. 3. [see also 66.04.08 &c.]
66.05.02 [Letter] In Topics of the week. Australasian (Melbourne), 12 May, p. 177. [see also 66.05.03, 66.05.04, 66.05.05, 66.05.06]
66.05.03 [Letter] In The Leichhardt Search Party. Sydney Morning Herald, 16 May, p. 4. [see also 66.05.02 &c.]
66.05.04 [Letter] In Victoria. Wallaroo Times and Mining Journal, 23 May, p. 6. [see also 66.05.02 &c.]
66.05.05 [Letter] In The Leichhardt expedition. Freemans Journal (Sydney), 19 May, p. 310. [see also 66.05.02 &c.]
66.05.06 [Letter] In The Leichhardt Search Party. The Darling Downs Gazette and General Advertiser (Toowoomba), 26 May, p. 3. [see also 66.05.02 &c.]
66.05.07 [Letter] Daily Southern Cross (Auckland, NZ), 11 May, p. 3. [see also 66.04.08 &c.]
66.05.08 [Letter] In New Zealand flax. Lyttleton Times (NZ), 12 May, p. S 2. [see also 61.14.04 &c.]
66.05.09 [Memorandum] The largest kind of tree of Australia. Border Watch (Mount Gambier), 26 May, p. 3. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
66.05.10 [Memorandum] The largest kind of tree of Australia. South Australian Register (Adelaide), 17 May, p. 3. [see also 65.07.09 &c.]
66.06.01 [Abstract] Cultivation of the Cinchona in the south of Europe. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 2 June, p. 517. [see also 67.02.03]
66.06.02 [Letter] In Foreign correspondence. Ficus vesca. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 23 June, p. 589. [This, 66.06.03 and 66.06.04 are separately indexed by the Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette]
66.06.03 [Letter] In Foreign correspondence. Minarum biflorum, or Scleranthus biflorus. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 23 June, p. 589. [Genus name mispelled: = Mniarum; see note 66.06.02]
66.06.04 [Memorandum] In Foreign correspondence. Tracing exploring parties. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 23 June, p. 589. [see note 66.06.02] [see also 66.03.02]
66.06.05 [Letter] In Miscellaneous notes and queries. Natural history specimens for Professor Owen. Australasian (Melbourne), 30 June, p. 392.
66.06.06 [Memorandum] In Miscellaneous notes and queries. Ferns from the Blackwood Ranges. Australasian (Melbourne), 2 June, p. 264.
66.06.07 [Report] In The Board of Agriculture, Ballarat Star, 21 June, p. 2. [see also 66.13.04]
66.06.08 [Letter] In The Botanical Gardens. Herald (Melbourne). 5 June, p. 2.
66.07.01 [Letter] Australian Mistleto. In Foreign correspondence. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 28 July, p. 709.
66.07.02 [Letter] In Leichardt Search Expedition. — Death of Mr MIntyre. Argus (Melbourne), 24 July. p. 6. [i.e., Leichhardt] [see also 66.07.03, 66.07.04, 66.07.05, 66.07.06, 66.07.08, 66.07.09, 66.07.10, 66.08.08, 66.08.09]
66.07.03 [Letter] In Leichardts Search Expedition. — Death of Mr. MIntyre. Australasian (Melbourne), 28 July, p. 519. [i.e., Leichhardt] [see also 66.07.02 &c.]
66.07.04 [Letter] In The Death of Mr. MIntyre, Commander of the Search Expedition.* Sydney Morning Herald*, 30 July, p. 2. [see also 66.07.02 &c.]
66.07.05 [Letter] In Leichhardt Search Expedition. — Death of Mr. MIntyre. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 25 July 1866, p. 3 [see also 66.07.02 &c.]
66.07.06 [Letter] In The Leichhardt Expedition. — The death of Mr MIntyre. Age (Melbourne), 24 July 1866, p. 6 [see also 66.07.02 &c.]
66.07.07 [Letter] In Tasmanian ferns. Tasmanian Morning Herald (Hobart), 30 July, p. 2.
66.07.08 [Letter] In Leichhardt Search Expedition. — Death of Mr. MIntyre. Ballarat Star, 25 July, p. 4. [see also 66.07.02 &c.]
66.07.09 [Letter] In Leichhardt Search Expedition. — Death of Mr. MIntyre. Bacchus Marsh Express, 28 July, p. 3. [see also 66.07.02 &c.]
66.07.10 [Letter] In The Leichhardt expedition.* Gippsland Chronicle and Crooked River and Stringers Creek Advertiser* (Sale, Vic), 28 July, p. 3. [see also 66.07.02 &c.]
66.08.01 [Letter] In Correspondence. Tree vegetation of Australia. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 4, 267.
66.08.02 [Letter] In Correspondence. Callitris (Frenela) parlatorei, F. Mueller. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 4, 267–268.
66.08.03 [Letter] In Correspondence. Darlingia, a new genus of Proteaceae. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 4, 268.
66.08.04 [Letter] In Board of Agriculture. Argus (Melbourne), 17 August, p. 5. [see also 66.08.06]
66.08.05 [Letter] In Miscellaneous notes and queries. Specimens for Professor Owen and Dr. Mueller. Australasian (Melbourne),18 August, p. 615.
66.08.06 [Letter] In Board of Agriculture. Australasian (Melbourne), 18 August, p. 632. [see also 66.08.04]
66.08.07 [Memorandum] Australasian (Melbourne), 11 August, p. 593. [see also 66.08.10, 66.08.11, 66.08.12, 66.08.13, 66.08.14, 66.08.15, 66.08.16, 66.08.17, 66.08.18, 66.08.19, 66.08.20]
66.08.08 [Letter] In The Death of Mr. MIntyre, Commander of the Search Expedition. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 4 August, p. 7. [see also 66.07.02 &c.]
66.08.09 [Letter] In Leichardt Search Expedition. — Death of Mr MIntyre. Wallaroo Times and Mining Journal, 8 August, p. 5. [i.e., Leichhardt] [see also 66.07.02 &c.]
66.08.10 [Memorandum] Herald (Melbourne), 7 August, p. 2. [see also 66.08.07 &c.]
66.08.11 [Memorandum] In The Leichhardt search expedition. Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser, 16 August, p. 4. [see also 66.08.07 &c.]
66.08.12 [Memorandum] Ballarat Star, 25 August, supplement, p. 1. [see also 66.08.07 &c.]
66.08.13 [Memorandum] In The Leichhardt search. Freemans Journal (Sydney), 18 August. p. 515. [see also 66.08.07 &c.]
66.08.14 [Memorandum] Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas), 15 August 1886, p. 2. [see also 66.08.07 &c.]
66.08.15 [Memorandum] In The Leichhardt search party. Empire (Sydney), 14 August. p. 5. [republished without explicit acknowledgement that most of the text is a direct quotation from Mueller’s memorandum] [see also 66.08.07 &c.]
66.08.16 [Memorandum] South Australian Weekly Chronicle (Adelaide), 18 August, p. 3. [see also 66.08.07 &c.]
66.08.17 [Memorandum] In The search for Leichhardt. Tasmanian Morning Herald (Hobart), 11 August, p. 3. [see also 66.08.07 &c.]
66.08.18 [Memorandum] Geelong Advertiser, 8 August, p. 2. [see also 66.08.07 &c.]
66.08.19 [Memorandum] Argus (Melbourne), 7 August, p. 5. [see also 66.08.07 &c.]
66.08.20 [Memorandum] In Victoria.* Sydney Morning Herald,* 13 August, p. 2. [see also 66.08.07 &c.]
66.08.21 A systematic arrangement of the plants noticed around the Gulf of Carpentaria, from the Roper to the Gilbert River, including those collected during Mr. Landsboroughs expedition. In James Stuart Laurie (editor), Landsboroughs exploration of Australia from Carpentaria to Melbourne, with especial reference to the settlement of available country. Appendix, pp. 109–123. (Thomas Murby: London). [Was published by August 1866, when reviewed in The Examiner (London), 11 August, 1866, p. 8; in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 66.13.03] [see also 62.11.01 &c]
66.09.01 Die Vegetation von Victoria, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Hilfsquellen der Colonie. Flora, 49, 353–360. [see also 61.10.02 &c.]
66.09 .02 The tea plant in Victoria. Age (Melbourne), 14 September, p. 7.
66.10.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 5 (38), 155–174. [included in bound volume 67.02.07]
66.10.02 [see 74.01.03.]
66.10.03 [Preface, Extract] In The culture of the rose. Sydney Morning Herald, 15 October, p. 4. [see also 66.10.04]
66.10.04 Preface. In Thomas Johnson, The culture of the rose. (Blundell & Ford: Melbourne).[in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 66.13.02; was reported just issued in Argus (Melbourne), 12 October, p. 4.] [see also 66.10.03]
66.11.01 [Letter] Flora of Europe. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 3 November, p. 1045. [Was published as a single item of Foreign Correspondence with 66.11.02 and 66.11.03, but the items were individually indexed by the journal]
66.11.02 [Letter] Palms.* Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette*, 3 November, p. 1045. [see note to 66.11.01]
66.11.03 [Letter] Hardiness of Australian ferns. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 3 November, p. 1045. [see note to 66.11.01]
66.11.04 [Letter] Queensland’s contributions to the Victorian Intercolonial Exhibition. Queensland Daily Guardian, 5 November, p. 7.
66.11.05 [Letter] In Leichhardt search expedition. Journal of the late Mr MIntyre. Age (Melbourne), 23 November, p. 5.
66.11.06 [Memorandum] In Miscellaneous notes and queries. Measurements of Australian trees. Australasian (Melbourne), 24 November, p. 1064. [see also 67.02.01]
66.12.01 [Letter] In Foreign correspondence. Garden labels. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 1 December. p. 1141.
66.12.02 [Letter] Discovery of a true Cassowary in North-east Australia. Australasian (Melbourne), 29 December, p. 1221.
66.12.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 5 (39), 175–188. [included in bound volume 67.02.07]
66.12.04 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 5 (40), 191–208. [included in bound volume 67.02.07]
66.12.05 [Letter] A new Cassowary from North Queensland. Herald (Melbourne), 17 December, p. 4.
66.13.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 5 (Additamenta ad volumen primum, … volumen quintum; Index ordinarum et generum, de quibus notae in voluminibus primo-quinto exstant; Index ordimum, generum et specierum voluminis quinti), pp. 209–240. [included in bound volume 67.02.07]
66.13.02 [see 66.10.04]
66.13.03 [see 66.08.21]
66.13.04 Dr. Mueller’s report upon phosphoric potash manure. In Victoria — Seventh Annual Report presented by the Council to the Board of Agriculture, p. 14. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [see also 66.06.07]
66.13.05 Notes sur la végétation indigène et introduite de lAustralie, considérée spécialement au point de vue de loccupation du territoire, et du dévelopment de ses ressources. (Masterman: Melbourne). [Translated by E. Lissignol; at head of title: Exposition intercoloniale, 1866] [see also 67.13.02 &c]
66.1 3.06 [See 66.02.07]
66.13.07 [Letter] in H. Fraas, Ueber die Giftwiesen in Westaustralien und Nordamerika. Vierteljahresschrift für praktische pharmacie, 15, 336. [see also 66.13.08, 68.04.04]
66.13.08 [Letter] in H. Fraas, Ueber die Giftwiesen in Westaustralien und Nordamerika, Archiv der Pharmacie. Eine Zeitschrift des allgemeinen deutschen Apotheker-Vereins. Abtheilung Norddeutschland, 178, 79. [see also 66.13.07 &c.]
67.01.01 [Letter] The new Cassowary. Australasian (Melbourne), 26 January, p. 103.
67.01 .02 [Letter]* New Zealand Gazette* (No. 5), 19 January, p. 46.
