Document information

Physical location:

No. 73/110, unit 4, p. 374, VPRS 7936/P1 outward letter press copy books of the Secretary for Lands, VA 538 Department of Crown Lands and Survey, Public Record Office, Victoria. 73.05.31

Preferred Citation:

Clement Hodgkinson to Ferdinand von Mueller, 1873-05-31. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed October 18, 2024

Office of Lands and Survey
Melbourne 31st May, 1873
In order to afford greater facilities for the prosecution without interruption of those scientific researches to which you have already applied yourself, and, in doing so, have displayed great ability, the Government has had under consideration the adoption of suitable arrangements with the view of relieving you of duties of minor importance, at present devolving on you, and leaving you free to devote most of your attention to the prosecution of labours in the field of science.
I have now to inform you that the Government has arrived at the conclusion to discontinue the retention of the management and control of the Botanic Gardens as a distinct Department, and has determined to merge that Garden & the Government House Domain, under a competent curator.
This decision will relieve you of present responsibilities and official connection with the Botanic Garden, and will involve the vacation of the quarters you have hitherto been allowed to occupy therein.
Desiring not to cause you pecuniary loss or inconvenience by this decision, the Government has decided to increase your salary from its present rate of £610 to £800 per annum, — to afford you the assistance of an amanuensis in connection with the Botanical Museum, and to provide a sum of £200 to defray the cost of recording or publishing the result of your researches.
Until a suitable site can be obtained elsewhere you will be allowed the exclusive use of the Museum, and instructions will be issued to afford you every facility for conducting any experiments you may desire in the gardens.
Provision will accordingly be made on the estimates for the ensuing year.
As, under these arrangements, the Botanical Gardens must necessarily remain in the Department of Agriculture, while your services in the manner indicated will be more appropriately recognised by being attached to the Department of the Honorable the Chief Secretary, I have to intimate that on and after the 1st of July the arrangement herein indicated will be carried into effect, and I am requested to ask at what time before then it will be convenient for you to give up possession of the quarters.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient servant,
[Clement Hodgkinson]
editorial addition.
Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Survey
The Government Botanist
See also M to J. Francis, 15 June 1873.