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23 April 1893 ¶ Scudder (1879) ¶ Ferdinand Mueller’s honours, awards and memberships ¶ This list of Ferdinand Mueller’s honours, awards and memberships is based on a manuscript list of the same name .... R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed October 23, 2024

Last updated 4 January 2024
23 A pril 1893 Scudder (1879) Ferdinand Mueller’s honours, awards and memberships
This list of Ferdinand Mueller’s honours, awards and memberships is based on a manuscript list of the same name compiled in the 1940s by the late Jim Willis, Assistant Government Botanist of Victoria, but with corrections and additions. Willis’s list, now in the library, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, was in turn based chiefly on a printed list in Latin entitled ‘Liber baro Ferdinandus de Mueller’, compiled by Mueller in 1892, identified here by its number in the bibliography of Mueller’s publications as B92.06.01 and translated for the editors by Nancy White. Annotations by Mueller on a copy of the printed list that is now at the Royal Society of London, apparently sent as an enclosure with Mueller’s letter to Lord Kelvin of
, have provided additional information (indicated in the references by ‘B92.06.01 annotation’). Transcriptions of the list and Mueller’s annotations accompany the transcription of Mueller’s letter to Lord Kelvin in this edition of Mueller’s correspondence.
The entries are arranged alphabetically by country or colony as these were recognized in the year of Mueller’s death, 1896 (e.g. New South Wales, Queensland etc. and not Australia, but Canada, Germany and Italy as unified nations), and within these countries by city. For each city, entries are arranged chronologically according to Mueller’s earliest known links with the institutions listed.
Names of institutions are as given at the time of Mueller’s election, appointment or so on, with some later variations noted.
has been used to verify names of scientific societies wherever possible. Institutions the names of which have not been verified independently of Mueller’s own claims are given in square brackets, as are references; ‘certificate’ indicates that details have been drawn from a still existing diploma, transcriptions of all of which are included in the present edition of Mueller’s correspondence. Institutions with no fixed address are listed at the end of the appendix under ‘Other’; memberships that Mueller claimed of societies that he appears to have mis-named and that we have been unable to identify are listed under ‘Doubtful’. Where there is doubt about the city in which an organization was based, it is entered under the major or capital city of the relevant state. The names of all foreign institutions are given first in English with the name in the original language following in brackets. The names of countries and cities are given in English, e.g. ‘Florence’ not ‘Firenze’.
The exhibition awards, conference attendances and committee memberships noted are unlikely to be an exhaustive list. References to Mueller’s Fragmenta phytographiae australiae give the first volume in which the information cited appears on the title page.
Dates given on Russian documents are Old Style (that is, according to the Julian calendar still in use in Russia at the time); they have not been converted to the Gregorian calendar equivalent.
Buenos Aires
Rural Society of Argentina (Sociedad Rural Argentina). Honorary member, 1 February 1873 [certificate].
Agricultural Society of Algeria (Société d’Agriculture d’Alger). Corresponding member, c. 1876 [Bulletin (1876), p. 258].
Algerian Society of Climatology (Société de Climatologie Algérienne). Honorary member, 30 December 1879 [certificate].
Imperial-Royal Zoological and Botanical Society (Kaiserlich-Königliche Zoologisch Botanische Gesellschaft). Member, 9 April 1859 [certificate].
Imperial-Royal Geological State Institute (Kaiserlich-Königliche Geologische Reichsanstalt). Corresponding member, 1859 [W. Haidinger to M, 1 May 1859].
Imperial-Royal Geological State Institute (Kaiserlich-Königliche Geologische Reichsanstalt). Corresponding member by 1861 [Fragmenta vol. 2; B92.06.01].
Imperial-Royal Horticultural Society (Kaiserlich-Königliche Gartenbau Gesellschaft). Foreign ordinary member, 13 March 1863 [J. Beer to M, 13 March 1863]; Honorary member, 25 April 1881 [certificate].
Order of Franz Joseph (Franz-Josephs Orden). Knight’s Cross, 16 July 1863 [Baron von Lichtenfels to M, 17 July 1863].
General Austrian Apothecaries’ Union (Allgemeiner Österreichischer Apotheker Verein). Honorary member, 15 September 1868 [certificate].
World Exhibition (Weltausstellung), 1873. Bronze medal 'Zum Verdienste’ (For Merit) [medal at Melbourne Museum].
Phytological and Micrographical Society of Belgium (Société Phytologique et Micrographique de Belgique). Corresponding member by 1874 [Fragmenta vol. 8; B92.06.01].
Royal Botanical Society of Belgium (Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique). Associate member, 5 December 1871 [Bulletin, vol. 10 (1871), pp. 131-2].
Royal Society of Agriculture and Botany (Société Royale d’Agriculture et de Botanique). Honorary member by 1887 [M to R. von Fischer-Benzon, 16 December 1887; B92.06.01].
Royal Society of Sciences (Société Royale des Sciences). Corresponding member, 7 March 1871 [certificate].
Botanical Society of Canada. Honorary member, 11 January 1861 [Annals, vol. 1 (1860-62), p. 18].
McGill University. Doctor of Laws (LLD honoris causa), 30 April 1892 [certificate].
Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries (Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift Selskab). Foundation fellow, 23 October 1860 [certificate].
Order of Dannebrog (Dannebrogsorden). Knight, 3rd class, 17 April 1863 [A. Moltke to M, 23 April 1863].
Copenhagen Botanical Society (Botaniske Forening i Kjöbenhavn). Corresponding member, 30 April 1866 [certificate].
Royal Danish Academy of Sciences (Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab). Foreign member, 11 April 1890 [M to H. Zeuthen, 3 June 1890].
Egyptian Institute (Institut Égyptien). Honorary member, 5 January 1894 [certificate].
Physical and Natural Sciences Society (Société des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles). Corresponding member, 20 April 1882 [Journal dhistoire naturelle de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest, 1882, p. 69].
