Document information

Physical location:

R91/3341, unit 645, VPRS 3992/P inward registered correspondence, VA 475 Chief Secretary's Department, Public Record Office, Victoria. 91.04.04

Preferred Citation:

Ferdinand von Mueller to Thomas Wilson, 1891-04-04. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed October 18, 2024

T. R. Wilson Esqr,
Under Secretary
In accordance with your instructions
See M to T. Wilson, 19 March 1891, and notes hereto.
I have called for tenders from three of the larger printing establishments of Melbourne for the printing of the 8th Edition of the Select plants,
and have the honor now to submit to you these tenders, recommending that Mr Troedels
See C. Troedel & Co. to M, 25 March 1891; Sands & McDougall Ltd to M, 25 March 1891 (in this edition as 91-03-25a); and McCarron Bird & Co. to M, 1 April 1891 (in this edition as 91-04-01a).
as the lowest be accepted for one thousand copies of about 560 pages, at the rate of £7.4.- pr. sheet of 16 pages, therefore £252.- .- for the whole. No extra-payment will be incurred for the binding into strong paper-covers.
The Chief Secretary, J. M. Davies, accepted M's recommendation on 8 April 1891 and the information was referred to M the next day by H. Moors, Acting Under Secretary, with the note: ‘I shall be glad of the early return of this file when noted'. M returned the file on 11 April 'with grateful acknowledgement’, noting that ‘The printing will be pushed on as quickly as possible'. The Chief Secretary forwarded the file to the Governor in Council with the recommendation that 'the under-mentioned sevices be performed without tenders being advertised for the same, viz: — Printing 1000 copies of the 8th Edition of Baron Von Mueller's work on "Select Plants" to cost £252'.
I have the honor to be,
Sir, your obedient servant
Ferd von Mueller
Gov. Botanist