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RBG Kew, Directors' letters, vol. LXXV, Australian and Pacific letters 1859-65, letter no. 137. 61.09.25Preferred Citation:
Ferdinand von Mueller to William Hooker, 1861-09-25. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed February 22, 2025
MS black-edged; M's sister, Bertha Doughty, died on 7 September 1861.
25. Sept 1861.
My dear Sir William.
It was with great concern that I learned from your son, you had been obliged to seek
health in the south of England!
May the bracing rural air have effected all the benefit to you, which we anxiously
desire. May I also hope, that you will not overtax yourself with all the labourious
undertakings, which your brillant establishment has so long required of you and that
you will allow repose and quietude to yourself, commensurate to your venerable age!
J. Hooker to M, 14 July 1861, reports that W. Hooker has not been well and is going to the country, but says nothing
about the south of England.
I am myself very sad, mourning for the loss of the beloved sister, for whose health
I chiefly emigrated in 1847. She could not have lived through the winter of that year,
we both having inhered tuberculosis of our parents, who died whilst we were comparatively
little children.
My poor sister was nearly in equal age with myself; we bore many difficulties of life together, having
hardly any paternal property to depend on. And now after her lost it is as if all
the last family enjoyment I ever had in the world had passed away for ever! She was
a noble hearted & highly gifted and intelligent lady and leaves a husband and two
little children
to mourn with me over her loss. When sinking she commenced an embroydery, destined
as her last earthly work for me! Well might Humboldt say on the deathbed of his brother,
O! the highest in this world is the pure love!
George Doughty and the children George Ferdinand St Helen and Clara Bertha.
But I do wrong to instil sorrow in your heart, my dear Sir William! But you have always
acted so unalterably kindful to me, that I could not suppress my grief. —
Pray do not exert yourself in writing to me, but allow me the priviledge of adressing
you by the regular monthly mail. Dr Crozier once mentioned to me, that you desired
my portrait for your gallery. Altho' I have always felt a strong adversion to see
placed my picture before strangers in lifetime, I have felt a pleasure in complying
request and I have a daguerrotype in readiness to be sent to you with my next consignment.
Ever yours
Ferd. Mueller
Accept my most grateful acknowledgement in giving me your support for the election
into the R.S.
Royal Society.