Document information

Physical location:

UM 419, 1980/110 folder 1, Medical School correspondence 1856-1909, University of Melbourne Archives, Melbourne. 61.11.25a

Preferred Citation:

Ferdinand von Mueller to Anthony Brownless, 1861-11-25 [61.11.25a]. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed October 18, 2024

Melbourne bot. & zool. Garden,
25. Nov. 1861.
My dear Dr Brownless.
Since your kind explanation of the exact duties, involved by the acceptance of honorary Examiner in Botany, Materia medica, Therapeutics and Prescriptions in the medical faculty of the Melbourne University, I have, at your desire, reconsidered the proposal, with which I was honored by the University Council,
See also M to J. James, 7 November 1861.
and on reflecting, that the examinations are likely to take place during an autumnal month only in each year, and that it will thus be less difficult for me to devote amidst other engagements the necessary time and attention to the new office in question, I regard it incumbent on me to accept (in conjunction with Dr Eades) the appointment, which the University Council deemed me worthy of entrusting to me, should you and your excellent colleagues experience difficulty in otherwise filling the vacancy, a step which I still beg to recommend most respectfully to the University-Council.
Expressing my best thanks for the friendly interest, which you so kindly evinced on this occasion towards myself, I remain
my dear Doctor,
your humble and obliged
Ferd. Mueller
Dr. Brownless,
Vice-Chancellor of the University