Document information

Physical location:

GRG 19/391, State Records of South Australia, Adelaide. 93.02.12a

Plant names

Preferred Citation:

Ferdinand von Mueller to Nicholas Holtze, 1893-02-12 [93.02.12a]. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed October 18, 2024

M has mis-dated the letter, 1893 is clearly intended. M exhibited specimens of Utricularia holtzei and U. kamienskii as 'new to science' at the meeting of the Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria on 13 February 1893, and his descriptions were published in the March 1893 issue of Victorian naturalist. See also M to N. Holtze, 13 February 1893.
I devoted the quietude of the Saturday-afternoon and whole Sunday, dear Mr Holtze, to your remaining Utricularias, which were so long laid aside, in the hope, that fruiting specimens might be obtained, as the capsules and seeds afford important marks of distinction for the numerous species in this intricate genus.
I named 1164 U. Holtzei and described it, but like you next season to find out, unless you have more specimens to spare, whether the calyx consists of 2 or 4 sepals. I could not make this out from the state of the few specimens here none in alcohol. If 4 sepals it will be a .
B93.03.05, p. 176, synonymizing it with Holtzei 'F. v. M coll'.
I dedicated this to you and your worthy father,
Maurice Holtze.
as the tall climbing or winding yellow-flowered species, to which I first gave your name, may only be a form of the very variable U. Wallichiana.
1159 & 1028 are forms of U. lasiocaulis, I think, but I will still further see. If fruits could only be obtained. To these are very close also 1027 784 form of U. leptoplectra, so far as I can as yet see
1158 U. Kanienskii new, named in honour of Professor Kanienski
Kamienski? M named U. Kamienskii in B93.03.05, pp. 175-6.
who instituted many important researches on Utricularias.
Regardfully your
Ferd von Mueller
1177 U. albiflora Could more specimens be obtained As yet it is only known from Banks collection
In M to N. Holtze, 13 February 1893, M wrote that he intended to send a specimen to the British Museum to be compared with Banks's specimen.