67.02.01 [Memorandum] In Foreign correspondence. Measurements of Australian trees. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 2 February, p. 106. [see also 66.11.06]
67.02.02 [Letter] Warrnambool Examiner, 15 February, p. 4.
67.02.03 On the cultivation of the Cinchona in the South of Europe. In* The International Horticultural and Botanical Congress, held in London from May 22nd to May 31st, 1866. Report of Proceedings, 23. (Truscott, Son, & Simmons: London). [dated by review in Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette*, 16 February 1867, p. 154 ... has just issued …] [see also 66.06.01]
67.02.04 Plants, cuttings, and seeds for distribution. Victoria — Government Gazette (No. 22), 22 February, p. 389. [Further insertions in subsequent issues of the Gazette are not noted here]
67.02.05 [Note] Argus (Melbourne), 9 February, p. 5. [see also 67.02.06]
67.02.06 [Note] Elm Copses. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 16 February. p. 2. [see also 67.02.05]
67.02.07 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, vol. 5. 1865–1866. (Government Printer: Melbourne) [bound volume, contains 65.04.01, 65.06.02, 65.07.03, 65.10.04, 65.11.01, 66.02.01, 66.02.02, 66.10.01, 66.12.03, 66.12.04, 66.13.01.The binder was still working on the edition when Mueller wrote to J. Agardh, 24 February 1867, but it was reported as having just made its appearance in Sydney Morning Herald, 1 March, 1867, p. 2; extensive summary of the contents of the complete bound volume in Bulletin de la Société botanique de France, vol. 14 (1867), Revue Bibliographique: pp. 255–257, including republication of diagnoses of five new genera.]
67.03.01 [Letter] In Leichhardt Search Expedition. Brisbane Courier, 12 March, p. 3. [see also 67.03.02, 89.06.03]
67.03.02 [Letter] In Leichhardt Search Expedition. Empire (Sydney), 19 March, p. 3. [see also 67.03.01] &c.
67.04.01 [Letter] In Home Correspondence: Garden catalogues. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 27 April, p. 435.
67.05.01 [Letter] In Foreign Correspondence: Australian trees. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 4 May, p. 462.
67.05.02 [Letter] In Search for Leichhardt. Australasian (Melbourne), 4 May, p. 551. [see also 67.06.02, 67.13.01]
67.05.03 [Advertisement] Australasian (Melbourne), 11 May, p. 608. [The subsequent insertions of the advertisement, which appeared regularly until 21 September 1867, are not listed here.]
67. 06.01 Australian vegetation, indigenous or introduced, considered especially in its bearings on the occupation of the territory, and with a view of unfolding its resources. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 5, 160–174. [Continued in 67.07.01] [see also 67.13.02 &c., 67.13.06]
67.06.02 [Letter] in The search for Leichardt. Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA), 19 June, p. 3. [i.e., Leichhardt] [see also 67.05.02 &c.]
67.06.03 [Extract] In Notices of books. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 15 June 1867, p. 633.[Extract from 67.13.02]
67.0 7.01 Australian vegetation, indigenous or introduced, considered especially in its bearings on the occupation of the territory and with a view of unfolding its resources. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 5, 200–209. [continued from 67.06.01] [see also 67.13.02 &c.]
67.07.02 An undescribed Casuarina from West Australia. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 5, 211–212.
67.07.03 Note on the genus Diplanthera. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 5, 212–213.
67.07.04 West Australian asphalte. Perth Gazette and West Australian Times, 26 July, p. 3. [see also 67.09.03, 67.09.04]
67.07.05 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 6 (41), 1–20. [included in bound volume 69.08.01]
67.08.01 An undescribed Senecio from South Africa. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 5, 241–243. [see also 68.01.04]
67.08.02 [Letter] In European plants for Australia. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 5, 244–245.
67.09.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 6 (42), 21–76. [included in bound volume 69.08.01]
67.09.02 [Extract] Australian vegetation. Perth Gazette and West Australian Times, 6 September, p. 3. [see also 67.13.02 &c.]
67.09.03 West Australian Asphalte. In New industries. Australasian (Melbourne), 7 September, p. 295. [see also 67.07.04 &c.]
67.09.04 West Australian Asphalte. Goulburn Herald and Chronicle, 28 September, p. 7. [see also 67.07.04 &c.]
67.11.01 [Letter extracts] Perth Gazette and West Australian Times, 22 November, p. 2. [see also 67.11.04, 83.10.13]
67.11.02 [Deleted. The entry referred to extremely short quotations from Mueller In F. A. Charsley, The Wildflowers around Melbourne: sub plates 2, 4, 5. (Day & Son, Ltd: London)]
67.11.03 Tall trees in Australia. American Journal of Science series 2, 44, 422–424. [extracted from 67.13.02]
67. 11.04 [Letter extracts] In Dr Mueller’s visit to the colony. Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA), 27 November, p. 3. [see also 67.11.01 &c.]
67.12.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 6 (43), 77–96. [included in bound volume 69.08.01]
67.12.02 [Letter] In The Leichhardt Search Expedition and Mr. Barnett. Argus (Melbourne), 3 December, p. 7. [see also 67.12.03]
67.12.03 [Letter] In The Leichhardt Search Expedition. Sydney Morning Herald, 9 December. p. 2. [see also 67.12.02]
67.13.01 [Letter] In Exploration dans le nord-ouest de lAustralie. Détails interessants au point de vue de la recherche des restes de Leichhardt. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie, série 5, 14, 102–103. [see also 67.05.02 &c.]
67. 1 3.02 Australian vegetation, indigenous or introduced, considered especially in its bearings on the occupation of the territory, and with a view of unfolding its resources. In Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, Melbourne 1866–67. Official Record, … Essays. Essay 5, pp. 249–286. (Blundell & Co.: Melbourne). [The Official Record was published by June 1867, see review in Results of the late international exhibition Argus (Melbourne). 10 June 1867, p. 6.; includes The trees of Australia, phytologically named and arranged, with indications of their territorial distribution, pp. 268–286.] [see also 66.13.05, 67.06.01, 67.06.03, 67.07.01, 67.09.02, 67.11.03, 67.13.12, 68.01.01, 68.01.03, 68.01.05, 68.01.06, 68.01.07, 68.02.01, 68.02.02, 68.02.04, 68.03.01, 68.03.02, 68.03.03, 68.03.05, 68.04.01, 68.04.02, 68.04.08, 68.04.09, 68.04.10, 68.05.02, 68.05.03, 68.13.04, 69.01.04, 69.05.01, 69.05.02, 71.13.02, 72.07.03, 76.07.07, 76.13.13, 76.13.14]
67.13.03 Introductory notes to the Victorian collection of timber at the Intercolonial Exhibition. In Notes on the vegetable products in the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866. In Reports and awards of the Jurors. In Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia Melbourne, 1866–67. Official record, …. pp. 219–221. (Blundell & Co.: Melbourne). [See note at 67.13.11] [see also 71.13.02]
67.13.04 Victorian timber exhibited by the commissioners of the Intercolonial Exhibition. In Reports and awards of the Jurors. In Notes on the vegetable products in the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866. In Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia Melbourne, 1866–67. Official record,…. pp. 221–224. (Blundell & Co.: Melbourne). [See note at 67.13.11] [see also 71.13.02, 68.03.08]
67.13.05 Brief notes on the geographical distribution of the trees, of which timber is extant in the south and north Queensland division of the Intercolonial Exhibition. In Notes on the vegetable products in the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866. In Reports and awards of the Jurors. In Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, Melbourne, 1866–67. Official record,... pp. 231–237. (Blundell & Co.: Melbourne). [See note at 67.13.11] [see also 71.13.02]
67.13.06 Végétation de lAustralie. Lillustration horticole, 14, 99–100. [Translated extract from 67.06.01]
67.13.07 Products of dry distillation of Victorian woods. In Notes on the vegetable products in the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866. In Reports and awards of the Jurors. In* Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, Melbourne, 1866–67. Official record, …* pp. 238–243. (Blundell & Co.: Melbourne). [See note at 67.13.11] [see also 71.13.02]
67.13.08 Paper materials. Gums. Picric Acid … Tanners Materials. In Notes on the vegetable products in the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866. In Reports and awards of the Jurors. In Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, Melbourne, 1866–67. Official record, … pp. 243–258. (Blundell & Co.: Melbourne). [See note at 67.13.11]. [see also 71.08.02, 71.13.02]
67.13.09 Vegetables used for food by the aborigines. In Notes on the vegetable products in the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866. In Reports and awards of the Jurors. In* Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, Melbourne, 1866–67. Official record, …* pp. 258–259. (Blundell & Co.: Melbourne). [See note at 67.13.11] [see also 71.13.02]
67.13.10 Appendix. In Notes on the vegetable products in the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866. In Reports and awards of the Jurors. In Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, Melbourne, 1866–67. Official record, ... pp. 263–264. (Blundell & Co.: Melbourne). [See note at 67.13.11] [see also 71.13.02]
67.13.11 Report on the vegetable products in the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866–67. (Blundell & Co.: Melbourne). [Separately paginated issue of the contents of the section from Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, Melbourne, 1866–67. Official record,...pp. 219–264. The Report contains distinct sections either directly attributed to Mueller, or from context and style assumed to be written by him. These are listed here as 67.13.03–67.13.05, 67.13.07–67.13.10, 67.14.02. In addition there are sections by Walter Hill (notes on southern Qld wood specimens), Charles Moore (notes in NSW timber specimens), Lockhart Morton (East Gippsland timber) and A. Thozet (roots and fruit used as vegetable food by the Aboriginals of North Qld), some of which have a specific introduction by Mueller.] [see also 71.13.02]
67.13.12 Australian vegetation, indigenous or introduced, considered especially in its bearings on the occupation of the territory, and with a view of unfolding its resources. (Blundel & Co: Melbourne). [see also 67.13.02 &c.]
67.14.01 C. Walter & ___. Names of different woods and other articles used by the Yarra natives for weapons, &c. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 5, 139–40. [May] [see also 67.14.02].
67.14.02 C. Walter & ___. Names of different woods and other articles used by the Yarra natives for weapons and implements. In Notes on the vegetable products in the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866. In Reports and awards of the Jurors. In Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia Melbourne, 1866–67. Official record, …. pp. 225–226. (Blundell & Co.: Melbourne). [See note at 67.13.11] [see also 67.14.01, 71.13.02]
68.01.01 In Miscellaneous. Products of Eucalyptus. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 4 January, p. 10. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.01.02 In Miscellaneous. Melons in Africa. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 11 January, pp. 31–32. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.01.03 In Miscellaneous. Australian tree vegetation. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 18 January, p. 56. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.01.04 Characteristics of an undescribed Senecio from South Africa. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 8, 38–40. [see also 67.08.01]
68.01.05 Tall Trees in Australia. American Journal of Pharmacy, 40, 49–52. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.01.06 [Summary and extract] In The month; science and arts. Chambers Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts, 25 January, p. 63. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.01.07 Australian gum trees. Launceston Examiner, 21 January 1868, p. 3. Extracted from 67.07.01, p. 203]
68.02.01 In Miscellaneous. Australian aquatics. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 1 February, p. 104. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.02.02 In Miscellaneous. Palms of Australia. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 15 February, p. 158. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.02.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 6 (44), 97–124. [included in bound volume 69.8.01]
68.02.04 [Extract] in Australian vegetation. Leeds Mercury (UK), 4 February, p. 3. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.03.01 In Miscellaneous. Australian poison shrubs. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 14 March, p. 270. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.03.02 In Miscellaneous. Vegetation of South-west Australia. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, p. 21 March, p. 298. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.03.03 In Miscellaneous. Australian Baobab. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 28 March, p. 326. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.03.04 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 6 (45), 125–164. [included in bound volume 69.08.01]
68.03.05 [Extract] Opinion de M. Mueller sur le rôle de la végétation dAustralie et des Eucalyptus en particulier. In Trottier, Notes sur Eucalyptus. Bulletin de la Société dAgriculture d’Alger, 11, 179–181.[see also 66.13.05, pp. 23–4; 67.13.02]
68.03.06 [Letter] Perth Gazette and West Australian Times, 20 March, p. 2.
