Document information

Physical location:

National Archives, London, CO447/11, Order of St Michael and St. George, 1869, Individuals, 10148. 69.07.13c

Preferred Citation:

Ferdinand von Mueller to Gordon Gairdner, 1869-07-13 [69.07.13c]. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed September 19, 2024

Melbourne botan. Garden,
See G. Gairdner to M, 26 April 1869. A date stamp indicates that M’s letter was registered in the Colonial Office on 7 September 1869. The letter was forwarded by the Governor of Victoria, see M to H. Manner s -Sutton, 13 July 1869 ( in this edition as 69-07-13d ) .
I have the honor to acknowldege the receipt of your despatch, dated 26 April 1869, by which you convey to me the grant of the dignity of a companion of the most distinguished order of St. Michael and St George together with the insigne of this order.
For M's reaction to news of the conferrment of the honour, see M to H. Manners-Sutton, 22 February 1869 (in this edition as 69-02-22a).
Permit me, Sir, to solicit through you from his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge and Grandmaster of the Order, that my expression of profound gratitude may be conveyed to our most Gracious Sovereign for this rare mark of Royal favor, one in deed, which I shall ever treasure all the more, since it was bestowed on me as an Officer of her Majesty's Colonial Government, who only in Australia, though 22 years ago, became a British subject.
Pray, Sir, convey also to his Royal Highness the Grandmaster the profound appreciation of the honor, to be be elected into the order whenever it was extended to the colonies, and of the value which I and my heirs will ever attach to the document, bearing her Majesty's and his Royal Highness's sign manual, and let me give the sincere assurance, that I will constantly strive to maintain my position honorably in an order, which carries us back to great historic deeds of the middle ages and which ever since remained a radiant emblem of Knightly valor and of the noblest charities of our gospel.
I herewith now also return, duly signed, the covenant, by which the restoration of the insigne of the Order in accordance with the statutes hereafter is secured.
See M to G. Gairdner, 10 July 1869.
I have the honor, Sir, to remain your very obedient servant
Ferd. von Mueller.
Gordon Gairdner Esqr. &c &c
Registrar of the Royal Order of St Michael & St George &c &c &c