Document information

Physical location:

GRG 19/391, State Records of South Australia, Adelaide. 87.01.07

Plant names

Preferred Citation:

Ferdinand von Mueller to Maurice Holtze, 1887-01-07. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed October 18, 2024

Besten Dank für die Namensliste der Holz-Exemplare, hochgeehrter Herr Landsmann, und für die neue Sendung der wirklich sehr werthvollen Samen von [Euc. m]iniata. Wenige haben in meinem Leben mir so viel Gute erwiesen wie Sie!
Bei der Durchsicht von Acacien finde ich, dass Ihre 613 ist. Von manchen der dortigen Acacien sind die Früchte noch unbekannt
Ich hoffe, dass Sie das neue Jahr in besonderem Glück u Frohsinn durchleben werden, und Ihre schöne Anstalt noch weiter zum Aufschwung bringen
Ferd. von Mueller
Ihre Beschreibung des Gartens werde ich gleich an Hr Dr Goeze senden für seine Hamburger Garten Zeitung.
7 January 1887.
Many thanks for the list of names of the timber samples,
See M. Holtze to M, December 1886 (in this edition as 86-12-00n). M had earlier received a set of timber samples from Holtze; see M to M. Holtze, 3 December 1886 (in this edition as 86-12-03b).
my honoured fellow countryman, and for the new consignment of the really valuable seeds of Eucalyptus miniata.
See M to M. Holtze, 3 December 1886 (in this edition as 86-12-03b), and M to M. Holtze, 16 September 1887 (in this edition as 87-09-16a).
Few people in my life have shown so much good to me as you.
On looking through the Acacias I find that your Nr. 613 is .
See M to M. Holtze, January 1887 (in this edition as 87-01-00a).
The fruits of many of the Acacias there are still unknown.
I hope that you may experience much good fortune and happiness through the new year, and that you will advance your fine institute
The Darwin Botanic Garden.
still further.
In friendship
Ferd. von Mueller.
I will immediately send your description of the Garden to Dr Goeze for his Hamburg Garten Zeitung.
See M to M. Holtze, 23 August 1886. No published version of Holtze’s account has been found.