68.03.07 Plants, cuttings, and seeds for distribution. Victoria — Government Gazette, (No. 31), 17 March, p. 605.
68.03.08 [Extract] In The Paris exposition: Report of Professor W. P. Blake. Sacremento Daily Union, 2 March, p. 6. [extract from 67.13.04]
68.03.09 Preface In R. P. Negus, Essay on leeches, a practical hand book. (George Robertson: Melbourne). [Was published in March, when it was widely reviewed, for example Argus, (Melbourne) 23 March, p. 5]
68.04.01 In Miscellaneous. Coast forests of East Australia. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 4 April, p. 353. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.04.02 In Miscellaneous. Australian seaweeds. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 11 April, p. 382. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.04.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 6 (46), 165–180. [included in bound volume 69.08.01]
68.04.04 [Letter] In The Gastrolobium or poison plant. Perth Gazette and West Australian Times, 24 April, p. 2. [see also 66.13.07]
68.04.05 [Letter] in Report of commission appointed by the Governor-In-Chief to inquire and report upon the diseases in cereals… South Australia, Proceedings of the Parliament of South Australia with copies of documents ordered to be printed. 1868–9, volume 2, paper No. 20, Appendix, pp. ii–iii. [see also 68.06.05, 68.06.07, 68.06.08, 68.06.09, 68.06.10, 68.07.02, 68.07.03, 68.08.01.]
68.04.06 [Letter?] In Cultivation of the Cinchona plant, &c. Wellington Independent (NZ), 14 April, p. 5. [see also 68.04.07]
68.04.07 [Letter?] In Cultivation of the Cinchona plant. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, 28 April, p. 3. [see also 68.04.06]
68.04.08 Grosse Bäume in Australien. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt, 14: 150. [Translated extract from 67.13.02]
68.04.09 In Miscellaneous. The Mahogany-Eucalypt. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 4 April, p. 353. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.04.10 Australian tree vegetation. Sydney Mail, 11 April, p. 15. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.05.01 [Letter] Bulletin de la Société Impériale Zoologique dAcclimatation, series 2, 5, 328–330. [an extract was used as a footnote in C. Raveret-Wattel, (1875), p. 92. There is another short footnote at p. 26, the source of which has not been found]
68.05.02 [Extract] Hawkes Bay Herald (NZ), 16 May, p. 2. [Extract from 67.13.02]
68.05.03 [Extract] Daily Southern Cross (Auckland, NZ), 27 May, p.3
68.05.04 [Letter] In Factory for seed oils. Australasian (Melbourne), 9 May, p. 602. [see also 68.06.04, 68.06.06]
68.06.01 Notes on Australian plants. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 6, 188–189.
68.06.02 [Letter] Bulletin de la Société Impériale Zoologique dAcclimatation, series 2, 5, 438–439.
68.06.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 6 (47), 181–200. [included in bound volume 69.08.01]
68.06.04 The manufacture of vegetable oils. Brisbane Courier, 5 June, p. 3. [see also 68.05.04 &c.]
68.06.05 [Letter] in Diseases in Wheat Commission. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide), 16 June, p. 2. [see also 68.04.05 &c.]
68.06.06 The manufacture of vegetable oils. Queenslander (Brisbane), 13 June. p. 3 [68.06.05 &c.]
68.06.07 [Letter] in Disease in Wheat Commission. South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (Adelaide), 20 June, p. 3. [see also 68.04.05 &c.]
68.06.08 [Letter] in Disease in Wheat Commission. South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide), 16 June, p. 2. [see also 68.04.05 &c.]
68.06.09 [Letter] in Disease in Wheat Commission. South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide), 20 June. p. 3. [identical to the text published four days earlier, 68.06.08] [see also 68.04.05 &c.]
68.06.10 [Letter]* In The Commission on diseases in wheat. South Australian Register* (Adelaide), 16 June, p. 2. [see also 68.04.05 &c.]
68.06.11 [Letter] In The Commission on diseases in wheat. Adelaide Observer, 20 June, p. 9. [see also 68.04.05 &c.]
68.07.01 Supplement to the list of trees of Australia. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 6, 215.
68.07.02 [Letter] In Red rust in wheat. Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA), 22 July, p. 3. [see also 68.04.05 &c.]
68.07.03 [Letter] In Wheat-infecting fungi. Mercury (Hobart), 24 July, p. 3. [see also 68.04.05 &c.]
68.07.04 Letter from Dr. Mueller. Sydney Mail, 25 July, p. 14. [see also 68.04.05 &c.]
68.0 8.01 Dr. Mueller’s statement respecting rust in wheat (extracted from the Report of the Commissioners on the Diseases in Cereals). Journal of the Agricultural Society of NSW, 1 (1), 13–14. [see also 68.04.05 &c.]
68.10.01 [Letter] In Queenstown corporation. Lake Wakatip Mail (Otago, NZ), 8 October, p. 2.
68.11.01 [Letter] In Our poison plants. Perth Gazette and West Australian Times (Perth, WA), 6 November, p. 2.
68.11.02 [Letter], in The Leichhardt search. Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA), 25 November, p. 3.
68.12.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 6 (48), 201–224. [included in bound volume 69.08.01]
68.12.02 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 6 (49), 225–248. [included in bound volume 69.08.01]
68.12.03 [Letter] Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 26 December, p. 1338. [see comment on p 1337]
68.12.04 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 6 (Interpetatio lithogrammatum; additamenta ad volumen secundum; additamenta ad tertium; additamenta ad volumen quartum; additamenta ad volumen quintum; additamenta ad volumen sextum); 249–255. [included in bound volume 69.08.01; completed by December, (see Mueller to Joseph Decaisne, 28 February 1869, in the Correspondence as 69-04-28d). [In Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 68.13.01]
68.13.01 [see 68.12.04]
68.13.02 Views of the affinity of Acradenia. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1867, 7–8.
68.13.03 [Letter] In J.-L. Soubeiran & A. Delondre, De lintroduction et de lacclimatation des Cinchonas dans les Indes Néerlandaises et dans les Indes Britanniques, 157–158. (Victor Masson et Fils: Paris). [see also 68.06.02]
68.13.04 Tall trees in Australia. In Annual of scientific discovery … for 1868, p. 275 (Gould and Lincoln: Boston, Mass.) [Extracted from 67.13.02]
68.13.05 Uebersicht des Gehaltes der Rinde mehrerer australischer Bäume an Gerbsäure und Gallussäure. Vierteljahresschrift für praktische pharmacie, 17, 296–297.
68.13.06 Ueber giftige Leguminosen. Vierteljahresschrift für praktische pharmacie, 17, 561–562.
69.01.01 [Translation by F. Mueller]. Rasmussen, Vald. Contribution towards the history of the development of the Echinococcus, with especial reference to the formation of daughter-cysts. Australian Medical Journal, 14, 1–11, 2 plates. [continued in 69.02.01]
69.01.02 [see 74.01.03].
69.01.03 [Extracts] In Artificial manures. Australasian (Melbourne), 2 January, p. 24 [attributed to the present intelligent manager of our Botanical-gardens] [see also 69.04.02]
6 9. 01.04 In Australian forest trees, Adelaide Observer, 2 January, p. 9. [Extract from 67.13.02]
69.02.01 [Translation by F. Mueller] Rasmussen, Vald. Contribution towards the history of the development of the Echinococcus, with especial reference to the formation of daughter-cysts. Australian Medical Journal, 14, 33–37. [Continued from 69.01.01, continued in 69.03.01]
69.02.02 Idee per la formazione di boscaglie di piante Australiane nell Affrica settentrionale. Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, 2, 93–98.
69.02.03 [Letter] Perth Gazette and West Australian Times,19 February, p. 2.
69.02.04 [Letter] New fossil from Mount Wellington, Mercury (Hobart), 18 March, p. 2.
69.03.01 [Translation by F. Mueller] Rasmussen, Vald. Contribution towards the history of the development of the Echinococcus, with especial reference to the formation of daughter-cysts. Australian Medical Journal, 14, 65–70. [concluded from 69.02.01]
69.03.02 Plants, cuttings, and seeds for distribution. Victoria — Government Gazette, (No. 16), 19 March, p. 483.
69.03.03 In Sixth Annual Report of the Board of Agriculture, Victoria. Perth Gazette and West Australian Times, 26 March, p. 3. [not specifically attributed to Mueller] [see also 65.09.01 &c.]
69.04.01 [Letter] Perth Gazette and West Australian Times, 16 April, p. 2.
69.04.02 [In advertisement for Guanos and artificial manures]* Perth Gazette and West Australian Times*, 23 April, p. 2. [The repeated advertisements in later issues, up to at least June 1869, are not listed here]. [Quoted from 69.01.03]
69.05.01 In Australian forest trees, Queanbeyan Age, 6 May, p. 1. [Extract from 67.13.02]
69 .05.02 In Australian forest trees, Goulburn Herald and Chronicle, 29 May, p. 8. [Extract from 67.13.02]
69.06.01 List of birds permanently occurring, or periodically visiting, the Botanic Gardens, Melbourne. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1869, 279–280.
69.06.02 Mémoire sur le boisement de lAlgérie. Bulletin de la Société dAgriculture dAlger, 12, 106–117. [see also 69.13.04]
69.06.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 7 (50), 1–16. [included in bound volume 72.02.08]
69.07.01 Report of the Victorian Government Botanist and Director of the Melbourne Botanic Garden. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 7, 183–202. [see also 69.07.03 &c.]
69.07.02 Importation of American seeds to Australia. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 7, 212–213.
69.07.03 Report of the Government Botanist and Director of the Botanic Garden. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1869, 3 (No. 21), 1–21, map. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [Tabled 8 July. Contains: Report (dated 14 September, 1868), pp. 3–8; Supplementary Report (dated 8 March, 1869), pp. 9–13; (miscellaneous tables of chemical analyses of plants), pp. 14–15; Supplemental list of works contained in the botanical library, pp. 16–17; (lists of contributors of plants and seeds), pp. 17–21; Plan of the Government House Reserve, Botanic Garden and its Domain, indicating the principal plantations (map, an updated version of B65.10.10). The report is summarised, with some quotations, by E. R (Eduard Regel) in Gartenflora, 19,** **61–62 (1870).] [see also 69.07.01, 69.13.01]
69.07.04 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 7 (51), 17–36. [included in bound volume 72.02.08]
69.08.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, vol. 6. 1867–1868. (Government Printer: Melbourne) [bound volume, contains 67.07.05, 67.09.01, 67.12.01, 68.02.03, 68.03.04, 68.04.03, 68.06.03, 68.12.01, 68.12.02, 68.12.04, and Index ordinum, generum et specierum voluminis sexti. The printing of the index was delayed, see Mueller to Richard Owen, 14 April 1869, and the volume was issued in August, see Mueller to Augustus Tulk, 7 August, 1869]
69.09.01 [Letter] In The Botanic Gardens. Argus (Melbourne), 30 September, p. 6.
69.09.02 [Letter] In Leichhardt Search Committee. Perth Gazette and West Australian Times, 24 September, p. 3.
69.09.03 [Letter] Gippsland Times, 5 October, p. 2.
69.10.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 7 (52), 37–60. [included in bound volume 72.02.08]
69.10.02 [Letter] Inquirer and Commercial News, (Perth, WA), 6 October, p. 2.
