Document information

Physical location:

UM 419, 1980/110 folder 1, Medical School correspondence 1856-1909, University of Melbourne Archives, Melbourne. 61.11.07

Preferred Citation:

Ferdinand von Mueller to John James, 1861-11-07. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed October 18, 2024

Melbourne botanical and zoological Garden,
7. Nov. 1861.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated 4. Nov. 1861,
Letter not found.
which reached me yesterday and by which I am informed, that the Council of the Melbourne University has done me the honor of appointing me in conjunction with Dr Eades honorary Examiner in Materia medica, Therapeutics, the rules of medical prescribing and in Botany for degrees in medicine.
Whilst conveying the sincerest expression of gratitude to the Council for the honorable distinction by this intended appointment conferred on me, I feel under the fluctuating state of my health and under the multifarious duties on the establishment over which I exercise immediate and responsible control, it
is omitted?
incumbent on me to solicit, that the Council of the University will be pleased to relieve me of the additional responsibility of entering on these newly proposed altho' highly honorable duties, especially since the excellent Professor of natural sciences at the University
Frederick McCoy.
together with Dr Eades are so well enabled to conduct the phytological and therapeutical examinations without my aid.
In conclusion I beg to assure the Council of the University, that I hail with delight the extension of the University to medical science, and that whenever it lies within in my power, I shall feel an especial pleasure in supporting the invaluably valuable and lasting labours of so noble an institution.
I have the honor to be,
your most obedient and humble
Ferd. Mueller
John James Esqr &c &c
Registrar of the University of Melbourne.
See also M to A. Brownless, 25 November 1861 (in this edition as 61-11-25a).