Document information

Physical location:

GRG 19/391, State Records, Adelaide, South Australia. 90.07.00e

Plant names

Preferred Citation:

Ferdinand von Mueller to Maurice Holtze, 1890-07 [90.07.00e]. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed September 8, 2024

The specimens with these collection numbers, from the consignment sent in April 1890, were identified to genus in M to M. Holtze, 16 May 1890. This fragment appears to be the names of Utricularia promised to be sent 'next week' in M to M. Holtze, 26 June 1890. It is dated accordingly. However, the only specimen with collecting number1029 at MEL is dated July 1890, which would be unlikely to have been received in the first week of July. It is probably a later sending, using the same number, perhaps in response to the request for duplicates made in this fragment. M acknowledged learning that duplicates were being sent in M to M. Holtze, 31 August 1890.
1025. Utricularia Wallichiana, Wight.
Von dieser ist N. 1024 die niedrige nicht rankende Form.
1029. U. leptoplectra.
Vielleicht finden Sie an jungen Pflanzen die Wurzel-Blätter u bei vorsichtige
Herausnehmen auch Wurzel-schläuche.
Mehrere Ihrer Utricularien will ich zurückhalten, bis ich nach Frucht-Exemplaren eine vollständige Bearbeitung liefern kann, und dann soll auch eine Ihnen zu Ehren genannt werden. Ich habe aber eine doch beschrieben, obwohl die Frucht fehlt, und habe selbige zu Ehren des Professors Singer in Regensburg
1026 Utricularia Singeriana, F.v.M.
genannt, da in diesem Jahre die Königl botanische Gesellschaft in Regensburg ihr 100 jähriges Jubiläum feiert, und Prof Singer der Director der Gesellschaft ist seit vielen Jahren. Ich werde ihn ersuchen, Sie zum correspond. Mitglied zu erwählen; aber es wäre gut, wenn Sie eine Anzahl Exemplare Ihrer Pflanzen, solche als bei Ihnen Duplicate sind, mir zuzusenden, damit ich selbige neben anderen Pflanzen von hier
neben anderen Pflanzen von hier is a marginal insertion, its intended position indicated by an asterisk.
der Gesellschaft zuschicke. Ich bin seit etwa 40 Jahren corr. Mitglied.
1047 , R. Br.
Neu für Australien.
Sie ehrend der Ihre
Ferd. von Mueller
Eine Asclepiadee als neu soll auch nach Ihnen genannt werden.
1025. Wight.
Nr 1024 is the low non-creeping form of this species.
1029. .
On young plants you may perhaps find the root leaves and by carefully lifting them also the bladders.
I will put aside several of your Utricularia species, until I can produce a complete treatment from fruiting specimens, and then one will also be named after you.
See M to N. Holtze, 12 February 1893 (in this edition as 93-02-12a). M described Utricularia holtzei in B93.03.05, p.176, dedicating it to M. Holtze and his son, N. Holtze.
But I have, however, described one, even though the fruit is lacking, and have named it in honour of Professor Singer of Regensburg
1026. F.v.M.
M's description of was read at the meeting of the Royal Society of NSW on 2 July 1890; see B91.05.07, p. 76.
named, as this year the Royal botanical Society of Regensburg is celebrating its 100th anniversary, and Professor Singer has been the Society's Director for many years. I will ask him to elect you as corresponding member.
M had been a member of the Royal Botanical Society of Regensburg (Regia Societas Botanica Ratisbonensis) since 1853; see Regia Societas Botanica Ratisbonensis to M, 13 September 1853. Holtze was elected a member in 1892 (South Australian chronicle, 7 January 1893, p. 11).
But it would be good if you could send me a number of your plants that you have as duplicates, so that I can send them to the Society together with other plants from here. I have been a corresponding member of the Society for approximately 40 years.
1047. R. Br.
New for Australia.
Respectfully your
Ferd. von Mueller.
A new is to be named after you, too.
No species in the Asclepiadaceae named by M after Holtze has been found (APNI, accessed 18 March 2021).