Document information

Physical location:

Private hands. 40.12.21

Preferred Citation:

Iwanne Müller to Ferdinand von Mueller, 1840-12-21. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed May 20, 2024

Letter not found. The text given here was 'Translated in Sydney from the German', and placed in Louise Wehl's scrap-book.
21st. Dec. 1840.
My dear Ferdinand.
Just as we finish the baking there is a chance to send you something — do have a few pieces while nice and fresh.
also sending collar and cloth.
Bertha Müller, M's sister.
and I thank you for Xmas presents. I am happy because it was my wish for a long time to have an autograph book. We want to give you pleasure — collar and cloth are again fashionable — we bought ½ doz. handkerchiefs, which Clara
Clara Müller, M's sister.
has hemmed. She asked us to tell you this. (Clara was seven years old at the time)
(Clara was ... time) is the translator's note.
I think you can use them before they are washed, if not, send back.
Johann Georg Mertens.
is seriously ill. Uncle came across the Eider and was stuck by the ice — closed in — and carried down 1/2 a mile, at 5.30 people went after him and caught up to him at 8, and as had to go against wind water and ice reached here at midnight. This fright did Grandfather much harm. I am afraid we shall not have him much longer.
M's grandfather died in 1844.
Please dear Ferdinand come, who knows if you will see Grandfather again. To-day he got a Spanish Fly
A treatment prepared from the beetle Lytta vesicatoria. See Imms (1960), p. 807.
on his chest, to remove his pain — more when you come. Bring your other neck cloth and collar and we can have them dyed for you. Still have to pack. Greetings from Uncle, Aunt, Grandmother,
Johann Ferdinand and Magdalene Mertens, Maria Mertens.
editorial addition.
Clara and your Sister
Iwanne Müller.