Document information

Physical location:

Gray Herbarium Archives, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 58.10.18a

Plant names

Preferred Citation:

Ferdinand von Mueller to Asa Gray, 1858-10-18 [58.10.18a]. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed January 22, 2025

Melbourne bot. & zool Garden,
18 oct 58.
My dear Prof. Asa Gray
I beg to express my gratitude for your generosity of sending me so many valuable and highly interesting publications, doubly esteemed as coming out of your hands. I trust young Australia will imitate the noble zeal of your vigorous nation to promote with the same freshness of life the prosecution of science. The "Red Jacket" has reached a day or two ago this port again, but just as the mail is leaving I am unable to learn more than that my box destined for you did not share the fate of some other part of the Cargo, which was consumed by fire.
I shall lay regularly plants & pamphlets as well for yourself as for the Smithsonian Institute and for your friend aside, and will send a consignment with every Boston vessel returning to your shores direct.
Pray my dear Prof Asa Gray, do not distress you about a return so very soon, but when even without extra-labour & quite conveniently to your self it can be done. Your U.S. Lithographics
Probably A. Gray (1856).
are magnificent. I wished we could equally well illustrate here. The seeds kindfully sent this time arrived in excellent order and are in the forcing ground now.
I will gladly send such Australian to you as I can hunt up. I enclose the male & female plant of Dr. Hookers . Our mutual friend evidently is not aware of the plant being dioecious, altho' I have when referring it in 1854 (phil. transact. vol 1 (1854-1855) p.45.
to Antennaria as Antenn. nubigena I gave that character. In Sir Will. Hookers reprint the sectional Character, published by me is omitted. It is as follows: Actina : "Scales of involucre radiating. Heads of fertile plant with several rows of female flowers in circumference and with hermaphrodite ones in the centre. Heads of the sterile plants with only hermaphrodite flowers, a few rarely fertile. Pappus at the extremity clavellate, with exception of that of the female flowers which is not thickened."
B56.06.01, p. 161; however, the part that M says was omitted is present.
I think Raoulia is fully referable to Antennaria.
There is a note to the description of A. nubigena in B56.06.01, p. 161: ' , H.f. and Gnaphalium catipes, DC.—Ed.'
The mail just closing disables me, to write fully, this time, all my correspondence being thrown on the last day in consequence of a large exhibition of the Hortic. Society
B58.11.02, p. 11.
here yesterday.
With the sincerest wishes for your welfare
your very humble
Ferd. Mueller.