Document information

Physical location:

RB MSS M200a.40, Library, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne. 72.03.27

Preferred Citation:

the Society of the Institute of Coimbra to Ferdinand von Mueller, 1872-03-27. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed February 23, 2025

MS is a printed certificate on which M's name, the word 'Respondentem', the date, and the signatures and their corresponding ranks have been entered by hand.
Ferdinando von Mueller
S. P. D.
Litteras atque scientias, in multiplici earumdem genere, excolendi amplificandique rationem quum provehere contendat Conimbricensis Instituti Societas, humanae culturae incrementum pro se quoque spectans, magnum quidem ac praeclarum justumque molitur opus. Quod tamen ut in exitum perducere possit, oportet, ut suum in ordinem, literis perpolitos omnique doctrina praestantissimos, adscribat viros; qui sibi tanta in re, perinde quolibet homine digna, atque humanitati universae perutili, opem conferre valeant. Haec proinde Societas, quum ad Tuam, Vir Clarissime, dignitatem animum advertisset, quam et publice spectatam, et Tuis tum scriptis, tum litterariis periculis, rite exploratam cernit, Te sibi Socium Respondentem adsciscere, pro suarum legum praescriptis, lubenter constituit; neque immerito fore sperat, ut, ad propositum finem adtingendum, Tuam sibi operam et industriam commodes. Vale. Datum Conimbricae sexto kalendas Aprilis, anno Domini MDCCCLXXII.
Joachimus Josephus Paes da Silva Junior, Propraeses
Antonius da Cunha Vieira de Meirelles, ab actis
The President and Fellows of the Institute of Coimbra to the most distinguished Ferdinand Mueller.
Since the Society of the Institute of Coimbra strives to promote a method of cultivating and extending Letters and the Sciences in their manifold variety, while on its own behalf also seeking to increase human culture, it undertakes a great and indeed distinguished and proper task. To achieve this end nevertheless it is proper that it enrol in its own order men who are refined in Letters and outstanding in all learning; who have the ability to contribute to it a resource in so great an undertaking [which is] equally fitting for any individual as it is thoroughly useful for the whole of humanity. Wherefore this Society, since, O most distinguished man, it has adverted its attention to your distinction, which it discerns both as recognised publicly and as properly established in your communications as well as your literary endeavours, it has gladly resolved to enrol you in its number as a Corresponding Fellow in accordance with the requirements of its own rules; and not undeservedly it hopes that, to attain the proposed outcome, you may lend your work and industry to it.
Dated at Coimbra on the sixth day before the Kalends of April
i.e. 27 March. There was a considerable delay before the diploma was sent to M; see J. Henriques to M, 26 March 1873 (in this edition as 73-03-26b).
in the year of the Lord 1872.
Joachim José Paes da Silva Junior, Vice-President
Antonio da Cunha Vieira de Meirelles, Secretary.