Document information

Physical location:

GRG 19/391, State Records of South Australia, Adelaide. 85.12.28a

Plant names

Preferred Citation:

Ferdinand von Mueller to Maurice Holtze, 1885-12-28 [85.12.28a]. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed October 18, 2024

Ihre Sendung, welche Ihr Brief v. 20 Novemb. ankündigt, lieber Herr Holtze, kam erst vor einer Woche hier an. Inzwischen bin ich ausserordentlich extra beschäftigt gewesen für die London Ausstellung, um meine Arbeiten dafür zeitig zum Schluss zu bringen. Erst heute konnte ich einige Stunden frei machen, um Ihre Pflanzen zu untersuchen. Hierbei die Liste, soweit die Arten nach den vorliegenden Materialien benennbar sind. So wird wenigstens ein Theil Ihrer Hölzer Namen bekommen können. Falls innerhalb der nächsten Monate die Exemplare der trockenen Pflanzen zu ergänzen wären, liessen sich wohl noch manche Namen nachsenden, wofür jetzt nur Nummern da sind. Ich freuete mich, unter Ihren Pflanzen wieder etwas etwas Neues zu finden, das bald beschrieben und veröffentlicht werden soll.
Sollten Sie ohne viel Mühe u. Ausgabe mir etwas grössere Holz Ex. liefern können, so würde ich Ihnen sehr verpflichtet sein. Ich bemerke dies nur, da Sie so sehr freundlich sind, solche anzubieten.
Mit den besten Wünschen für Sie im neuen Jahre
Ferd. von Mueller.
28 December 1885.
Your consignment, announced in your letter of 20 November,
Letter not found.
dear Mr Holtze, arrived here only a week ago. In the meantime I have been extraordinarily busy for the London Exhibition,
Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886.
in order to finish my work for it in time. Not until today could I make free a few hours to examine your plants. Enclosed is the list, in as far as the species are identifiable from the available material. Thus at least a part of your timbers can be named.
M was naming specimens of timber that Holtze sent to the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London; see Holtze to M, December 1886 (in this edition as 86-12-00n) and notes thereto.
In case the specimens of the dried plants can be supplemented over the next few months, some more names could probably be added, for which we have only numbers so far. I was pleased to find once more something new among your plants, which is soon to be described and published.
I would be greatly obliged to you, if you could supply me with some larger timber samples without too much trouble and expense. I only make this comment, because you are so very kind to make this offer.
With best wishes to you for the new year,
Ferd. von Mueller.
The list that follows is on separate sheets and may not be the enclosure to which M refers.
50 Decaisne.
Blumen erwünscht
[Flowers desired]
49. , D.C.
48. , F.v M
47 ,
This name was preoccupied by Asa Gray in 1858, for a species collected in Japan. No formal publication of this name by M has been found (APNI, accessed 2 March 2021); it is however included in the published catalogue of the 1887 Adelaide Exhibition (Scott (1887), p. 254), as no. 47 in Holtze's exhibit, with the genus name given as Eudoia. A Holtze specimen at MEL (MEL 67569), now filed as Melicope elleryana , has a label identifying it as a specimen from Port Darwin for the Adelaide Exhibition; the label carries the number 47 and, in M's hand, an identification as .
F.v M.
Frucht-Exemplare sehr erwünscht.
[Fruiting specimens greatly desired.]
46 F.v.M
MEL 60974 with this collection number recorded on an attached envelope bears M's label 'Eugenia minutiloflora, F.v.M.| Port Darwin. | M. Holtze'; the specimen in Kew, K 800443, has M's label with the same details, plus '46'; the species was described in B92.04.01, p. 197. In the list in Scott (1887), this number is recorded as 'Eugenia species'.
Neu. Aber Frucht nöthig um die Art zu beschreiben.
[New. But fruit needed to describe the species.]
45 Benth
44 , F v M.
MEL 61107 has Holtze's label with his collection number 44, 'Wood specimens from Port Darwin | M. Holtze' on which M has written 'Eugenia (Cleistocalyx)' and below the bracketed epithet, 'Holtzei FvM'. In the list in Scott (1887), this number is recorded as . E. holtzei was described in B86.06.01, p. 199, where M comments 'Fruit not seen'.
Neu! Früchte erforderlich (reif).
[New! Fruits required (ripe).]
42 , Linné?
Neu für N. W. Australien. Ich möchte daher Blumen u Früchte sehen, zumal da es mehrere Arten giebt. Vielleicht Form von N. 38
[New for N. W. Australia. I should therefore like to see flowers and fruits, all the more so as there are several species. Perhaps a form of Nr 38.]
41. , ohne Frucht.
[without fruit.]
40. Fehlen Blüthen; Frucht unreif
[Flowers lacking; fruit not ripe]
39. , R Br
38. Calophyllum
ohne Blumen
[without flowers flowers]
37. Terminalia
ohne Blüthe u Frucht
[without flower and fruit]
36 ?
ohne Blüthe u Frucht
[without flower and fruit]
35 , Jussieu
34. Bentham
32. , R Br
31, Saccopetalum?
fehlt Frucht.
[lacks fruit.]
30 Ohne Blüthen u Frucht
[Without flowers and fruit.]
29 " " "
27 " " "
25 ohne Bl u Fr
ohne Blüthen und Frucht.
[without flowers and fruit]
The remainder of the list is on a separate undated fragment and may not have been sent at the same time.
ohne Blüthen u Frucht.
[without flowers and fruit.]
23 " " "
22 FvM
None of the specimens with Maurice Holtze's collection number 22 at MEL that are listed in AVH were collected at the time these specimens were sent. is however listed as no. 22 in Holtze's 1887 exhibit in Adelaide (Scott (1887), p. 253); it was used again in N. Holtze (1910). No formal description of this name has been found (APNI, accessed 1 March 2021).
Möchte mehr davon sehen
[Should like to see more of this]
ohne Frucht
[without fruit]
20-18? Nummer verloren
Eugenia ohne Blüthen
[Numbers lost. Eugenia without flowers]
17. Ohne Blüthen u Frucht.
[Without flowers and fruit.]
16 Bentham
14. No fl. no fruit
9. Decaisne
ohne Blüthen
[without flowers]
6. L
5 Frucht nöthig.
[Fruit needed.]
4 ,
M. parvifolia?
R Br
2 ohne Blüthe u Frucht
[without flower and fruit]
Die anderen Nummern fehlen
[The other numbers are missing]
N. 19 ist in Holz da, aber kein Ex.
[No. 19 is there in timber, but no specimen.]