Imperial Natural Sciences Society of Cherbourg (Société Impériale des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg). Member, 1867 [Mémoires, ser. 2, vol. 3 (1867), p. 354; but not listed in previous year’s volume].
Le Mans
International Academy of Botanical Geography (Académie Internationale de Géographie Botanique). Founding member, 1 July 1892 [certificate]; Director, 1893 but resigned before the end of the year [M to W. Thiselton-Dyer, 3 November 1893]; Vermillion medal awarded for ‘his numerous and important works on the flora of Australia’, 1 January 1894 [Le monde des plantes, vol. 3, p. 139].
City of Nice International Exhibition, 1883-4 (Ville de Nice Exposition Internationale). Certificate and silver medal for Australian wood exhibited in groups 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, 18 May 1884 [certificate].
Universal Exhibition, 1855 (Exposition Universelle). Commissioner for Victoria, 17 March 1854 [J. Foster to M, 17 March 1854].
Imperial Zoological Society of Acclimatisation (Société Impériale Zoologique d’Acclimatation). Honorary member, 14 February 1861 [certificate]. Later National Society of Acclimatisation of France (Société Nationale d’Acclimatation de France). Gold medal, 1885 [DN/M 1466, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney].
Museum of Natural History (Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle). Correspondent, 15 July 1862 [certificate].
Order of the Legion of Honour (Ordre de la Légion d’Honneur). Knight’s cross, 1863 [certificate].
African Institute (Institut d’Afrique). Ordinary member, 10 December 1864 [certificate].
Universal Exhibition, 1867 (Exposition Universelle). Silver Medal, group 9, class 88, Balantium antarcticum, 31 October 1867 [certificate; medal at Melbourne Museum].
Geographical Society (Société de Géographie). Foreign corresponding member, 22 April 1887 [certificate].
International Congress of Geographical Sciences (Congrès International des Sciences Géographiques), 5-10 August 1889. Donor member [certificate].
Officer’s Cross of Agricultural Merit, French Republic (Croix d’Officier du Mérite Agricole), 16 September 1889 [certificate].
Universal Exhibition, 1889 (Exposition Universelle). Gold Medal diploma in group 5, class 42, and Honorable Mention diploma in group 7, class 73, 29 September 1889 [certificates].
Academy of Sciences (Académie des Sciences). Corresponding member, 1 July 1895 [Index biographique de lAcadémie des Sciences (1979), p. 389].
Naturalists Society of Osterland (Naturforschende Gesellschaft des Osterlandes). Honorary member, 1849 [Mitteilungen aus dem Osterlande (1894), p. 38].
Bad Dürkheim
Pollichia, a Natural Science Union of the Rhineland Palatinate (Pollichia, ein Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein der Rheinpfalz). Honorary member, 7 November 1860 [certificate].
Order of the Zähringen Lion (Orden vom Zähringer Löwen). Knight’s cross, 1st class with oak leaves, 10 October 1879 [certificate].
Society of Friends of Nature Research (Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde). Honorary member, 19 July 1864 [certificate].
Geographical Society (Gesellschaft für Erdkunde). Foreign member, 4 November 1865 [certificate].
Order of the Crown (Kronen-Orden). Knight, 3rd class, 9 June 1866 [certificate].
Botanical Union of the Province of Brandenburg (Botanischer Verein für die Provinz Brandenburg). Honorary member, 1868 [Verhandlungen (1868 [1869]), pp. VIII, XVIII].
Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory (Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte). Corresponding member, 12 October 1872 [certificate].
Order of the Red Eagle (Orden des Roten Adler). Knight, 3rd class, 8 March 1876 [certificate].
Union for the Promotion of Horticulture in the Royal Prussian State (Verein zur Beförderung des Gartenbaues in den Königlich Preussischen Staaten). Corresponding member, 29 November 1876 [certificate].
German Botanical Society (Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft). Honorary member, 24 September 1891 [certificate].
Natural Science Union of the Harz (Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein des Harzes). Honorary member, 18 August 1858 [certificate].
Union for Natural Sciences (Verein für Naturwissenschaften). Honorary member, 20 November 1887 [certificate].
Natural Science Union (Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein). Corresponding member, 4 May 1868 [certificate].
Silesian Society for National Culture (Schlesische Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Cultur). Corresponding member, 29 June 1860 [certificate]; Honorary member, 17 December 1878 [certificate].
Zoological Garden (Zoologischer Garten). Honorary member, 29 May 1869 [certificate].
Naturalists’ Society (Naturforschende Gesellschaft). Corresponding member, 20 October 1886 [certificate].
Union for Geography and Related Sciences (Verein für Erdkunde und Verwandte Wissenschaften). Corresponding member, 11 January 1862 [certificate].
Order of Merit of Philipp the Magnanimous (Verdienstordens Philipps des Grossmüthigen). Commander’s cross 1st class with crown, 21 June 1887 [certificate].
Isis Natural Science Society (Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis). Honorary member, 1849 [Sitzungberichte und Abhandlungen (July-December 1883), p. XI].
Geographical Union (Verein für Erdkunde). Corresponding member, 16 February 1866 [certificate].
Flora, Society for Botany and Horticulture in the Kingdom of Saxony (Flora, Gesellschaft für Botanik und Gartenbau im Königreiche Sachsen). Honorary member, 20 February 1891 [certificate].
Physico-Medical Society (Societas Physico-Medica). Corresponding member, 9 June 1860 [certificate].
Frankfurt am Main
Free German Foundation for Sciences, Arts and General Culture in Goethe’s Parental Home (Freies Deutsches Hochstift für Wissenschaften, Künste und Allgemeine Bildung in Goethe’s Vaterhause). Honorary member and master, 10 November 1863 [certificate]; Councillor 1878/9 [Freies Deutsches Hochstift to M, 4 November 1878].
Senckenberg Naturalists’ Society (Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft). Corresponding member, 24 April 1871 [certificate].
Naturalists’ Society (Naturforschende Gesellschaft). Corresponding member, 2 June 1865 [certificate].
Naturalists’ Society (Naturforschende Gesellschaft). Honorary member, 21 October 1887 [certificate].