69.10.03 Search for Leichhardts party, as proposed by Ferdinand von Mueller, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S. Mercury (Hobart), 27 October, pp. 3–4. [see also 69.10.11 &c.]
69.10.04 The search for Leichhardts party, as proposed by Ferdinand von Mueller, C.MG., M.D., F.R.S. Queenslander (Brisbane), 23 October, p. 11. [see also 69.10.11 &c.]
69.10.05 The search for Leichhardts party, as proposed by Ferdinand von Mueller, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S. Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth, Vic), 23 October, p. 2S [see also 69.10.11 &c.]
69.10.06 The search for Leichhardts party, as proposed by Ferdinand von Mueller, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S. Sydney Morning Herald, 15 October, p. 5. [see also 69.10.11 &c.]
69.10.07 The search for Leichhardts party, as proposed by Ferdinand von Mueller, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S. Brisbane Courier, 20 October, p. 4. [see also 69.10.11 &c.]
69.10.08 The search for Leichhardts party, as proposed by Ferdinand von Mueller, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S. Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong, NSW), 19 October. p. 4. [see also 69.10.11 &c.]
69.10.09 The search for Leichhardts party, as proposed by Ferdinand von Mueller, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 16 October, p. 14. [see also 69.10.11 &c.]
69.10.10 The search for Leichhardts party. Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA), 27 October, p. 2 S] [Extract from 69.10.11]
69.1 0.11 The continuation of the search for Leichhardts party. Colonial Monthly (Melbourne), October, pp. 121–127 [see also 69.10.03, 69.10.04, 69.10.05, 69.10.06, 69.10.07, 69.10.08, 69.10.09, 69.10.10]
69.11.01 [Letter] In Exploration. Inquirer and Commercial News, (Perth, WA), 24 November, p. 3.
69.11.02 [Letter] in Leichhardts fate. Empire (Sydney), 4 November, p. [2]. [see also 69.11.03]
69.11.03 [Letter] Brisbane Courier, 23 November, p. 2. [see also 69.11.02]
69.11.04 [Translation by F. Mueller] Culture of the indigo plant and the preparation of its dye in Honduras by. Johan Josef Obeso. Leader (Melbourne), 27 November, p. 7. [A version of Obesos article was published in Hamburger Garten– und Blumenzeitung, 25, 152–157]
69.12.01 [Letter] In Technological Commission of Victoria (Papers 1869): (Mason, Firth & Co.: Melbourne). [Dated on the assumption that the individual papers were issued soon after preparation; one of the items in the collection is dated 1 February 1870, but others dated 1869 were certainly issued soon after they were written]
69.12.02 [Letter] In To correspondents. Australasian (Melbourne), 4 December, p. 720.
69.12.03 [Letter] In To correspondents.* Australasian* (Melbourne), [4 December, p. 720.]
69.12.04 [Extract of letter] In A. Petermann, John Forrests Expedition im Innern von West-Australien, April–August 1869, und Stand der geographischen Erforschungen dieses Gebietes. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt, 15, 469.
69.12.05 [Letter] In Queensland Acclimatisation Society, Brisbane Courier, 18 December, p. 5. [see also 69.12.06, 70.01.02]
69.12.06 [Letter] In Queensland Acclimatisation Society, Queenslander (Brisbane), 25 December, p. 3. [see also 69.12.05]
69.12.07 [Extract of letter] In P. Ascherson, Die älteste Autoritäts - Bezeichnung botanischer Speciesnamen, Botanische Zeitung, year 27, no 52, 24 December 1869, p. 870.
69.13.01 Über den Kaligehalt der Asche einiger Holzpflanzen in Australien. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, 149,** **62–65. [see also tables in 69.07.03]
69.13.02 [Letter] Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1868, 2.
69.13.03 Contributions to the phytography of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1868, 7–13.
69.13.04 Mémoire sur le boisement de l’Algérie. In M. Trottier, Boisement dans le désert et colonisation, 29–40. (F. Paysant & Co.: Alger) [quoted in E. L. Bertherand, L’Eucalyptus au point de vue de lhygiène en Algérie , 1876, pp. 44, 45, 48 (Victor Aillaud & Co.: Alger)] [see also 69.06.02]
70.01.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 7 (53), 61–84. [included in bound volume 72.02.08]
70.01.02 [Letter] In Acclimatisation. Australasian (Melbourne), 15 January, p. 7. [see also 69.12.05 &c.]
70.02.01 [Note] Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 12 February, p. 210.
70.03.01 [Letter] In The fate of Leichhardt. Brisbane Courier, 14 March, p. 2. [see also 70.03.02]
70.03.02 [Letter] In The fate of Leichhardt. Queenslander (Brisbane), 19 March, p. 2. [see also 70.03.01]
70.04.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 7 (54), 85–104. [included in bound volume 72.02.08]
70.04.02 Distribution of plants, cuttings, and seeds. Victoria — Government Gazette, (No. 21), 1 April, p. 525. [repeated insertions are not listed here]
70.05.01 [Letter] In Sumach. Australasian (Melbourne), 21 May, p. 665. [see also 70.05.02]
70.05.02 [Letter] In The cultivation of sumach. Leader (Melbourne), 21 May, p. 7. [see also 70.05.01]
70.05.03 [Unattributed memorandum on Flora Australiensis]. Australasian (Melbourne), 21 May, p. 658. [Mueller’s authorship is confirmed by his letter to James McCulloch, 10 May 1870, in the Correspondence as 70-05-10b.] [see also 70.05.04, 70.05.05, 70.05.06]
70.05.04 The botany of Australia [unattributed]. Leader (Melbourne), 21 May, p. 5.[see also 70.05.03]
70.05.05 The botany of Australia [unattributed]. Herald (Melbourne), 27 May, p. 3. [see also 70.05.03 &c.]
70.05.06 The botany of Australia [unattributed]. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 4 June. p. 7. [see also 70.05.03 &c.]
70.07.01 [Letter] In Excursão botanica e horticola. Jornal de horticultura practica, 1, 126.
70.08.01 [Letter] In Deniliquin Hospital, Pastoral Times (Deniliquin, NSW), 6 August, p. 2.
70.09.01 [Letter] in Root blight. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 24 September, pp. 1281–1282.
70.10.01 Note on plants gathered near Lake Barlee during Mr. Forrests recent expedition. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 8, 321–322.
70.10.02 [Letter] In The Cape Weed. Mercury (Hobart), 29 October, p. 2. [see also 70.11.01, 70.11.02]
70.11.01 [Letter] In Agricultural and Station Memoranda. South Australian Register (Adelaide),12 November, p. 7. [see also 70.10.02 &c.]
70.11.02 [Letter] In Agricultural and Station Memoranda. Adelaide Observer, 12 November, p. 9. [see also 70.10.02 &c.]
70.12.01 [Letter extract] In Lettre de M. Cordier. Bulletin de la Société d’Agriculture d’Alger, 13, 179.
70.12.02 [Letter] In Letter from Dr. Von Mueller, Melbourne. California Horticulturist and Floral Magazine, 1, 49.
70.12.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 7 (55), 105–122. [included in bound volume 72.02.08]
70.12.04 [Deleted; item is in a printed set of testimonials, almost certainly not used except as a private document by the applicant].
70.12.05 Melbourne Botanic Garden. In Foreign correspondence, Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 10 December, p. 1638. [unattributed; continued in 70.12.06] [see also 69.07.03 &c.]
70.12.06 Melbourne Botanic Garden. In Foreign correspondence, Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 10 December, p 1673. [unattributed; concluded from 70.12.05] [see also 69.07.03 &c.]
70.13.01 A glance on the plants of Tasmania. In* Guide to Excursionists between Australia and Tasmania*, 18–21. Second edition (H. Thomas: Melbourne). [see also 83.04.05, 84.13.13, 85.01.02, 85.03.02, 85.13.32, 86.02.07]
70.13.02 On the effects of frost on vegetation at Melbourne. Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society of London, New Series, 2,** **65–71.
70.13.03 Table giving results of experiments instituted in the laboratory of the Botanic Garden of Melbourne on the strength of various fibres. In Catalogue of the Victorian exhibits to the Sydney Intercolonial Exhibition of 1870, pp. 56–59. (Government Printer: Melbourne.) [Item is unsigned, but is appended to the list of fibres exhibited by M. Published before August 1870, Sydney Morning Herald, 31 August 1870, p. 6.] [see also 70.13.05]
70.13.04 [Extract] In P. Ramel, * Eucalyptus globulus de Tasmanie,* Gojosso et Cie: Alger, 9–10. [French translation from 60.05.01, pp. 68–70] [see also 61.12.02 &c.]
70.13.05 Table giving results of experiments instituted in the laboratory of the Botanic Garden of Melbourne on the strength of various fibres. In Catalogue of the Victorian exhibits to the Sydney Intercolonial Exhibition of 1870: together with the awards of the judges, the report of the commissioners, the decision of the wine jurors, etc., etc pp. 60–63. (Government Printer: Melbourne.) [Item is unsigned, but is appended to the list of fibres exhibited by M] [see also 70.13.03]
70.14.01 ___ & R. Brough Smyth. Observations on some vegetable fossils from Victoria. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 26, 610. [see also 70.14.03]
70.14.02 ___ F. Search & R. Savage. Report of the judges upon essays on the disease called take-all. In Victoria — Eleventh Annual Report presented by the Council to the Board of Agriculture, 36–37. (Mason, Firth, & MCutcheon: Melbourne).
70.14.03 ___ & R. Brough Smyth. Observations on some vegetable fossils from Victoria, Geological Magazine, 7, 390. [see also 70.14.01]
71.03.01 On the application of phytology to the industrial purposes of life. (Mason, Firth & MCutcheon: Melbourne). [A review in Dr. F. von Mueller’s lecture, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 March 1871, p. 2 reported it as just published; a letter from Marcus Clarke to Mueller, 6 April 1871, in the Correspondence as 71-04-06b, reports that the Committee will publish a limited number of copies of your lecture separately with the index attached, but the index was instead published as 71.06.02, with the comment this list was originally prepared and alluded to as an appendage to a lecture recently delivered at the Melbourne Industrial Museum; in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 71.13.10] [see also 71.04.03 &c; 76.07.06.]
71.04.01 [see 72.04.02]
71.04.02 [Letter] In The Ladies Leichhardt Search Expedition. Brisbane Courier,** **29 April, p. 5. [see also 71.04.04, 71.05.05]
71.04.03 The application of phytology to the industrial purposes of life. In Lectures delivered in the Lecture Room of the Museum during the Spring Session of 1870, 57–86. (Samuel Mullen: Melbourne). [was published by April, see review in Ballarat Star, 22 April, 1871, p. 2; in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 71.13.04] [see also 71.03.01, 71.08.02. 71.13.02, 76.07.06, 76.13.12]
71.04.04 [Letter] In Dr. Mueller on the late discoveries in Queensland. Queenslander (Brisbane), 29 April, p. 2. [see also 71.04.02 &c.]
71.0 5.01 [Letter] In The Algaroba Tree. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council during the session 1871, with copies of the various documents ordered by the Council to be printed (A1). (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 9 May] [see also 71.05.04, 71.06.01]
71.05. 02 Succinct observations on a new genus of fossil Coniferae. In Reports of the Mining Surveyors and Registrars. Quarter ending 31st March 1871. Appendix B, 48–49, plan, section & plate 1. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1871, 2 (No. 26). (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 18 May] [see also 72.01.11, 74.13.11; reissued as part of 74.13.07]
71.05.03 [Foreword] In J. Agardh, On some Algae from the Chatham Islands. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 3, 213–214.
