Document information
Physical location:
RB MSS M200, Library, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne. 47.08.02Preferred Citation:
Universität Kiel to Ferdinand von Mueller, 1847-08-02. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed March 7, 2025
MS is a printed certificate.
Quod Felix Faustum Quoque Sit.
Svmmis avspiciis avgvstissimi ac potentissimi principis ac domini
Domini CHRISTIANI VIII daniae vandalorvm gothorvmqve regis ducis slesvici holsatiae
stormariae dithmarsiae lavenbvrgi oldenbvrgi rel.
et vtrivsqve ivris doctore regi avgvstissimo a consiliis statvs ivrisprvdentiae professore
pvblico ordinario regiae societatis scientiarvm danicae socio ordinario ordinis danebrogici
commendatore eivsdem ordini crvce argentea ornato cett.
Ego IVSTVS OLSHAVSEN philosophiae doctor lingvarvm orientalivm professor pvblicvs
ordinarivs regi avgvstissimo a consiliis statvs ordinis danebrogici eqves regiae societatis
scientiarvm danicae socivs ordinarivs cet. cet. cet.
In virvm doctissimvm et clarissimvm FERDINANDVM IACOBVM HENRICVM MÜLLER Rostochiensem
exhibito breviario plantarvm in regionibvs ad africvm dvcatvs slesvicensis sitis hvcvsqve
collectarvm ervditionis et diligentiae specimine idoneo
Ex decreto ordinis mei
rite collata esse testor atqve eivs rei in fidem has pvblicas literas sigillo ordinis
mei mvniendas cvravi.
Dabam Kiliae holsatorum die II. mensis avgvsti anni MDCCCXLVII.
May it turn out prosperously and happily
Under the highest auspices of the most august and powerful prince and lord, Lord Christian
VIII, King of the Danes, Vandals and Goths, Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn,
Dithmarschen, Lauenburg, Oldenburg, etc.
During the chancellorship at the Christian Albrecht University of Nicholas Falck,
Doctor of Philosophy and of both kinds of law, by state decree professor
of jurisprudence to the most august King, ordinary member of the Royal Danish Society
of Sciences, a counsellor of the Dannebrog Order and adorned with the silver cross
of the same order, etc.
Literally 'public ordinary professor', i.e. full professor ('ordinarius') entitled
to give public lectures.
I, Justus Olshausen, doctor of philosophy, by state decree professor of oriental languages
to the most august king, knight of the Dannebrog Order, ordinary member of the Royal
Danish Society of Sciences etc. etc. etc.
witness that by virtue of the authority vested in me the highest honours in philosophy
and the name, dignity and rights of doctor have duly been conferred (and to certify
that event I have had this public document confirmed by the seal of my office) upon
the most learned and distinguished Ferdinand Jakob Heinrich Müller of Rostock, after
he had displayed a report on plants collected in the southern regions of the duchy
of Schleswig in a suitable specimen of his learning and diligence.
Given at Kiel in Holstein, 2 August 1847.