Order of the Saxe-Ernestine House (Sachsen-Ernestinischer-Haus-Ordern). Knight, 5 January 1865 [R. von Seebach to M, 5 January 1865].
Royal Society of Sciences (Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften). Corresponding member, 1 December 1866 [certificate].
Mecklenburg Union of Friends of Natural History (Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg). Corresponding member, 4 June 1879 [Brockmüller (1883)]; Honorary member, 7 June 1892 [Archiv des Vereins der Freunds der Naturwissenschaften in Mecklenburg, vol. 47 (1894), p. 156].
Naturalists’ Society (Naturforschende Gesellschaft). Ordinary member, 19 December 1855 [certificate].
Geographical Union (Verein für Erdkunde). Corresponding member, 14 April 1880 [certificate].
Natural Science Union (Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein). Corresponding member, 30 June 1852 [Verhandlungen (1894), p. XXIV].
Botanical Society (Gesellschaft für Botanik). Honorary member, 19 January 1882 [certificate].
Natural History Society (Naturhistorische Gesellschaft). Honorary member, 28 April 1867 [certificate].
24th Congress of German Scientists and Medical Doctors (Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte), September 1846. Registered participant [Michaelis & Scherk (1847), p. 290].
State examination in pharmacy (Staatsprüfung, Schleswig-Holstein) , 15 March 1847 [Achelis (1952), p. 17].
Kiel University. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 2 August 1847 [certificate].
Natural Science Union of Schleswig-Holstein (Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Schleswig-Holstein). Honorary member, 20 January 1896 [certificate].
East Prussian Physico-Economical Society (Ostpreussische Physikalisch-Ökonomische Gesellschaft). Honorary member, 22 February 1890 [certificate].
Museum of Ethnology (Museum für Völkerkunde). Member and patron by 1881 [Fragmenta vol. 11; B92.06.01].
Society for the Promotion of all Natural Sciences (Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Gesammten Naturwissenschaften). Foreign member, 1 December 1876 [certificate].
Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius commemorative medal, 30 March 1864 [medal at Melbourne Museum].
Royal Bavarian Academy of Letters and Sciences (Academia Literarum et Scientiarum Regia Boica/ Königlich Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften). Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius commemorative medal, 30 March 1864 [medal at Melbourne Museum]
; Corresponding member, 23 June 1866 [certificate]; Foreign member, 20 June 1885 [certificate].
Order of Merit of Saint Michael (Verdienst-Orden vom Heiligen Michael). Knight, 1st class, 14 January 1874 [certificate].
House and Service Order of Duke Peter Friedrich Ludwig (Haus- und Verdienst-Orden des Herzogs Peter Friedrich Ludwig). Knight’s cross, 1st class, 17 January 1887 [certificate].
Royal Botanical Society (Regia Societas Botanica Ratisbonensis/ Königlich Botanische Gesellschaft). Corresponding member, 13 September 1853 [certificate]; Honorary member, 10 December 1890 [certificate].
Rostock University. Doctor of Medicine (MD), 7 November 1857 [certificate].
Order of the Wendish Crown (Orden der Wendischen Krone). Knight, 9 November 1865 [certificate].
Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Medal for Arts and Sciences, 1889 [M to Friedrich Franz III, Grand-Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 12 July 1889].
Order of the Crown of Württemberg (Orden der Württembergischen Krone). Knight’s cross, 1st class, 20 December 1867 [A. von Egloffstein to M, 20 December 1867].
Baron (Freiherr), 6 July 1871 [Karl I, King of Württemberg, to M, 6 July 1871].
Union for National Natural History of Württemberg (Verein für Vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg). Honorary member, 2 June 1888 [certificate].
Order of Vigilance or of the White Falcon (Hausorden der Wachsamkeit oder vom Weissen Falken). Knight of the first rank, 17 December 1874 [certificate].
Botanical Union for all Thuringia (Botanischer Verein für Gesamt-Thüringen). Honorary member, 6 October 1889 [certificate].
Royal Agricultural Society of Hawaii. Corresponding member by August 1856 [Pacific commercial advertiser, Honolulu, 14 August 1856, p. 2]; Silver medal, 1884 [M to L. McCully, 9 September 1884].
Order of Kalakaua. Knight Companion, 13 February 1882 [certificate].
Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Honorary member, 24 July 1879 [Journal (1880), p. xx].
Calcutta International Exhibition, 1883-4. Certificate of merit of the first class and a gold medal for ‘A collection of Australian flowers not yet introduced into horticulture, preserved in an Album’, 18 July 1884 [certificate]; Silver medal (medal at Melbourne Museum].
Royal Irish Academy. Honorary member, 16 March 1894 [certificate].
Order of St Maurice and St Lazarus (Ordine dei Santis Maurizio e Lazzaro). Knight, 29 July 1865 [certificate].
Order of the Crown of Italy (Ordine della Corona d’Italia). Knight, 20 September 1868 [certificate]; Officer, 22 July 1881 [certificate].
Athenaeum of Brescia (Ateneo di Brescia). Honorary member, 6 March 1887 [F. Cazzago to M, 6 March 1887].
Italian Geographical Society (Società Geografica Italiana). Honorary member, 14 March 1870 [certificate].
Royal Museum of Physics and Natural History (Reale Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale di Firenze). Silver medal, April 1870 [medal at Melbourne Museum].
International Exhibition of Horticulture (Esposizione Internazionale de Orticultura), 1874. Invited to serve as juror [F. Parlatore to M, 23 December 1873]. The appointment was declined [M to J. Francis, 12 February 1874].
International Maritime Industry Exhibition (Esposizione Internazionale d’Industrie Marittime), 1871. Silver medal, second class, for ‘a collection of timbers’ [certificate; medal at Melbourne Museum].
Society of Acclimatization and Agriculture (Società di Acclimazione e di Agricoltura). Honorary member, 27 March 1863 [certificate].
Royal Academy of the Physiocritics (Reale Accademia dei Fisiocritici). Corresponding member, 17 June 1868 [certificate].