71.05.04 The Algaroba tree. Argus (Melbourne), 12 May, p. 2. [see also 71.05.01 &c.]
71.05.05 [Letter] In The Ladies Leichhardt Search Expedition. Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser, 2 May, p. 3. [see also 71.04.02 &c.]
71.06.01 Hymenaea Courbaril. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 10 June. p. 454. [see also 71.05.01 &c.]
71.06.02 The principal timber trees, readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture, with indications of their native countries, and some of their technologic uses. Report of the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, 1871, 29–58. [was published before 6 June, see Argus (Melbourne), 6 June 1871, p. 6; in Churchill et al. (1978 and Home et al. (1998) as 71.13.01] [see also 71.06.03, 71.08.04, 71.09.01, 71.10.02, 71.13.02, 72.01.05, 72.02.02, 72.03.02, 72.04.01, 72.06.01, 76.07.04, 76.13.15, 77.02.05]
71.06.03 The principal timber trees readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture. (Stillwell and Knight: Melbourne). [Was noticed as having been reprinted in a handy form, in Australasian (Melbourne), 24 June 1871, p. 787. In Home et al. (1998) as 71.13.09] [see also 71.06.02 &c.]
71.06.04 Forest culture in its relation to industrial pursuits. Argus (Melbourne), 23 June, p. 6. [Lightly edited] [see also 71.07.02 &c.]
71.07.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 7 (56), 123–138. [included in bound volume 72.02.08]
71.07.02 Forest culture in its relation to industrial pursuits. Australasian (Melbourne), 1 July, pp. 6–7. [see also 71.06.04, 71.07.03, 71.07.04, 71.07.05, 71.08.05, 71.08.06, 71.09.02, 71.11.04, 71.11.05, 71.11.06, 71.12.01, 71.12.12, 71.13.02, 71.13.03, 71.13.11, 71.13.12, 72.01.02, 72.01.03, 72.01.04, 72.01.05, 72.01.06, 76.07.05, 87.03.08]
71.07.03 [Short extract] in Victoria. Lyttelton Times (NZ), 10 July, p. 3. [see also 71.07.02 &c.]
71.07.04 [Short extract] Evening Star (Dunedin, NZ). 22 July, p. 2. [see also 71.07.02 &c.]
71.07.05 [Short extract] in Importance of forests. Evening Post (Wellington, NZ), 19 July, p. 2. [see also 71.07.02 &c.]
71.08.01 New vegetable fossils of Victoria. In Reports of the Mining Surveyors and Registrars. Quarter ending 30th June 1871. Appendix B, 47–49, plates 2 & 3. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1871, 2 (No. 38). [tabled 15 August; reissued as part of 74.13.07] [see also 72.01.12, 74.13.10]
71.08.02 In Excursão botânica e hortícola. Jornal de horticultura practica, 2,** **126. [Translated short extract] [see also 71.04.03 &c.]
71.08.03 In Excursão botânica e hortícola. Jornal de horticultura practica, 2,** **145–146. [Translated extract] [see also 67.13.08]
71.08.04 [Annotated extract] Timber trees. California Horticulturist and Floral Magazine, 1, 301–303. [continued as 71.09.01] [see also 71.06.02 &c.]
71.08.05 [Short extract] In Importance of forests. Press (Canterbury, NZ), 22 August, p. 3. [see also 71.07.02 &c.]
71.08.06 [Short extract] In Importance of forests. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, 9 August, p. 3. [see also 71.07.02 &c.]
71.09.01 [Annotated extract] Timber trees. California Horticulturist and Floral Magazine, 1, 325–327. [continued from 71.08.04, continued as 71.10.02] [see also 71.06.02 &c.]
71.09.02 [Short extract] In The planting of trees in Otago. Cromwell Argus (NZ), 26 September, p. 7. [see also 71.07.02 &c.]
71.10.01 [Note] In A new field of exploration. Australasian (Melbourne), 14 October. p. 496. [see also 71.12.07]
71.10.02 [Annotated extract] Timber trees. Miscellaneous trees, not conifers. California Horticulturist and Floral Magazine, 1,355–359. [continued from 71.09.01, continued as 71.12.06] [see also 71.06.02 &c.]
71.11. 01 New vegetable fossils of Victoria. In Reports of the Mining Surveyors and Registrars. Quarter ending 30th September 1871. Appendix, 39–41, plates 4 & 5. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1871, 2 (No. 103). [tabled 21 November; reissued as part of 74.13.07]
71.11.02 [Letter] In Correspondence: Take-all. Leader (Melbourne), 4 November, p. 7.
71.11.03 Appendix A. Notes from Baron von Mueller upon Olive cultivation, in New industries,* Leader* (Melbourne), 11 November, p. 8. [see also 71.13.06, 72.01.08, 72.02.07, 81.03.04, 81.13.15]
71.1 1.04 Forest culture in its relation to industrial pursuits. I. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 4 November, p. 1124-1125. [continued in 71.11.05; see also 71.07.02 &c]
71.1 1.05 Forest culture in its relation to industrial pursuits. II. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 11 November, p. 1157 -1158. [continued from 71.11.04, continued in 71.11.06; see also 71.07.02 &c]
71.1 1.06 Forest culture in its relation to industrial pursuits. III. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 18 November, p. 1188 -1189. [continued from 71.11.05, concluded in 71.12.12; see also 71.07.02 &c]
71.12.01 [Extract] Forest culture. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 1871, 30 December, pp. 1680–1681. [continued in 72.01.02] [see also 71.07.02 &c]
71.12.02 [Letter extracts] In Raveret-Wattel, LEucalyptus. Rapport sur son introduction, sa culture, ses propriétés, usages, &c. Bulletin de la Société dAcclimatation series 2, 8, 625, 628–629.
71.12.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 7 (57), 139–156. [included in bound volume 72.02.08]
71.12.04 [Letter] In Saltbush, &c. Australasian (Melbourne), 9 December, p. 762. [see also 71.12.10]
71.12.05 [Letter] In A suspected poison plant. Leader (Melbourne), 16 December, p. 7.
71.12.06 [Annotated extract] Timber trees of Australia. California Horticulturist and Floral Magazine, 2,** **8–11. [concluded from 71.10.02] [see also 71.06.02 &c.]
71.12.07 [Note] In A new field of exploration. Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA), 20 December 1871, p. 4. [see also 71.10.01]
71.12.08 [Letter] In The flora of Australia. Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA), 27 December, p. 2.
71.12.09 [Letter extracts] Herald (Fremantle), 23 December, p. 3.
71.12.10 [Letter] In Local news. Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser, 14 December, p. 2. [see also 71.12.04]
71.12.11 [Letter extract] In The poison plant. Peak Downs Telegram and Advertiser, 16 December. [see also 72.01.10]
71.12.12 Forest culture in its relation to industrial pursuits. IV. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 2 December, p. 1253-1125. [continued from 71.11.06; see also 71.07.02 &c]
71.13.01 [see 71.06.02]
71.13.02 In Lectures and documents bearing on industrial researches. 1. (Mason, Firth & MCutcheon: Melbourne). [Includes versions of 67.13.02, 67.13.11, 71.04.03, 71.06.02, 71.13.03, 76.13.11]
71.13.03 Forest culture in its relation to industrial pursuits. In Industrial and Technological Museum, Melbourne: Lectures delivered in the Lecture Room of the Museum during the Autumn session of 1871, 45–96. (Samuel Mullen: Melbourne) [The State Library of Victoria also holds a variant title, …Autumn session of 1870. The lecture was delivered on 22 June 1871] [see also 71.07.02, &c.]
71.13.04 [see 71.04.03]
71.13.05 Contributions to the phytography of Tasmania. II. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1870, 11– 20.
71.13.06 Notes from Baron von Mueller upon Olive cultivation. Appendix A: pp. 5–6. In J. J. Bleasdale, New Industries (Royal Commission for Foreign Industries & Forests: Melbourne). [see also 71.11.03 &c.]
71.13.07 Notulae de quibusdam plantis Australiam incolentibus.* Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano*, 3, 30–31.
71.13.08 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 7 (index), 157–166. [included in bound volume 72.02.08]
71.13.09 [see 71.06.03]
71.13.10 [see 71.03.01]
71.13.11 Forest culture in its relation to industrial pursuits. (Mason, Firth and MCutcheon: Melbourne). [see also 71.07.02 &c.]
71.13.12 Forest culture in its relation to industrial pursuits. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [see also 71.07.02 &c.]
71.14.01 S. H. Bindon et al., ___. Progress report of the Royal Commission on foreign industries and forests. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1871, 3 (No. 60), 1–10. [tabled 24 October] [see also 71.14.02]
71.14.02 S. H. Bindon et al., ___. Foreign Industries and forests. Argus (Melbourne) 7 November, p. 6. [see also 71.14.01]
72.01.01 The genus Albizzia: its origin and systematic limits considered. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 10,** 7–11. [Summarised, with list of species discussed, in Bulletin de la Société botanique de France , 19**, Revue Bibliographique p. 187.]
72.01.02 [Extract] Dr. Mueller on forest culture. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 6 January, pp. 10–11 [continued from 71.12.01, continued in 72.01.03] [see also 71.07.02 &c.]
72.01.03 [Extract] Dr. Mueller on forest culture. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 13 January pp. 43–44. [continued from of 72.01.02, continued in 72.01.04] [see also 71.07.02 &c.]
72.01.04 [Extract] Dr. Mueller on forest culture. Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 27 January, pp. 110–112 [concluded from 72.01.03] [see also 71.07.02 &c.]
72.01.05 [Annotated extract] Eligible timber trees. Gardeners Monthly and Horticulturist, 14, 4–9 [continued in 72.02.02] [see also 71.06.02 &c.]
72.01.06 [Extract] The conservation of forests and the production of potash. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions, series 3, 2, 565–566. [see also 71.06.02 &c.]
72.01.07 [Letter extract]. In Current news. Queenslander (Brisbane), 20 January, p. 2. [see also 72.01.09 &c,]
72.01.08 Appendix A. Notes from Baron von Mueller upon olive cultivation in Dr. Bleasdale on new industries. Kapunda Herald and Northern Intelligencer (South Australia), 19 January, p. 4. [see also 71.11.03 &c.]
72.01.09 [Letter extract]. Brisbane Courier, 18 January, p. 2. [see also 72.01.07, 72.01.13, 72.02.05, 72.02.06]
72.01.10 [Letter extract] in The poison plant. Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser, 2 January, p. 4. [see also 71.12.11]
72.01.11 Kurzgefasste Beobachtungen über ein neues Genus von Coniferen. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 16 January, p. 32. [Translated extract of 71.05.02]
72.01.12 Neue vegetabilische Fossilien von Victoria. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 16 January, p. 32. [Translated extract of descriptions of new genera.] [see also 71.08.01]
72.01.13 [Letter] In Discoveries in central Australia. Herald (Melbourne), 29 January, p.3. [see also 72.01.09 &c.]
72.02.01 Notes on intended geographical explorations in Australia during 1872. Australian Mechanic and Journal of Science and Art, 1 (2), 22. [see also 72.03.04]
72.02.02 [Annotated extract] Eligible timber trees. Gardeners Monthly and Horticulturist, 14, 37–39. [continued from 72.01.05, continued in 72.03.02] [see also 71.06.02 &c.]
72.02.03 The economic products of Eucalyptus trees. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions, series 3, 2,** **628–629. [see also 71.07.02]
72.02.04 Ein offenes Polarmeer im Norden von Sibirien. In Australische Deutsche Zeitung, 29 February, p.11. [see also 72.03.03, 72.03.05]
72.02.05 [Letter] in Miscellaneous items: exploration. Northern Argus (Rockhampton), 10 February, p. 3. [see also 72.01.09 &c.]
