Document information

Physical location:

No. 53/446, unit 20, p. 164, VPRS 3219 outward registered correspondence, VA 856 Colonial Secretary's Office, Public Record Office, Victoria. 53.01.26

Preferred Citation:

William Lonsdale to Ferdinand von Mueller, 1853-01-26. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed February 22, 2025

26 January 1853
I have the honor by direction of the Lieut Govr to inform you that His Excellency has been pleased to confer upon you the appointment of Government Botanist at a Salary of Four Hundred pounds per annum from this date.
Signed W. Lonsdale
Dr Ferdinand James Henry Mueller,
Governmt Botanist
70 Collins St East
Lonsdale wrote to the Auditor General, H. Childers, on 27 January 1853 notifying him of M's appointment as Government Botanist. M's salary of £400 p.a. was to start from 26 January 1853 (No. 53/1049, unit 19, VPRS 3219, PROV). On 3 November 1852 the Government Botanist's salary was put on the estimates for 1853 at £300 p.a. but on 6 January 1853 it was increased in supplementary estimates to £400 p.a. with an additional £200 granted for contingencies including travelling expenses. See Victoria, Legislative Council (1852) Estimates of the ways and means, and of the probable expenditure of the Colonial Government of Victoria, for the year 1853, Melbourne; Victoria, Legislative Council (1853) Additional supplementary estimate for 1852, and supplementary estimate for 1853, Melbourne.