Royal Venetian Institute of Science, Letters and Arts (Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti). Corresponding member, 25 March 1877 [certificate].
Order of the Oak Crown (Ordre de la Couronne de Chêne). Officer, 28 October 1873 [certificate copy, Archives Nationales, Luxembourg].
Port Louis
Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius. Corresponding member, 5 September 1860 [certificate].
[Society for the Acclimatisation of Animals and Plants]. Corresponding member by 1877 [Fragmenta vol. 10; B92.06.01].
Mexico City
Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics (Sociedad Méxicana de Geografia y Estadistica). Corresponding member, 28 June 1873 [certificate].
Mexican Society of Natural History (Sociedad Méxicana de Historia Natural). Corresponding member, 25 September 1873 [certificate].
International Exhibition, 1883. Diploma of honour for an exhibit of ‘botanical specimens &c &c’ [certificate].
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen). C. H. D. Buys-Ballot commemorative medal, 1887 [medal at Melbourne Museum].
Netherlands Society for Horticulture and Botany (Nederlandche Maatschappij voor Tuinbouw eu Plantkunde). Honorary member, 28 August 1891 [certificate].
Rotterdam Zoo (Rotterdamsche Diergaarde). Honorary member, 3 August 1863 [certificate].
Netherlands East Indies
Royal Natural Science Society of the Netherlands Indies (Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch-Indië). Ordinary international member, 9 November 1864 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië, vol. 28 (1865), p. 402]; Corresponding member, 21 December 1872 [certificate].
New South Wales
Metropolitan Intercolonial Exhibition, 1870. Bronze medal, Section XI, ‘Vegetables, Fruits, and Flowers’, for ‘Collection of Trees and Shrubs, and Commercial and Medicinal Plants’ [medal at Melbourne Museum]; Silver medal,  for ‘General Exhibit’ in Class 660, ‘Acids, Alkalies, Salt and Other Chemicals’of  Section V, ’Products—Raw and Manufactured—of Mining Industry, Forestry, etc.’ [Intercolonial Exhibition (Sydney, 1870) (1870), pp. 12, 52 respectively].
Royal Society of New South Wales. Honorary member, 4 August 1875 [A. Liversidge to M, 4 August 1875]; Clarke Medal, 13 December 1882 [Journal and proceedings (1883), p. 212].
Linnean Society of New South Wales. Honorary member (one of the first two), 26 January 1876 [Proceedings (1877), p. 419].
University of Sydney. Examiner in 1884 and subsequently [University of Sydney Archives].
Pharmaceutical Society of New South Wales. Honorary member, 19 May 1891 [Australasian journal of pharmacy, vol. 6 (1891), p. 204].
National Horticultural and Pomological Society. Honorary member, 15 December 1893 [Evening news (Sydney), 18 December 1893, p. 3].
New Zealand
Canterbury Horticultural and Acclimatisation Society. Honorary member, 25 August 1864 [Lyttelton times, 27 August 1864, p. 5].
Wanganui Acclimatisation Society. Honorary member, 5 May 1868 [Wanganui herald, 5 May 1868, p. 2].
New Zealand Institute. Honorary member, 6 January 1871 [certificate].
Society of the Institute of Coimbra (Conimbricensis Instituti Societas). Corresponding fellow, 26 March 1872 [certificate].
Order of St James of the Sword (Ordem Militar de Sant’Iago da Espada). Commander, 29 November 1870 [Luis I, King of Portugal, to M, 29 November 1870; cross and badge in private hands].
Geographical Society (Sociedade de Geographia). Corresponding member, 12 August 1878 [certificate].
Order of Christ (Ordem Militar de Christo). Grand Cross, 28 April 1887 [certificate; breast star and sash at Museum of Arts and Sciences, Sydney (transferred from Australian Museum, Sydney, 1961)].
Exhibition of Colonial Products, 1866. Bronze medal [medal at Melbourne Museum].
Royal Society of Queensland. Corresponding member, 1884 [Proceedings (1885), p. viii].
Pharmaceutical Society of Queensland. Honorary member, 9 August 1893 [Brisbane courier, 10 August 1893, p. 6].
Charters Towers
Philosophical Society. Corresponding member by 1892 [B92.06.01].
Acclimatization and Natural History Society of Réunion Island (Société d’Acclimatation et d’Histoire Naturelle de l’Ile de la Réunion). Delegate of the Committee of Foreigners, 1862 [Bulletin (1863), p. 15; M to A. Berg, 23 February 1863]; Member [Bulletin (1863), p. 50]; Honorary member by 1892 [B92.06.01].
Urals Society of Lovers of Science (УРАЛЪСКОЕ ОБЩЕСГВО ЛЮБИТЕЛЕЙ ЕСТЕСТВОЗНАНІЯ). Member, 24 January 1895 [certificate].
Committee of Acclimatization of Fauna and Flora of the Imperial Moscow Society of Agriculture (Комитетъ Акклиматизаціи животныхъ и растеній Императорскаго Московскаго Общества Сельскаго Хозяйства). Member, 28 October 1862 [certificate].
Society of Lovers of Natural Science (ОБЩЕСТВО ЛЮБИТЕЛЕЙ ЕСТЕСТВОЗНАНІЯ). Member, 14 May 1864 [certificate]; Delegate of the Society, 17 September 1864 [Society of the Friends of Nature to M, 26 October 1864].
Imperial Society of Naturalists (Société Impériale des Naturalistes/ Caesarea Naturae Curiosorum Mosquensis/Московское общество испытателей природы). Member, 17 February 1866 [certificate].
St Petersburg
Imperial Russian Society of Horticulture (Императорское россійское ОБЩЕСТВО садОвОДсТВа). Honorary member, 1 June 1860 [Gartenflora, vol. 8, 1860, p. 307].
International Exhibition, 1869. Gold medal [M to W. Vale, 5 September 1872].