72.02.06 [Letter] Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser, 17 February, p. 2. [see also 72.01.09 &c.]
72.02.07 [Extract] In Olives in California. California Horticulturist and Floral Magazine, 2,** **72. [see also 71.11.03 &c.]
72.02.08 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, vol. 7. 1869–1871 (Government Printer: Melbourne) [bound volume, contains 69.06.03, 69.07.04, 69.10.01, 70.01.01, 70.04.01, 70.12.03, 71.07.01, 71.12.03, 71.13.08. In Mueller to Eduard Fenzl, 30 January 1872, he reports that the completed seventh volume will shortly be sent to you and in a letter to Christian Ehrenberg, 1 February 1872, Mueller reported that copies of the completed volume had been sent in this months mail. The volume was announced as just completed in Sydney Morning Herald, 6 February 1872, p. 4, and reviewed in the issue of 22 February, 1872, p. 3.]
72.03.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (58), 1–12. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
72.03.02 [Annotated extract] Eligible timber trees. Gardeners Monthly and Horticulturist, 14, 72–75. [continued from 72.02.03, continued in 72.04.01] [see also 71.06.02 &c.]
72.03.03 [Contributed by Baron von Mueller] An open polar sea in the north of Siberia. Herald (Fremantle), 27 March, p. 3. [The identical article was also included in the edition of 30 March, p. 3] [see also 72.02.04 &c.]
72.03.04 Exploration of the interior. Hamilton Spectator, (Vic), 13 March, 1872, p. 4. [see also 72.02.01]
72.03.05 An open sea north of Siberia. Wagga Wagga Express and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser, 6 March p. 4. [The article is not attributed, but except for very minor changes in spelling is identical to 72.03.03] [see 72.02.04 &c.]
72.04.01 [Annotated extract] Eligible timber trees. Gardeners Monthly and Horticulturist, 14, 108–112. [continued from 72.03.02, continued in 72.06.01] [see also 71.06.02 &c.]
72.04.02 Seeds of the Sunn, jute and gingelly oil plants for test culture. Victoria — Government Gazette (No. 21), 12 April, p. 711. [The notice was reported in a number of Victorian and New South Wales newspapers, but not explicitly over Mueller’s name. In Home et al. (1998) as 71.04.01] [see also 72.05.02]
72.05.01 [Annotated extract] Eligible timber trees. Gardeners Monthly and Horticulturist, 14, 141–144. [continued from 72.04.01; continued in 72.06.01] [see also 71.06.02 &c.]
72.05.02 [Notice] Bruce Herald (Milton, NZ), 15 May, p. 8. [see also 72.04.02]
72.06.01 [Annotated extract] Eligible timber trees. Gardeners Monthly and Horticulturist, 14, 168–173. [concluded from 72.05.01] [see also 71.06.02 &c.]
72.06.02 [Letter] Noxious weeds. Weekly Times (Melbourne), 1 June, p. 6.
72.07.01 Select plants (exclusive of timber trees) readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses. (Acclimatisation Society of Victoria?): Melbourne. [was reviewed as just issued in Tasmanian Tribune (Hobart), 15 July 1872, p. 3; and see letter J. Agnew to Mueller, 27 July 1872] [see also 72.08.05, 72.08.06, 72.09.02, 72.09.03, 72.09.04, 72.09.05, 72.09.06, 72.09.13, 72.09.14, 72.10.01, 72.10.03, 72.10.04, 72.10.09, 72.10.10, 72.10.11, 72.10.12, 72.10.13, 72.10.14, 72.10.15, 72.10.16, 72.11.01, 72.11.02, 72.11.03, 72.11.04, 72.11.05, 72.11.06, 72.11.07, 72.11.08, 72.11.09, 72.12.01, 72.12.02, 72.12.03, 72.12.05, 72.12.06, 72.13.02, 73.01.01, 73.01.02, 73.01.03, 73.01.04, 73.02.01, 73.02.02, 73.02.03, 73.02.04, 73.02.05 73.03.01, 73.03.03, 73.03.06, 73.03.07, 73.03.08, 73.04.03, 73.04.04, 73.04.07, 73.05.03, 73.05.04, 73.05.05, 73.06.04, 73.06.05, 73.07.06, 73.07.08, 73.08.02, 73.08.03, 73.09.04, 73.09.05, 73.09.06, 73.09.09, 73.10.01, 74.01.01, 74.02.02, 74.05.03, 74.07.02, 74.07.04, 74.07.05, 74.09.04, 74.10.02, 74.10.03, 74.10.04, 74.11.02, 75.03.02, 75.03.03, 75.05.06, 76.13.16]
72.07.02 The objects of a Botanic Garden in relation to industries. A lecture, delivered at the Industrial and Technological Museum, Melbourne. (Mason, Firth & MCutcheon: Melbourne). [Was reviewed in Botanical lectures, Sydney Morning Herald, 12 July 1872, p. 5; in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 72.13.01] [see also 72.08.01, 72.08.02, 72.08.03, 72.08.04, 72.08.05, 72.09.01, 72.10.17, 76.13.19]
72.07.03 Our Victorian trees, Weekly Times (Melbourne), 27 July, p. 6. [Extract from 67.13.02]
72.08.01 The use of botanic gardens.* Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette*, 10 August, pp. 1068–1070. [continued as 72.08.02] [see also 72.07.02 &c.]
72.08.02 The use of botanic gardens.* Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette*, 17 August, pp. 1099–1100. [continued from 72.08.01, continued as 72.08.03] [see also 72.07.02 &c.]
72.08.03 The use of botanic gardens.* Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette*, 31 August, pp. 1162–1163. [continued from 72.08.02, continued as 72.09.01] [see also 72.07.02 &c.]
72.08.04 The objects of a Botanic Garden in relation to industries. In Lectures delivered by Professor MCoy … [et al.] in the lecture room of the Museum during the second session of 1871. (Melbourne: Samuel Mullen), pp. 151–188. [Was noticed in Australasian (Melbourne), 10 August 1872, p. 168.] [see also 72.07.02 &c.]
72.08.05 In Lectures and documents bearing on industrial researches: vol. II. (Melbourne: Mason, Firth and MCutcheon?)]. This publisher issued volume 1, see 71.13.12, and is tentatively so attributed by the Basser Libray, Australian Academy of Science, but the Library of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew has Mueller for the author and for publisher ‘for the author’; was reviewed in Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 10 August 1872, p. 166; contains versions of 72.07.01, 72.07.02]
72.08.06 [Extract] in Baron von Mueller on the tea plant. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 3 August, p. 140. [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.09.01 The use of botanic gardens.* Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette*, 7 September, pp. 1196–1197. [cconcluded from 72.08.03] [see also 72.07.02 &c.]
72.09.02 [Extracts] Select plants (exclusive of timber trees) readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses. California Horticulturist and Floral Magazine, 2, 294–297 [continued as 72.10.01] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.09.03 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 7 September, p. 295. [extract: Acacia farnesiana — Andropogon avenaceus] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.09.04 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 14 September, p. 328 [extract: Andropogon bicolor — Apocynum cannabinum] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.09.05 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 21 September, p. 360 [extract: Arachis hypocaea — Avena fatua] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.09.06 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 28 September, p. 390. [extract: Avena flavescens — Barosma serratifolia] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.09.07 Indigo seeds. Victoria — Government Gazette, (No. 63), 13 September, p. 1693.
72.09.08 [Letter] Perth Gazette and West Australian Times, 6 September, p. 4.
72.09.09 [Letter extract] In The great western explorations. Evening Journal (Adelaide), 28 September, p. 3. [see also 72.09.10, 72.09.11, 72.10.05, 72.10.06, 72.10.07, 72.10.08]
72.09.10 [Letter extract] In The great western explorations. Adelaide Observer, 28 September, p. 3. [see also 72.09.09 &c.]
72.09.11 [Letter extract] In The great western exploration. South Australian Register (Adelaide), 28 September, p. 5. [see also 72.09.09 &c.]
72.09.12 Select plants—their history, value &c. &c. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, (San Francisco), 26 September. p. 83. [selected extracts from 72.07.01 &c.; continued in 72.10.15] [see also 72.09.09 &c.]
72.09.13 Alimentary plants eligible for cultivation in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 28 September, pp. 395–396. [rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.10.01 Select plants (exclusive of timber trees) readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses. California Horticulturist and Floral Magazine, 2, 322–325. [continued from 72.09.02, continued in 72.11.01] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.10.02 Notulam de fructu Anodopetali biglandulosi communicat liber Baro Ferdinandus Mueller. Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, 4, 272.
72.10.03 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 5 October, pp. 424–425. [extract: Beta vulgaris — Caesalpinia gilliesii] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.10.04 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 19 October, p. 486. [extract: Cajanus indicus — Capparis spinosa] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.10.05 [Letter extract] In Western Australian explorations. Brisbane Courier, 16 October, p. 4. [see also 72.09.09 &c.]
72.10.06 [Letter extract] In South Australian exploration. Geelong Advertiser, 2 October, p. 3. [see also 72.09.09 &c.]
72.10.07 [Letter extract] In The great western exploration. South Australian Register (Adelaide), 7 October, p. 3 S. [see also 72.09.09 &c.]
72.10.08 [Letter extract] Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 12 October, p. 465. [see also 72.09.09 &c.]
72.10.09 Alimentary plants eligible for culture in New South Wales: yielding herbage. Empire (Sydney), 2 October, p. 4. [rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.10.10 Alimentary plants. Empire (Sydney), 24 October, p. 4. [rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.10.11 Fodder plants eligible for culture in New South Wales. 1st. Grasses. Empire (Sydney), 10 October, p. 4. [rearranged extracts, continued in 72.10.12] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.10.12 Fodder plants eligible for culture in New South Wales. continued. Empire (Sydney), 15 October, p. 4. [rearranged extracts, concluded from 72.10.11] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.10.13 Fodder plants eligible for cultivation in New South Wales. 1st. Grasses. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 5 October, p. 431. [rearranged extracts; continued in 72.10.14] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.10.14 Fodder plants eligible for cultivation in New South Wales. (Continued). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 12 October, p. 459. [rearranged extracts; concluded from 72.10.13] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.10.15 Select plants—their history, value &c. &c. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences,10 October, p. 99 [Selected excerpts; continued from 72.09.12, continued in 72.10.16] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.10.16 Select plants—their history, value &c. &c. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, 17 October, p. 107 [Selected excerpts; continued from 72.10.15, continued in 72.11.09] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.10.17 [Extract] In Pharmaceutical utility of Botanical Gardens. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions, series 3, 3, 328. [see also 72.07.02 &c.]
72.11.01 Select plants (exclusive of timber trees) readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture with indications of their native countries and some of their uses. California Horticulturist and Floral Magazine, 2, 352–354. [continued from 72.10.01, continued in 73.01.01] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.11.02 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 9 November, pp. 582–583. [extract: Capsicum annuum — Cichorium endiva] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.11.03 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 16 November, p. 615. [extract: Cicer arietinum — Cinchona officinalis] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.11.04 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 23 November, p. 647. [extract: Cinchona succirubra — Colocasia antiquorum] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.11.05 Fibre plants eligible for culture in New South Wales. Empire (Sydney), 12 November, p. 4. [rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.11.06 Fibre plants eligible for cultivation in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 2 November, p. 556. [rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.11.07 Medicinal plants eligible for cultivation in New South Wales. First—yielding herbage or flowers. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 23 November, p. 651. [continued in 72.11.08; rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.11.08 Medicinal plants eligible for cultivation in New South Wales. First—yielding herbage or flowers (continued) Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 30 November, p. 683. [and second – yielding bark; rearranged extracts; concluded from 72.11.07] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.11.09 Select plants—their history, value &c. &c. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, 7 November, p. 131 [Selected excerpts; continued from 72.10.16, continued in 72.12.06] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.12.01 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 7 December, p. 713. [extract: Colchicum autumnale — Crataegus parviolius (sic)] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.12.02 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 21 December, p. 775 [extract: Crataegus pyracantha — Digitalis purpurea] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.12.03 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 28 December, p. 808. [extract: Discorea aculeata — Fagopyrum emarginatum] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.12.04 [Letter extract] Jornal de horticultura practica, 3, 236.
