Document information

Physical location:

RB MSS M200, Library, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne. 46.05.12

Preferred Citation:

Universität Kiel to Ferdinand von Mueller, 1846-05-12. R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells (eds), Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, <>, accessed February 22, 2025

MS is a printed certificate.
Quod Bene Felix Faustum Sit.
Sub avspiciis avgvstissimis serenissimi et potentissimi principis ac domini
Domini CHRISTIANI VIII daniae vandalorvm gothorvmqve regis slesvici holsatiae stormariae dithmarsiae oldenbvrgi et lavenbvrgi dvcis rel. rel. rel.
CHRISTIANAE ALBERTINAE rectore Iusto Olshausen, Philosophiae Doctore, Linguarum Orientalium Prof. Publ. Ord. Augustissimo Regi a consiliis status, Ordinis Danebrogici equite,
postqvam data dextera de obseqvio et obedientia legibvs academicis conditis et condendis pariter ac magistratvi academico praestandis sanctissime fidem obstrinxit ALBO ACADEMICO inscriptvs
donatvs est Ferdinandus Jacobus Henricus Müller, Rostochiensis, Pharmaciae studiosus, hvivsqve rei has literas testes sigillo academico mvnitas manvqve rectoris svbscriptas accepit.
Datvm Kiliae Holsatorum A. D. xii. m. Maji a. MDCCCXLVI.
J. Olshausen, h. t.
hoc tempore.
Valet ad sexennivm.
May it turn out right happy and prosperous
Under the most august auspices of the most serene and powerful prince and lord, Lord Christian VIII, King of the Danes, Vandals and Goths, Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, Oldenburg and Lauenburg etc. etc. etc.
Under Justus Olshausen, doctor of philosophy, by state decree professor
Literally 'public ordinary professor', i.e. full professor ('ordinarius') entitled to give public lectures.
of oriental languages to the most august king, knight of the Dannebrog Order, rector of the Christian Albrecht University
after Ferdinand Jakob Heinrich Müller of Rostock, student of Pharmacy, had given his right hand and solemnly bound himself to obedience to and compliance with the academic laws established and to be established and equally to be enforced by the academic magistracy, he was entered into the Academic Register and presented with Citizenship of Letters of the University of Kiel and received as proof of this event this document reinforced with the academic seal and with a subscription in the hand of the rector.
Given at Kiel in Holstein, 12 May 1846.
(signed) J. Olshausen, Rector at this time.
Valid for six years.