International Exhibition of Horticulture, Imperial Russian Society of Horticulture, 1884. Certificate and gold medal of the Ministry for Government Properties awarded to the Government of Victoria for a Todea barbara exhibited by M, 18 May 1884 [certificate; M to G. Berry, 2 July 1884].
South Australia
Naturalized British subject in the Colony of South Australia, 1849 [South Australia. Government gazette, 16 August 1849, p. 368 and 4 October 1849, p. 451].
Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia. Honorary member, 5 April 1867 [South Australian weekly chronicle, 6 April 1867, p. 35].
Royal Society of South Australia. Honorary fellow, 1879 [Transactions and proceedings (1880), p. iv].
Gardeners’ Improvement Society of South Australia. Honorary member, 1880 [M to Gardeners’ Improvement Society, May 1880].
University of Adelaide. Honorary examiner [M to J. Hooker, 28 December 1885].
Adelaide Jubilee International Exhibition, 1887. First order of merit for ‘albums of dried specimens of ferns, grasses &c’ [certificate]; First order of merit for ‘samples of Australian Woods in book form’ [certificate]; First order of merit for ‘Photograph views of trees’ [certificate]; First order of merit for ‘Vegetable products’ [certificate]; First order of merit for ‘Educational collections of dried specimens’ [certificate].
Penola Mechanics’ Institute. Honorary member, 12 July 1864 [Border watch, 15 July 1864].
Museum of Natural History (Museo de Historia Natural). Corresponding member, 30 June 1871 [certificate].
Order of Isabella the Catholic (Order de Isabel la Católica). Commander, 10 March 1872 [certificate; medal at Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne].
Gothenburg Horticultural Society (Göteborgs Trädgårdsförening). Honorary member, 12 September 1881 [certificate].
Physiographical Society (Physiographiska Sällskapet/ Physiografischen Gesellschaft). Corresponding member, 9 December 1863 [certificate].
Order of the Polar Star (Nordstierne-Orden). Knight, 9 December 1871 [certificate].
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Regia Scientiarum Academia Suecica/ Kongliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademien). Honorary member, 9 November 1892 [certificate].
Swedish Society of Medicine (Svenska Läkaresällskapet). Berzelius commemorative medal [medal at Melbourne Museum].
Royal Society of Sciences of Uppsala (Regia Scientiarum Societas Upsaliensis/ Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala). Corresponding member, 14 March 1862 [certificate]; Foreign member, 25 November 1887 [certificate].
Genevan National Institute (Institut National Genevois). Corresponding member, 11 November 1893 [certificate].
Neuchâtel Geographical Society [Société Neuchateloise de Géographie]. Honorary member, 26 June 1891 [certificate].
St Gallen
East Swiss Society for Economic Geography [Ostschweizerische geographisch-commercielle Gesellschaft]. Honorary member, 2 December 1880 [certificate].
Royal Society of Tasmania. Member, 9 February 1858 [J. Milligan to M, 27 February 1858]; Honorary corresponding member, 11 May 1858 [J. Milligan to M, 18 May 1858]; Honorary member, 5 September 1882 [J. Barnard to M, 12 September 1882].
[Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Tasmania]. Honorary member by 1892 [B92.06.01].
Launceston Horticultural Society. Member by 1864 [Fragmenta vol. 4].
Launceston Gardeners’ and Amateurs’ Horticultural Society. Honorary member, 4 January 1865 [S. Hannaford to M, 4 January 1865].
Tasmanian Union Jack Field Club. Honorary member, 9 July 1884 [certificate].
Tasmanian Exhibition, 1892. Special first certificate of merit awarded in Group E, Class 37 for samples of wood [certificate].
United Kingdom
Bradford Natural History and Microscopical Society. Honorary member, 7 May 1894 [certificate].
Botanical Society. Foreign member by 1860 [Transactions (1860), p. 439]; Local secretary for Melbourne, Australia, 1871; Foreign honorary fellow, 8 January 1874 [Transactions, vol. 12 (1874), p. 46].
Edinburgh Geological Society. Foreign corresponding fellow, 15 May 1884 [certificate].
Scottish Geographical Society. Corresponding member by 1892 [B92.06.01].
Royal Geographical Society. Fellow, 25 January 1858 [Archives, Royal Geographical Society, London].
Linnean Society. Fellow, 20 January 1859 [Archives, Linnean Society of London].
Royal Society. Fellow, 6 June 1861 [Record (1912), p. 409]; Royal Medal, 1888 [Record (1912), p. 214], ‘for his long services in Australian Exploration, and for his Investigations of the flora of the Australian Continent’ [Proceedings, vol. 45, p. 55].
Zoological Society. Corresponding member, 17 October 1861 [certificate].
International Exhibition, 1862. Honorable mention, class III, 11 July 1862 [certificate; bronze medal at Melbourne Museum]; Honourable mention, class IV [bronze medal at Melbourne Museum].
Anthropological Society. Local secretary (abroad), 20 January 1864 [certificate].
Order of St Michael and St George. Companion (CMG), 24 April 1869 [Queen Victoria to M, 24 April 1869]; Knight-Commander, 2nd class (KCMG), 24 May 1879 [Queen Victoria to M, 24 May 1879].
Royal Botanic Society. Corresponding member, 25 November 1871 [The Times, 27 November 1871, p. 10].
International Exhibition, 1872. Certificate recording thanks of the Commissioners for services rendered in connection with the Exhibition [certificate not found, but see R. Barry to M, 15 April 1873].
Royal Horticultural Society. Honorary corresponding member, 19 November 1878 [Gardeners’ chronicle, 23 November 1878, p. 667; certificate of appointment as corresponding member, sealed 17 December 1878]; honorary member, 28 July 1885 [Gardeners’ chronicle, 29 August 1885, p. 272].
Royal Colonial Institute. Ordinary member, 26 October 1880 [Morning post (London), 28 October 1880, p. 2].
Victoria Institute or Philosophical Society of Great Britain. Associate, 1880 [Journal (1881), p. 396].
International Exhibition Commission of the British Empire, bronze medal for services to ‘Australian International Exhibitions Sydney 1879-80 Melbourne 1880-81’, 1882 [M to J. Hooker, 18 March 1882; medal at Melbourne Museum].
Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. Honorary member, 1883 [Royal Society of Arts archives].
Chemical Society. Elected 19 June 1884 [Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions, vol. 45, p. 708].
Geological Society. Member by 1892 [B92.06.01].
International Society of Literature, Science, and Art. Honorary member by 1892 [B92.06.01].
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Corresponding member, 4 May 1892 [certificate].
United States of America
Boston Society of Natural History. Corresponding member, 6 January 1886 [certificate].
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Foreign honorary member in Class II Natural and Physiological Sciences, Section II Botany by 1893 [Proceedings (1893), p. 457].
New Orleans
New Orleans Academy of Sciences. Corresponding member, 1 July 1872 [certificate].
New York
American Chemical Society. Ordinary member by 1887 [M to R. von Fischer-Benzon, 16 December 1887; B92.06.01].
New York Academy of Sciences. Honorary member, 7 November 1887 [Transactions, vol. 7 (1887-8), p. 45].
Academy of Natural Sciences. Correspondent, 28 March 1876 [certificate].
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Honorary member, 27 March 1893 [certificate].
San Francisco
Californian Academy of Natural Sciences. Honorary member, 19 October 1863 [certificate].
Bay District Horticultural Society of California. Honorary member, 31 December 1870 [Californian horticulturist and floral magazine, vol. 1 (January 1871), p. 93].
California State Horticultural Society. Corresponding member, August 1880 [Californian horticulturist and floral magazine, vol. 10 (1880), p. 281].
Society of Physical and Natural Sciences (Sociedad de Ciencias Físicas y Naturales). Corresponding member, 12 January 1880 [certificate].
Ballarat Farmers’ Club. Honorary life member, 27 May 1876 [Ballarat courier, 29 May 1876, p. 4].
School of Mines. Examiner in general botany, February 1881 [W. Barnard to M, 21 February 1881].
Field and Science Club. Honorary member, 15 August 1882 [Ballarat star, 16 August 1882, p. 3].
[Literary Society]. Honorary member by 1858 [Fragmenta vol. 1].
Western District Horticultural Improvement Association. Corresponding member, 23 January 1861 [Victorian agricultural and horticultural gazette, 14 February 1861, p. 19; see also Age, 13 December 1861, p. 6].
Field Naturalists’ Association, Gordon College. Honorary member, 3 July 1894 [Geelong advertiser, 4 July 1894, p. 2].
Government Botanist of Victoria, 26 January 1853 to 10 October 1896 [W. Lonsdale to M, 26 January 1853].
Philosophical Society of Victoria. Member, 17 June 1854; council member, 15 July 1854 [Minutes, State Library of Victoria]. [See also Philosophical Institute of Victoria.]
Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science. Member and council member, 31 July 1854 [Minutes, State Library of Victoria]. [See also Philosophical Institute of Victoria.]
Colonial Exhibition, October 1854. Bronze medal [M to W. Vale, 5 September 1872].
Philosophical Institute of Victoria. Member and council member, 28 June 1855; Honorary member, 10 July 1855; President, 9 March 1859 to March 1860 [Minutes, State Library of Victoria]. [Institute formed in 1855 from a merger of the Philosophical Society of Victoria and Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science; from 1860 Royal Society of Victoria (see below).]
German Club (Deutscher Verein). Honorary member, 26 January 1857 [certificate].
Melbourne Botanic Garden, Director 13 August 1857 to 30 June 1873 [T. Balmain to M, 13 August 1857; C. Hodgkinson to M, 31 May 1873]. Melbourne Botanic and Zoological Garden, Director August 1858 to August 1861 [J. Moore to M, 5 August 1858].
Naturalized British subject in the Colony of Victoria, 14 September 1857 [certificate].
Horticultural Society of Victoria. Vice-president in 1858 [Fragmenta vol. 1]; Vice-president, 7 January 1861 [W. Clarke to M, 11 January 1861]; Vice-president, 19 July 1865 [J. Toon to M, 29 July 1865]; Honorary member, 1873 [Weekly times, 8 February 1873, p. 7].
Board of Science, Government of Victoria. Member, 15 February 1858 [J. Moore to M, 15 February 1858].
Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria. Honorary member, March 1858 [MS 9601, box 1/1(a), La Trobe Australian Manuscripts, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne]. A certificate for honorary membership was sent to M in 1863 [J. Bosisto to M, 19 August 1863] following a decision by the council of the Society to issue certificates to members.
Microscopical Society of Victoria. Member, 20 April 1858 [Victorian agricultural and horticultural gazette, 21 June 1858, p. 48]. [Society defunct by 1859.]
Zoological Gardens, Committee of Management. Member, 20 July 1858 [J. Moore to M, 20 July 1858].
Medical Society of Victoria. Honorary member, 22 November 1858 [Archives, Australian Medical Association, Melbourne].
Board of Agriculture, Government of Victoria. Member, 5 July 1859 [Victoria. Government gazette (1859), p. 1397].
Royal Society of Victoria. Honorary member, 1860; member of Council, 1860-63, 1872; Honorary secretary, July 1863-March 1864; Life member, 1867 [Transactions and proceedings (1868), p. 345]. [See also Philosophical Institute of Victoria.]
Acclimatisation Society of Victoria. Member and Vice-president at the Society’s formation in 1861 [First annual report (1862), pp. 3, 13]. Vice-president, 1861-72. From 1872, Zoological and Aclimatisation Society of Victoria. Council member, 1872-3; Honorary member by 1893 [B92.06.01 annotation].
Victorian Exhibition, 1861. Commissioner [H. Barkly to M, 8 January 1861]; committee member Class II ‘Horticultural products and the manufactures and processes connected therewith’; committee member Class III ‘Indigenous vegetable products, and the manufactures and processes connected therewith’ [Catalogue (1861), pp. 217, 225].
University of Melbourne. Honorary examiner in Botany, Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Prescriptions, November 1861 [J. James to M, 4 November 1861].
