Document information

Physical location:

R91/3341, unit 645, VPRS 3992/P inward registered correspondence, VA 475 Chief Secretary's Department, Public Record Office, Victoria. 91.04.01a

Preferred Citation:

McCarron, Bird & Co. to Ferdinand von Mueller, 1891-04-01 [91.04.01a]. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed October 18, 2024

proprietors of the australasian insurance and banking record
MS is on decorative letterhead.
Memo. from
McCarron, Bird & Co.
Printers, Lithographers & Stationers,
479 collins street.
j. f. mccarron.
h. w. puttmann.
a. stewart.
Melbourne, 1 April 189 1
To Baron Ferd: Von Mueller K.C.M.G. &c.
the australian trade review
Dear Sir,
We have the honor to forward the sub-joined quotations for printing the work
"Select Extra-Tropical Plants"
Copies, 560 pp. at
Per sheet of 16 pp
=35 sheets
The above prices including Cover & Binding
The work to be executed in same style and size of type as the 1888 Edition. A sample sheet of paper is enclosed.
Every attention will be given to the correct production of the work.
See M to T. Wilson, 4 April 1891.
We have the honor to be, Dear Sir
Yours obediently
McCarron Bird & Co