Document information
Physical location:
RB MSS M55, Library, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne. 81.07.13a
Plant names
Eucalyptus Cordata
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Eucalyptus Cordata
Preferred Citation:
Francis Abbott to Ferdinand von Mueller, 1881-07-13 [81.07.13a]. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed March 9, 2025
Ms found with a specimen of Eucalyptus cordata (MEL 104504). MS annotation by M: 'Answ 15/7/81'. Letter not found.
13 July 1881
My dear Baron
Just a line to say that new localities are being found for
One of them is much nearer Town than the place from which I sent you the specimens.
The plants are some of them from 20 to 25 ft high, being at a greater altitude the
plants are later in flowering; the buds are only now beginning to expand.
Eucalyptus Cordata
Search for Eucalyptus Cordata
I have heard of another site, the Sandfly Rivulet
where the plants are said to attain the height of 50 ft with a diameter of from 1
ft to 18 inch. I have not had time to visit this locality yet but as soon as I can
I will send you all details.
Thanks for the bulbs received a few days ago. There was no name with them, what are
Very sincerely yours
F. Abbott