German Health Union (Deutscher Kranken Verein). Honorary member, 1862 [Germania, 11 April 1862]; Honorary life member, May 1869 [Deutscher Kranken Verein to M, May 1869].
Victorian Horticultural Improvement Society. Failed to be elected a corresponding member in 1862 [Minute books, State Library of Victoria]; Honorary member, 5 January 1882 [Leader, 7 January 1882, p. 9].
Royal Park, Trustees. Honorary secretary from 1862 [Letter and minute book, Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney].
Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, 1866-7. Commissioner and Colonial Representative for Queensland [Catalogue (1867), p. iii]. Special merit medal [medal in Melbourne Museum]; Honorable mention, Class III, section 7A, for ‘Sassafras Hops and Medicinal Herbs’ [certificate]; Medal, class III, section 7 for ‘Paper, and Materials Used in Making’ [Catalogue (1867), p. 266]; Medal, class III, section 9, for ‘Chemical Products’ [Catalogue (1867) , p. 321]; Honorable mention, class VI, section 27, for ‘A Collection of Native War Implements’ [certificate].
Victorian Medical Benevolent Association. Vice-president, 15 July 1868 [J. Neild to M, 18 July 1868].
Gymnastic Union (Turn Verein). Honorary member, 1870 [C Grevsmuhl to M, 13 June 1870]
; declined presidency in 1884 [M to J. Hooker, 11 March 1884]; Honorary president [B92.06.01].
South Bourke Horticultural and Agricultural Mutual Improvement Society. Patron from the foundation of the Society on 24 October 1871 [Leader (Melbourne), 4 November 1871, p. 9].
United Ancient Order of Druids, Royal Oak Lodge No. 6. Member by 1873 [Record and Emerald Hill and Sandridge advertiser, 17 April 1873, p. 3].
West Melbourne Presbyterian Literary Association. Patron from the foundation of the Association in 1876 [Martin (1967), p. 26].
Victorian Chemists’ Assistants’ Association. Patron by 1874 [Age, 25 September 1874, p. 2].
British Medical Association (Victorian Branch). [Fragmenta vol. 11].
Field Naturalists’ Club of Victoria. Member (no. 36), June/July 1880 [A. Taylor (1996), p. 133]; declined presidency in 1884 [M to J. Hooker, 11 March 1884]; Patron, June 1886 [A. Taylor (1996), p. 135].
Australasian Veterinary Medical Association. Elected ‘Botanist’ to the Association at its formation on 1 July 1880 [Age, 2 July 1880, p. 2].
International Exhibition (Melbourne1880-1). Commissioner, member of the Intercolonial Committee, Districts of Victoria Committee, Vegetable Products Committee [Catalogue (1880), edn 2, pp. vi-ix], Juror in the chemical branch and two other branches [M to T. Cheeseman, 16 February 1882, in correspondence as 82-02-16a]; Silver medal ‘for services’ [certificate], Bronze medal ‘for services’ [certificate].
Victorian Vinegrowers’ Association, honorary member, 1883 [Australasian, 18 August 1883, p. 26].
Victorian Intercolonial Exhibition of Wine, Fruit, Grain &c, Melbourne, 1884. Certificate and gold medal, 1884 [certificate].
Australian Wine Association of Victoria, honorary member, 1885 [Leader, 21 November 1885, p. 13].
Geological Society of Australasia. Inaugural vice-president, 1886 [Litton (1886)].
[Young Christian Gentlemen’s Association, Presbyterian Church]. Patron in 1887 [M to [P. Sclater], December 1887]. Probably the Young Men’s Sabbath Morning Fellowship Association, West Melbourne Presbyterian Church, founded in 1885 [see Martin (1967)].
Centennial International Exhibition, 1888. First order of merit in Jury Section no. 24 for ‘timber &c’ [certificate]; First order of merit in Jury Section no. 29 for ‘models of fruit’ [certificate]; First order of merit in Jury Section no. 29 for ‘Todea ferns’ [certificate]; Commissioner [M to [P. Sclater], December 1887].
Intercolonial Medical Congress, January 1889. President of therapeutic section [B89.13.16].
Choral Society (Liedertafel). Vice-president in 1881 and then each year, 1887-1896 [newspaper reports of annual meetings; M to W. Woolls, 15 February 1889].
Austral Salon of Music, Literature and the Arts. Honorary member by 1891 [Melbourne Punch, 26 March 1891, p. 17].
[Agricultural Students’ Society]. Honorary president by 1892 [B92.06.01].
Concordia Club. Honorary member by 1892 [B92.06.01].
Victorian Institute of Surveyors. Honorary member, elected 5 April 1893 [Argus, 7 April 1893, p. 3].
Veterinary College. Honorary examiner in 1893 [M to O. Tepper, 12 November 1893; B92.06.01 annotation].
Education Department, Government of Victoria. Examiner [M to O. Tepper, 12 November 1893].
Veterinary Association of Victoria. Honorary member [B92.06.01].
Botanic Gardens Cricket Club. Patron by 1894 [Age, 3 September 1894, p. 3].
United Softgoods Club. Patron, 30 July 1894 [Argus, 1 August 1894, p. 6].
Electrical Engineering School (Alfred Henrick Jackson, proprietor). Member of council, probably from 1894 [school prospectus [June 1894]].
Possum Club of South Yarra. Patron 1895 [Prahran chronicle, 24 August 1895, p. 3].
Toorak and South Yarra Try Society. Vice-president-elect of the Band, 1896 [Prahran chronicle, 7 November 1896, p. 2].
[Mining Institute]. Honorary member by 1892 [B92.06.01].
Horticultural Spring Show, 1868. Honorary certificate for ‘Collection of Rare Plants’ [certificate].
Western Australia
West Australian Natural History Society. Honorary member, 1891 [M to B. Woodward, 21 March 1891].
Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian Academy of Naturalists (Academia Caesarea Leopoldino-Carolina Naturae Curiosorum). Member, with cognomen Lechenault, 1 May 1857 [certificate]. Mueller was elected a member for a second time in 1865 (his earlier membership having apparently been overlooked) [Jahn & Schmidt (1996), p. 15].
International Geographical Congress. Third Congress, Venice, 1881: one of five special votes of thanks awarded to men who were considered to have rendered exceptional services to the cause of geographical science [Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, n.s., vol. 3, no. 12 (1881), p. 749; also listed in the Proceedings of the Congress (p. 119) among the Congress’s many ‘membri d’onore esteri’ (foreign honorary members]. Sixth Congress, London, 1895: Honorary Vice-President; one of 43 named persons and numerous holders of diplomatic appointments and other posts ex officio [Keltie & Mill (1896), p. 21].
Geographical Society of Australasia (later Royal Geographical Society of Australasia). Founder and life member, 15 December 1883 [certificate]; declined presidency in 1884 [M to J. Hooker, 11 March 1884]; Vice-president and President of Victorian Branch from 1883 [Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, vol. 1 (1883-4)].
Friedrich Traugott Kützing commemorative medal, 1887 [medal at Melbourne Museum].
Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Second meeting, 1890: President, member of Antarctic Exploration Committee, member of committee ‘to investigate the Fertilisation of the Fig in the Australasian Colonies’ [Report (1890), p. xxi]. Third meeting, Christchurch, 1891: member of Recommendation Committee [Report (1891), p. xv]. Fourth meeting, Hobart, 1892: presided over opening meeting of General Council in place of retiring President, Sir James Hector, who was unable to attend [Report (1892), p. xvii]. Fifth meeting, Adelaide, 1893: Vice-president but did not attend [Report (1894), p. xv; M to A. Macdonald, 25 September 1893]. Sixth meeting, Brisbane, 1895: Vice-president and President of Section E (Geography) but did not attend [Report (1895), p. xiv; M to W. Thiselton-Dyer, 1 January 1895].
International Commission for Botanical Nomenclature. Appointed member, 9 September 1892 [Penzig (1892), p. 440].
[German Medical Society]. Honorary fellow [Fragmenta vol. 1; not included in subsequent vols.]. No society has been identified to which this might refer.
[German Pharmaceutical Society]. Honorary fellow [Fragmenta vol. 1; not included in subsequent vols.]. The Deutsche Pharmaceutische Gesellschaft was not formed until 1890; no earlier body with such a name has been identified.
[Historical Society of Texas]. Honorary member by 1892 [B92.06.01]. The modern society of this name was not formed until some years after this date; no earlier body with such a name has been identified.
[Philosophical and Acclimatization Society of New Zealand]. Honorary member [Fragmenta vol. 4; B92.06.01]. There were societies with names similar to this in several of the New Zealand provinces but not one for New Zealand as a whole. Mueller was probably referring to the Canterbury society (see above).
[San Salvador Geographical and Historical Society]. Honorary member by 1892 [B92.06.01]. No society has been identified to which this might refer.
[Society of Horticulture and Natural History of Montpellier]. Corresponding member by 1892 [B92.06.01]. The Society of Horticulture and Natural History of Hérault (Société d’Horticulture et d’Histoire Naturelle de l’Hérault), based in Montpellier, has no record of Mueller’s having been elected a member.
The name M gave was ‘Societatis Belgicae Micrographicae’, which could also have referred to the Brussels-based Société Belge de Microscopie, founded in 1874, since initially this was named the Société Belge de Micrographie. However, M’s name does not appear on membership lists of this society published in its Bulletin, whereas, though no letters have been found, he is known to have been corresponding with the leading member of the Antwerp group, the diatom specialist Henri Van Heurck; see, for example, Van Heurck’s dedication of a species of fossil diatom to M, ‘who for more than twenty years has honoured me by keeping me au courant with his works’ (Van Heurck (1896), p. 435).
In B92.06.01, M included the Royal Horticultural Society of Belgium (Société Royale d’Horticulture de Belgique) as a body of which he was an honorary member, but this was clearly a mistake; that society, which had given birth to the Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique in 1862, had itself gone out of existence in 1870.
The Honorable Mention certificate, awarded in the class for 'fermented drinks', was probably intended for Dr Augustus Mueller of Yackandandah, Vic, and was made out to M in error.
The certificate states that M had been elected as an ordinary member, but the society's records (Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg, Signatur Nr. 2: Diarium Direktion, entry for 25 November 1876) indicate that he was nominated, and elected, as a foreign member.
Two separate medals were issued to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Martius’s doctorate, one by the Bavarian Academy and a rather grander one as the result of a public subscription (Wesche (1997)). M had both.
Unlike M’s earlier German knighthoods, appointment to this Order carried personal nobility with it, thus adding ‘von’ to his name (see Brockhaus’* Kleines Konversations-Lexikon*, art. ‘Kronenorden’, (accessed 20 October 2020)).
A swindling operation into which M seems to have been lured; see Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 12 September 1892 (ref. t18920912-847).
It was doubtless to this body that M was referring in Fragmenta vol. 10, and B92.06.01, when he stated he was an honorary member of ‘Soc. Agricult. Ballarat’.
Probably the Geelong Literary and Scientific Society, formed in the 1840s and amalgamated with the Geelong Mechanics’ Institute in November 1854; see Brownhill (1955).
In an earlier newspaper report [Germania, 17 May 1866], M was already described, but probably mistakenly, as an honorary member.
It was probably to this body that M was referring in B92.06.01 when he stated he was an honorary member of ‘Dominarum Melbourn. in Unione Salon’ [Melbourne Ladies’ Club Salon].
An envelope at the library, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, addressed to M from ‘Concordia Club | Botanical Road | South Melbourne’ and post-stamped 11 November 1888, shows that he was in contact with the club by then. Newspaper reports indicate that it was a German club; it is sometimes referred to as ‘Garten club Concordia’.
The Australasian Veterinary Medical Association (see above), though active for a few years, broke up in 1883 as a result of internal disputes. The Veterinary Association of Victoria was a new organization formed ca. 1890.