72.12.05 Medicinal plants eligible for cultivation in New South Wales. Third—yielding grain. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 7 December, November, p. 747. [rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
72.12.06 Select plants—their history, value &c. &c. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, 19 December, p. 163 [Selected excerpts; continued from 72.11.09, continued in 73.01.03] [see also 72.07.01 &c.
72.12 .07 [Comment under letter from Ernest Giles, attributed to ‘F.V.M.] in Exploration in Central Australia, Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA), 18 December, p. 1s. [The article was ’extracted from Melbourne Evening Herald, of the 5th inst.’, but that title has not been seen; the same comment, unattributed, appeared when the letter from Giles was published in Express (Melbourne), 4 December. p. 3]
72.13.02 Select plants (exclusive of timber trees) readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses. Proceedings of the Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, 1, 249–428. [see also 72.07.01 &c.)
72.14.01 S. H. Bindon, ___, et al. Novel industries. forests & rural instruction. — Second Progress Report of the Royal Commission on Foreign Industries and Forests, including a summary of the answers to a circular letter sent out by the Commission during the month of September 1871. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1872, (No. 16). [tabled 15 May]
72.14.02 ___ & R. D. Fitzgerald. Flora of Australia: Dendrobium fairfaxii. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 21 September, p. 360. [The article itself is not signed, but the authorship of the name is stated to be Mueller and Fitzgerald]
73.01.01 Select plants (exclusive of timber trees) readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses. California Horticulturist and Floral Magazine, 3, 8–10. [continued from 72.11.01, continued in 73.03.01] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.01.02 Dye plants eligible for cultivation in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 11 January, p. 43. [rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.01.03 Select plants—their history, value &c. &c. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences,16 January, p. 187. [Selected excerpts; continued from 72.12.06, continued in 73.01.04] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.01.04 Select plants—their history, value &c. &c. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, 23 January, p. 3. [Selected excerpts; continued from 73.01.03, continued in 73.02.04. This is said to be the eighth portion of the series; 73.01.03, the only extract in the preceding issue was described as the sixth portion.] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.02.01 Scent plants eligible for culture in Australia. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 1 February, p. 140. [continued in 73.02.03; rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.02.02 Condiment Plants Eligible for Cultivation in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 15 February, p. 204. [rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.02.03 Scent plants eligible for culture in Australia. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 8 February, p. 172. [concluded from 73.02.01; rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.02.04 Select plants—their history, value &c. &c. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, 13 February, p. 19, [Selected excerpts; continued from 73.01.04, continued in 73.02.05] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.02.05 Select plants—their history, value &c. &c. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, 20 February, p. 35. [Selected excerpts; concluded from 73.02.04] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.03.01 Select plants (exclusive of timber trees) readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses. California Horticulturist and Floral Magazine 3, 83–85. [concluded from 73.01.01] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.03.02 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (59), 13–32. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
73.03.03 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 22 March, p. 361. [extract: Fagopyrum esculentum — Foeniculum officinale] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.03.04 [Letter] In Queensland acclimatisation society. Brisbane Courier, 1 March, p. 5. [see also 73.03.05]
73.03.05 [Letter] In Substitution of natural grasses. Wagga Wagga Express and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser, 12 March, p. 4. [see also 73.03.04]
73.03.06 Oil Plants Eligible for Cultivation in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 15 March, p. 332, [rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.03.07 Oil Plants Eligible for Cultivation in New South Wales. The Olive—Spanish varieties.* Australian Town and Country Journal* (Sydney), 29 March, p. 396–397, [rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.03.08 Orchard Plants Eligible for Cultivation in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 29 March, p. 396, [rearranged extracts; continued in 73.04.07] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.03.09 [Letter extract] In Der Australische Überland-Telegraph. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt, 19, 106. [in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 73.13.02]
73.04.01 Elenco delle piante raccolte durante il viaggio di esplorazione del Sig. Giles nellAustralia centrale, communicato dal Barone F. von Mueller. Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, 5, 127–129. [see also 75.04.08, 89.13.01]
73.04.02 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (60), 33–44. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
73.04.03 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 12 April, p. 455. [extract: Fourcroya cubensis — Clycyrrhiza glabra] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.04.04 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 19 April, p. 488 [extract: Gossypium arboreum — Hedeoma pulegioides] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.04.05 [Letter] In The sheep bush of Cape Colony. Australasian (Melbourne), 5 April, p. 439. [see also 73.04.06]
73.04.06 [Letter] In A valuable fodder plant. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 19 April, p. 491. [see also 73.04.05]
73.04.07 Orchard Plants Eligible for Cultivation in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 5 April, pp. 11–12, [rearranged extracts; continued from 73.03.08, continued in 73.05.03] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.05.01 Preliminary notes on Mr. H. H. Travers recent collections of plants from the Chatham Islands. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 5, 309–310.
73.05.02 [Letter] In Poisonous Plants. Mercury (Hobart), 20 May, p. 3. [in letter from S. Hannaford] [see also 73.07.07, 73.07.09, 73.08.04, 73.08.05, 73.08.06]
73.05.03 Orchard Plants Eligible for Cultivation in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 3 May, p. 557. [rearranged extracts; continued from 73.04.07, continued in 73.05.04] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.05.04 Orchard Plants Eligible for Cultivation in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 17 May, p. 620. [rearranged extracts; continued from 73.05.03, continued in 73.05.05] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.05.05 Orchard Plants Eligible for Cultivation in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 31 May, p. 684. [rearranged extracts; concluded from 73.05.04] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.06.01 Probability of the occurrence of Chenolea hirsuta in Great Britain. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 11, 166–167. [Summarised, with a comment, in Justs Botanischer Jahresbericht, 1, 642.]
73.06.02 [Letter] Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 7 June, p. 776.
73.06.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (61), 45–58. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
73.06.04 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 21 June, p. 775. [extract with omissions: Hedysarum coronarium — Hovenia dulcis] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.06.05 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 28 June, p. 807. [extract: Hordeum hexastichan — Humulus lupulus] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.0 7.01 [Letters] In Department of Lands and Agriculture, Report of the Secretary for Agriculture, Appendix K, 51–52, plate 5. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1873, 3 (No. 59). [tabled 17 July] [see also 73.09.03, 73.13.03]
73.07 .02 [Letter] In Department of Lands and Agriculture, Report of the Secretary for Agriculture, Appendix K, 53, plate 6. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1873, 3 (No. 59). (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 17 July] [see also 73.09.03, 73.13.04]
73.07.03 Frammento di lettera del Barone F. von Mueller al Direttore del giornale sopra alcune piante Australiane. Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, 5, 171–172. [see also 73.07.04]
73.07.04 [Letter] In Extraits des procès-verbaux des séances de la société. Bulletin de la Société dAcclimatation series 2, 10, 499–500. [see also 73.07.03]
73.07.05 [Letter] The plants of Riverina. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 19 July, p. 72. [see also 73.07.10]
73.07.06 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 26 July, p. 104. [extract: Hydrastis canadensis — Ipomaea paniculata] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.07.07 [Letter] Brisbane Courier, 23 July, p. 2. [see also 73.05.02 &c.]
73.07.08 Wicker plants eligible for cultivation in Australia. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 26 July, p. 108 [rearranged extracts] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.07.09 [Letter] In Poisonous plants. Rockhampton Bulletin (Qld), 18 July, p. 2. [see also 73.05.02 &c.]
73.07.10 [Letter] In The plants of Riverina, Pastoral Times (Deniliquin, NSW), 5 July, p. 3 [see also 73.07.05]
73.08.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (62), 59–102. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
73.08.02 Palms eligible for culture in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 16 August, p. 204–205. [rearranged extracts; continued in 73.08.03] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.08.03 Palms eligible for culture in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 23 August, p. 237. [rearranged extracts; concluded from 73.08.02] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.08.04 [Letter] In Field and garden memoranda for August. Queenslander (Brisbane), 2 August, p. 5. [see also 73.05.02 &c.]
73.08.05 [Letter] In Agricultural and station memoranda. South Australian Register (Adelaide), 18 August, p. 7. [see also 73.05.02 &c.]
73.08.06 [Letter] In Agricultural and station memoranda. Adelaide Observer, 16 August, p. 9. [see also 73.05.02 &c.]
73.09.01 [Letters] In Royal Society of Tasmania. Mercury (Hobart), 16 September, p. 2. [see also 74.13.02, 74.13.03, 74.13.04]
73.09.02 [Deleted. Item contains short extracts of a letter as part of a longer argument by Raveret-Wattel on Australian vegetation in Algeria: see 68.05.01 for full letter]
73.09.03 [Letters] In On poisonous plants. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, [6 September, p. 294; 2 plates] [see also 73.07.01 &c.; 73.07.02]
73.09.04 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 13 September, p. 327. [extract: Ipomaea purga — Justicia adhatoda] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.09.05 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 20 September, p. 363. [extract: Kentia baueri — Lolium perenne] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.09.06 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 27 September, p. 400. [extract: Lupinus albus — Maranta arundinacea] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.09.07 Dr. Mücke und die Linné-Societat. Australische Deutsche Zeitung (Tanunda), 18 September, p. 5. [see also 73.09.08]
73.09.08 In Dr. Muecke and the Linne Society. South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail, 27 September, p. 5. [see also 73.09.07]
73.09.09 [Extract] In The beet plant. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 6 September, p. 301. [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.10.01 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 4 October, p. 432. [extract: Matricaria chamomilla — Mentha viridis] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
73.10.02 [Letter] Anales de la Sociedad Rural Argentina, 7, 344–345.
73.10.03 [Letter extract] In Australian flora. Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA), 8 October, p. 3.
73.10.04 [Letter] In Cape Weed. Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser, 17 October, p. 2. [see also 73.11.04, 73.11.05, 73.11.06]
73.11.01 New vegetable fossils of Victoria. In Reports of the Mining Surveyors and Registrars. Quarter ended 30th September 1873. Appendix, 41–42, plate 6. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1873, 2 (No. 92). (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 25 November; reissued as part of 74.13.07]
73.11.02 Trachymene austro-caledonica. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 11, 340.
73.11.03 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (63), 103–124. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
73.11.04 [Letter] In Cape Weed. Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser, 4 November, p. 6. [see also 73.10.04 &c.]
73.11.05 [Letter] In Agricultural and station memoranda. Adelaide Observer, 1 November, p. 9. [see also 73.10.04 &c.]
73.11.06 [Letter] In Agricultural and station memoranda. South Australian Register (Adelaide), 18 November, p. 7. [see also 73.10.04 &c.]
73.11.07 [Letter] Gardeners Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 29 November, p. 1596 [In untitled article by M.J.B., i.e., M. J. Berkeley, in a footnote to which is a description of Isaria graminiperda, attributed jointly to Berkeley and Mueller]
73.12.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (64), 125–140. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
73.12.02 [Letter] In Aclimatisation society. Brisbane Courier, 6 December, p. 5. [see also 73.12.03]
73.12.03 [Letter] In Aclimatisation society. Queenslander (Brisbane), 13 December, p. 3. [see also 73.12.02]
73 .1 3.01 Contributions to the phytography of the New Hebrides and Loyalty Islands, from Mr. F. A. Campbells collections. In F. A. Campbell, A year in the New Hebrides. Appendix. (George Mercer: Geelong). [Summarised, with list of cryptogamic species mentioned, in Justs Botanischer Jahresbericht, 2, 422, (1876) and new phanerogams listed, pp. 711–712.] [see also 73.13.06]
73.13.02 [see 73.03.09]
73.13.03 [Letters] In Department of Lands and Agriculture, Victoria. Report of the Secretary for Agriculture, to which is appended the report of the Inspector-general of Gardens, Parks, and Reserves. Appendix K, 107–110, plate 5. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [see also 73.07.01 &c.]
