Document information

Physical location:

GRG 19/391, State Records of South Australia, Adelaide. 89.00.00c

Plant names

Preferred Citation:

Ferdinand von Mueller to Maurice Holtze, 1889 [89.00.00c]. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed September 8, 2024

Undated fragment. In M. Holtze to M, 24 April 1890 Holtze wrote 'I am sending the timber specimens of Ac acia auriculiformis promised previously', but a letter with that promise has not been found. The species was included in specimens collected in 1883 (M to M. Holtze, 1883, in this edition as 83-00-00n) and as a wood specimen for the Adelaide exhibition in 1887 (M to M. Holtze, 3 April 1887). Holtze would need some time to dry and prepare a specimen, and the latest likely date that M's request could have been sent is 1889; it is dated accordingly.
Wie hoch wird . Ist das Holz von besonderem Werth? Ich hätte gern ein Stück davon, etwa so gross als ein Backstein, sollten Sie doch gelegentlich wieder eine Kiste für mich füllen. Das Holz müsste aber vorher getrocknet sein. Wenn Sie eine weitere Beschreibung Ihres Gartens liefern wollen, so werde ich solche an die Gardeners Chronicle senden.
How tall does grow? Is the timber of any particular value? I should like to have a piece of it, about the size of a brick, should you fill a case for me again at some time after all. But the timber would have to be dried first.
If you would like to provide a further description of your Garden, I shall send it to the Gardeners Chronicle.
No article of this description has been found in the Gardeners' Chronicle from 1883 to 1893.