Document information

Physical location:

No. 74, unit 2, p. 94, VPRS 1092 Governor's letter books, VA 466 Governor, Public Record Office, Victoria. 60.01.13b

Preferred Citation:

Henry Barkly to Ferdinand von Mueller, 1860-01-13 [60.01.13b]. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed October 18, 2024

For a copy of this letter, see Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, vol. 4 (1860), p. lv.
13th Jany 1860
My dear Dr Mueller,
I have great pleasure in transmitting to you Copy of a Despatch from the Duke of Newcastle,
On 8 November 1859 the Duke of Newcastle wrote to Barkly to inform him that Queen Victoria had decided to permit the Philosophical Institute of Victoria to assume the title of 'The Royal Society of Victoria' (No. 46, unit 12, p. 959, VPRS 1087, Public Record Office, Victoria).
signifying Her Majesty's assent to the application of the Philosophical Institute, for permission to assume in future the Title of the Royal Society of Victoria.
This assent seems to arrive opportunely just as we have got into our New Hall, and I trust it may be looked on as auguring increased exertion and more brilliant results from the labours of the Society.
Leaving it to you to take the most convenient opportunity of publishing the Despatch
I remain &c
(sd) Henry Barkly
Dr Mueller
On 23 January 1860, M read copies of the Duke's and Barkly's letters to a special meeting of the now Royal Society of Victoria (Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, vol. 4 (1860), pp. liv-lvi). See also M to H. Barkly, 17 January 1860 (in this edition as 60-01-17b).