73.13.04 [Letter] In Department of Lands and Agriculture, Victoria. Report of the Secretary for Agriculture; to which is appended the report of the Inspector-general of Gardens, Parks. and Reserves. Appendix K, 113–114, plate 6. (Government Printer: Melbourne).[see also 73.07.02 &c.]
73.13.05 Die Pflanzen des australischen Continentes, welche vorzugsweise ihrer medicinischen Eigenschaften wegen Verwendung finden. Sitzungsberichte der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis zu Dresden, 1873. 195–197. [extract from 53.10.01 translated and presented by Carl Wilhelmi to a meeting of Isis, 2 October 1873.]
73.13.06 Contributions to the phytography of the New Hebrides and Loyalty Islands from Mr. F.A. Campbells collection. (George Mercer: Geelong) [Separate issue published before December, see inscription dated Dec. 1873 in copy in National Library of Australia] [see also 73.13.01]
73.13.07 Descripcion del Eucalyptus globulus. In A. Nieto, El Eucalyptus globulus, La Naturaleza 2: 159-163. [Spanish translation of 62.09.02] [see also 61.12.02 &c.]
74.01.01 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 3 January, p. 7. [extract: Menyanthes trifoliata — Musa paradisiaca.] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
74.01.02 [Letter] On transplanting aged cycads. Gardeners Chronicle, 3 January, p. 18.
74.01.03 [Notes to Map.] In A. Everett, Victoria — Distribution of forest trees. (State Forest Board: Melbourne). [The map was planned for publication in 1869, but was delayed and issued in January 1874, see Age (Melbourne), 15 January 1874, p. 2. The dates 24 October 1866 and 15 January 1869 that appear on the map refer to the dates of preparation and revision of the base map of the colony that was used for a number of specialist maps. A facsimile edition in reduced size was published in 1978 (Forests Commission of Victoria: Melbourne).] [In Home et al. (1998) as 66.10.02 and 69.01.02]
74.02.01 [Letter] In Extraits des procès-verbaux des séances de la société. Bulletin de la Société dAcclimatation series 3, 1, 133.
74.02.02 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 28 February, p. 272. [extract: Musa sapientum — Nicotiana tabacum] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
74.0 2.03 [Translation by F. Mueller] Leichardts (sic) Last Letter. South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail, 28 February, p. 12 [i.e Leichhardts. See Darragh (2018)] [see also, 74.02.04, 74.02.05, 74.02.06, 74.02.07, 74.02.08, 74.02.09, 74.04.02, 74.07.06, 74.07.07, 80.03.09, 81.01.04]]
74.02.04 [Translation by F. Mueller] Leichardts (sic) Last Letter. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide), 24 February, p. 3 [i.e., Leichhardts] [see also 74.02.03 &c.]
74.02.05 [Translation by F. Mueller] Leichardts (sic) Last Letter. Wagga Wagga Express and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser, 18 February, p. 3. [i.e., Leichhardts] [see also 74.02.03 &c.]
74.02.06 [Translation by F. Mueller] Leichardts (sic) Last Letter. South Australian Advertiser, 24 February, p. 3 [i.e., Leichhardts] [see also 74.02.03 &c.]
74.02.07 [Translation by F. Mueller] Leichhardt. The explorers last letter. Weekly Times (Melbourne), 14 February, p. 13. [see also 74.02.03 &c.]
74.02.08 [Translation by F. Mueller] Leichhardt. The explorers last letter. Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 24 February p. 3. [Re-published in the issue of 28 February, p. 3] [see also 74.02.03 &c.]
74.02.09 [Translation by F. Mueller] Leichhardt. The explorers last letter. Daily Telegraph (Melbourne), 14 February, p. 3. [see also 74.02.03 &c.]
74.02.10 [Memorandum]* in The alleged Leichhardt discovery. Pastoral times* (South Deniliquin), 14 February 1874, p. 4. [see also 14.02.11]
74.02.11. [Memorandum] Daily telegraph (Melbourne), 10 February 1874, p. 3. [see also 74.02.10]
74.03.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (65), 141–158. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
74.04.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (66), 159–180. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
74.04.02 Leichardts (sic) Last Letter. Northern Territory Times and Gazette (Darwin), 17 April, p. 3. [i.e., Leichhardts] [see also 74.02.03 &c.]
74.05.01 New vegetable fossils of Victoria. In Reports of the Mining Surveyors and Registrars. Quarter ended 31st December 1873. Appendix, 41–42, plates 7 & 8. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1874 2 (No. 4). (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 20 May; reissued as part of 74.13.07]
74.05.02 Additions to the lists of the principal timber trees and other select plants, readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture. (Stillwell & Knight: Melbourne) [The preface is dated May 1874, and it is reviewed in Sydney Morning Herald, 27 June, p. 7.] [see also 74.07.03, 74.08.02, 74.09.03, 74.09.07, 74.09.08, 74.10.07, 74.10.08, 74.10.10, 74.10.11, 74.11.03, 74.11.04, 74.11.06, 74.11.07, 74.12.02, 74.12.03, 74.12.04, 74.13.06, 75.01.02, 75.01.03, 75.01.04, 75.01.05, 75.01.06, 75.01.07, 75.01.08, 75.02.02, 75.02.03, 75.03.02, 75.03.03, 76.13.17]
74.05.03 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 23 May, pp. 654–655. [extract: Olea europaea — Ocimum sanctum] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
74.05.04 [Letter] In Scientific committee. Gardeners Chronicle, 16 May, p. 641.
74.06.01 List of the Algae of the Chatham Islands, collected by H. H. Travers, Esq., and examined by Professor John Agardh, of Lund. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 6,** **208–210.
74.06.02 [Letter] Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 6, 384.
74.06.03 [Letter extract] Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 6, 389.
74.06.04 [Letter] In Semillas de Australia. Anales de la Sociedad Rural Argentina, 8,** **188. [Written by J. G. Leuhmann on Mueller’s behalf]
74.07.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (67), 181–202. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
74.07.02 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 11 July, p. 3. [extract: Onobrychis sativa — Opuntia tuna] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
74.07.03 Timber trees and other plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 18 July, p. 69. [extract: Aberia caffra — Acacia pycnantha] [see also 74.05.02 &c.]
74.07.04 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 18 July, p. 71. [extract: Opuntia vulgaris — Paliurus ramosissimus] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
74.07.05 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 25 July, pp. 102–103. [extract: Oxalis crassicaulis — Papaver somniferum] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
74.07.06 [Translation by F. Mueller] Leichhardts Last Letter. Wallaroo Times and Mining Journal,* *4 July, p. 4. [see also 74.02.03 &c.]
74.07.07 [Translation by F. Mueller] Leichardts (sic) Last Letter, Bunyip (Gawler, SA), 17 July, p. 4. [i.e., Leichhardts] [see also 74.02.03 &c.]
74.07.08 [Note] In W. H. Bacchus, A description of some Victorian and other Australian grasses. In Department of Lands and Agriculture, Victoria. Second Annual Report of the Secretary for Agriculture, 126. (Government Printer: Melbourne). [Was just issued in July 1874 (Leader (Melbourne), 25 July 1874, p. 7); in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 74.13.08]
74.08.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (68), 203–222. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
74.08.02 List of the principal timber trees and other select plants, readily eligible for Victorian industrial culture. [Introduction and extracts]. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, 27 August. p. 83. [continued in 74.09.07] [see also 74.05.02 &c.]
74.09.01 Report of the Government Botanist for the year ending 30th June 1874. In Victoria — Parliamentary Papers — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 1874, 3 (No. 70), (Government Printer: Melbourne). [tabled 16 September. Contains: Report, pp. 3–10; Appendix. Seventh systematic index of the plants indigenous to the Colony of Victoria, pp. 11–12; Additions to the genera of plants of Australia since the issue of the last Report, p. 12; Fossil genera hitherto here defined, p. 12; Index of collection of vegetable products sent to the last London Exhibition, p. 13; (list of chemical analyses; working expenses of the Department of the Government Botanist), p. 14.] [see also 74.11.08, 74.11.09, 75.04.01, 75.04.02, 75.04.03, 75.04.04, 75.04.05, 75.05.08]
74.09.02 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (69), 223–240. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
74.09.03 Timber trees and other plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 12 September, pp. 325–326. [extract: Achras sapota — Anthistiria avenacea; some species were omitted from this republication] [see also 74.05.02]
74.09.04 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 26 September, p. 392. [extract: Paspalum distichum — Passiflora quadrangularis] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
74.09.05 [Letter] In A dangerous poisonous plant. Geelong Advertiser, 3 September, p. 3. [see also 74.09.06]
74.09.06 [Letter extracts] Ballarat Star, 4 September, p. 4. [see also 74.09.05]
74.09.07 List of the principal timber trees and other select plants [Extracts] California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, 10 September, p. 91 [continued from 74.08.02, continued in 74.09.08] [see also 74.05.02 &c.]
74.09.08 List of the principal timber trees and other select plants [Extracts] California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, 24 September, p. 99. [continued from 74.09.07; the item ends to be continued, but no further extracts under this series title have been found. Some paraphrases of part of the source item were made in Acclimatization of animals and plants 19 November, p. 139.] [See also 74.05.02 &c.]
74.10.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (70), 241–254. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
74.10.02 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 3 October, p. 423 [extract: Passiflora serrata — Phaseolus coccineus] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
74.10.03 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 10 October, p. 455. [extract: Parinarium nonda — Phaseolus vulgaris] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
74.10.04 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 31 October, p. 551. [extract: Phaseolus lunatus — Phoenix reclinata] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
74.10.05 [Letter] Poison plant. In Disease in sheep. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 24 October, p. 654 [see also 74.10.06]
74.10.06 [Letter] In Disease in sheep. Empire (Sydney), 27 October, p. 4. [see also 74.10.05]
74.10.07 Orchard plants eligible for culture in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 10 October, p. 576. [rearranged and annotated extracts] [see also 74.05.02 &c.]
74.10.08 Pasture plants recommended for culture in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney), 17 October, p. 614. [rearranged and annotated extracts] [see also 74.05.02 &c.]
74.10.09 [Letter(s)] In Neue Reisen von E. Giles und J. Ross in Australien. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt, 20, 428–429. [The item probably combines two letters; in Churchill et al. (1978) and Home et al. (1998) as 74.13.09] [see also 75.01.10]
74.10.10 Orchard plants eligible for culture in New South Wales. Empire (Sydney), 15 October, p. 4. [rearranged and annotated extracts] [see also 74.05.02 &c.]
74.10.11 [Extract] Acacia pycnantha, Bentham. Gardeners Chronicle, 3 October 1874, p. 427. [see also 74.05.02 &c.]
74.11.01 Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 8 (71), 255–278. [included in bound volume 75.04.06]
74.11.02 Plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 7 November, p. 583. [extract: Phoenix dactylifera — Physalis alkekengi] [see also 72.07.01 &c.]
74.11.03 Timber trees and other plants eligible for Australian culture. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 21 November, p. 646. [Aponogeton distachyon — Gonioma kamassi; Azima tetracantha — Ficus rubiginosa and some other species were omitted from this republication] [see also 74.05.02]